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Base of Treatable Water Map

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Base levels for Treatable Water in Oklahoma

The OWRB provides a contour map of these data here (pdf). The ODEQ provides a searchable, zoomable map of these contour data here.  When viewing the map, be sure to click the correct boxes, as shown below.

“Treatable water” in Oklahoma is subsurface water in its natural state, useful or potentially useful for drinking water for human consumption, domestic livestock, irrigation, industrial, municipal, and recreational purposes, and which will support aquatic life, and contains less than 10,000 mg/liter total dissolved solids or less than 5,000 ppm chlorides. Treatable water includes, but is not limited to, fresh water (pdf). The Oklahoma Water Resources Board has identified three Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan basins as likely candidates for increased reliance on marginal quality water supplies for nonpotable use.


