Research in the Computational NeuroImaging and NeuroEngineering Laboratory at OU is to design, develop, and establish novel medical imaging technologies and engineering principles through the advancements in modeling and computational methods with the goals of advancing our capability in clinical diagnosis and treatment of human diseases and improving general healthcare. To accomplish the objective, we have focused on building the foundation of research in the following areas.
(I) to advance the capability of modern medical devices in probing biological signals limited by their physical specifications, such as accessible recording locations and acquisition speed, through novel signal acquisition schemes and computational data analysis;
(II) to improve the efficacy of current medical evaluation of human brain disorders and develop novel non-invasive diagnosis approaches via applying advanced computational methods and modeling biological phenomena at the network and/or system levels;
(III) to advance the capability of therapeutic medical devices in producing therapeutic effects by optimizing treatment targets, parameters, and procedures through closed-loop evaluations, and in creatingnovel therapeutic delivery options;
(IV) to design new neuroadaptive interfaces between the human and machines for assisting disabled patients and promoting mental health and safety in public workspaces and develop real-time neural interfacing systems for supporting neural intervention technologies that require real-time feedbacks.