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The Best Party On Campus!
OU College Republicans: the best party on campus!

The OU College Republicans is an 1800 member political club that recruits and mobilizes students to deliver votes and volunteers to Republican candidates.

Sparked by our world famous "Dubya is my homeboy" shirts, membership skyrocketed in the fall of 2004. We performed thousands of volunteer hours for Republican candidates in Norman, delivering critical votes and volunteers.

While 2005 was an off-year, College Republicans stayed hard at work. Last school year we hosted every Republican candidate for Governor, Lt. Governor and the Fifth Congressional District. We also hosted Senator Coburn and Congressman Cole.

In the spring of 2006 our light-hearted event Global Cooling Day generated national media coverage from Fox News and the Drudge Report, and local media coverage.

Today, the OU College Republicans have 1800 members and are gearing up to deliver votes and volunteers to the Republican Party. Join the party!