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PLC Student Spotlight: Andrew Jacob

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PLC Student Spotlight: Andrew Jacob

March 8, 2024
PLC Student Andrew Jacob smiling in a black suit inside of Catlett Music Hall.

To Burr Scholar, Andrew Jacob (PLC 60), music goes beyond sound. It is a way to connect with others and bring people together.

Jacob’s love for music started at a young age when his parents enrolled him in piano lessons. What started as something his parents wanted him to do, quickly evolved into a passion for music of all kinds.

“In high school, I was a part of orchestra and band, and that's how I started being a part of music,” Jacob said.

From the piano to the flute, and even the clarinet, Jacob has picked up many instruments throughout the years; however, while he has always loved playing music, he found joy in composing pieces himself.

“In high school, I was so inspired by the music I played, that I started to compose music for fun. That’s when it turned into something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life,” he shared.

After discovering this passion, Jacob knew he wanted to continue composing music at OU. Now, he is a senior music composition major in the College of Fine Arts, with plans to attend grad school in the fall.

“I hope to become an educator and teach other people how to compose, but most importantly learn to love music,” Jacob said.

At the beginning of the fall semester, Jacob started Composers United, a new club at OU where composers can collaborate with performers to make pieces specifically for them to perform. The club has not only provided an outlet for his peers but has also forged meaningful connections among members. One of the members is a freshman in Jacob’s Burr group. During the PLC retreat, the two discussed their love for composing- now the Burr duo get to share their talents together.

Composers United recently had its first showcase, which premiered members’ original pieces that they have been working on throughout the entire semester.

“It was cool because it was our first one and we almost had a full house! It’s crazy to see how music can bring people together,” Jacob said.

Driven by his experience in PLC, Jacob emphasized the support and encouragement he received, fostering the confidence to initiate projects like Composers United.

“Each year, so many leaders from PLC start their own things and leave a strong legacy that positively impacts the OU community. It's cool that I got to start something and see so many people believe in it as well,” Jacob said. “PLC gave me the support and encouragement through the community to start an initiative like this.”

About President's Leadership Class

In 1961, the President's Leadership Class (PLC) was created to keep outstanding Oklahoma high school students in state for college. PLC has become one of the most recognized freshman leadership programs in the nation. For more information visit