Geologic Mapping

Published Maps
The U.S. Geological Survey National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) is a Congressionally-mandated program that provides funding for making new accurate and digital geologic maps in the United States. The NCGMP includes three subprograms, FEDMAP, STATEMAP, and EDMAP, which are cooperative efforts between the U.S. Geological Survey and Federal, State, and university colleagues, respectively.
The STATEMAP program is a program in which individual State geological surveys compete for matching funds from the U.S. Geological Survey for geological mapping. The primary goal of the program is to develop a geologic framework in areas determined to be of important economic, social, or scientific interest to individual States.
Oklahoma’s STATEMAP plan consists of two goals:
- Detailed mapping at 1:24,000 scale in and around concentrated urban areas and their expanding suburbs that will help define potential hazards, soil types, aggregate resources, and groundwater aquifers.
- Regional mapping at 1:100,000 scale across the entire state. These areas are currently covered by good to poor mapping, all of which needs to be compiled, field checked, corrected, and digitized onto a single standardized topographic base. These smaller scale geologic maps will be used in ongoing compilation of a new 1:500,000 scale geologic map of Oklahoma.
Individual geologic maps produced by the STATEMAP program are published as Oklahoma Geologic Quadrangle (OGQ) maps.
To date, mapping of the Oklahoma City Metro Area has been completed, with twenty-five 1:24,000 scale and one 1:100,000 scale maps produced from this mapping. Mapping of the Tulsa Metro Area has also been completed, with nineteen 1:24,000 scale maps produced. Mapping of the Ada Metro Area is currently in progress, with three 1:24,000 scale maps produced so far. Additionally, twenty-two 1:100,000 maps that cover much of the western part of Oklahoma have been produced.
The following link provides a map showing the extent of mapping produced through the STATEMAP program to date.
The individual geologic maps produced by the STATEMAP program are available for free download on this website. Downloads available for each quadrangle map include (1) a PDF of the published map, (2) a ZIP file with ArcGIS geologic map data, and (3) a metadata document. Maps produced by the STATEMAP program are also available through Print-on-demand.
Before the STATEMAP program, OGQ maps were funded through the COGEOMAP program, which, like the STATEMAP program, was a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and State geological surveys.
The primary objective of the COGEOMAP program was to “promote new geologic mapping that meets high-priority Federal and State objectives (Reinhardt and Miller, 1987, p. 1)”. The OGS submitted proposals in collaboration with the Arkansas Geological Commission (now Arkansas Geological Survey) to map the Ouachita Mountains, and funding extended from October 1984 to June 1993. The goal of the Oklahoma part of the COGEOMAP program was to produce a series of detailed, 1:24,000 geologic maps across the northern part of the Ouachita fold-and-thrust belt and the extreme southern part of the Arkoma Basin. The purpose of the maps was to aid new resource (coal, natural gas) exploration and development efforts in the area.
Twenty-two individual geologic maps were produced as part of Oklahoma’s COGEOMAP program. These individual geologic maps are published as Oklahoma Geologic Quadrangle (OGQ) maps 1-22. They are available for free download as PDFs of author-prepared black-and-white photocopies. As part of the current STATEMAP Program, these Ouachita maps are being digitized in ArcGIS.
In Arkansas, ~178 maps were produced through the COGEOMAP program. A number of these maps are now digitized and can be found on the Arkansas Geological Survey’s mapping webpage.
References Cited
Reinhardt, J.; and Miller, D.M., 1987, COGEOMAP: a new era in cooperative geologic mapping: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1003, 12p. [abstract]
USGS National Geologic Map Database
The USGS maintains a database of geoscience-related maps called the National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB). The Oklahoma Geological Survey has entered many maps of Oklahoma, published both by the OGS and by other agencies, into this database. We strive to keep the NGMDB up-to-date for all Oklahoma geologic map publications. If you have a published geologic map of an area within Oklahoma that is not yet entered into the NGMDB, please contact