Oklahoma Transportation Library

The Oklahoma Transportation Library is home to over 18,000 items, most of which are available digitally.  Most of our materials are transportation-related, such as DOT and academic research reports.  We also carry other items of interest, including soil sample reports, an extensive map collection, and more. 

OTL is a closed collection, meaning only ODOT employees are allowed to check out physical materials.  However, OTL has digital copies of most of the items listed in the catalog.  If you find an item without a digital copy attached, please let us know and we can send you a digital copy upon request (copyright restrictions permitting).

Please email us at the address at the right for any broken links, missing documents, accessibility issues, or if you require special assistance.  If visiting, walk-ins are welcome.

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Example: 1973 - 2011 (Range)
Example: 2010 -        (Single year)
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Use Browse Search to browse indexes (e.g., Main Title, Subjects, All Authors, etc.). Browsing allows you to scroll through or reposition an index to the nearest matching entry. Indexes may also be searched to list entries beginning, containing, or ending with a letter, keyword, or phrase.

Use Advanced Search to search one or more fields simultaneously. Keywords or phrases may be searched. AND, OR, or AND NOT may be selected as the operator between searches.

Use Icon Search to perform a simple search by Author, Title, Subject, or all three fields. Keywords or phrases may be searched.