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Drosophila Information Service
Volume 97
General Announcements
New Books
Chyb, S. and N. Gompel, Atlas of Drosophila Morphology, reviewed by Lee Ehrman
Held, Lewis I, Jr.How the Snake Lost Its Legs: Curious Tales from the Frontier of Evo-Devo.
Retraction: Gurbuzel, M., 2009, Dros. Inf. Serv., volume 92.
Research Notes
Alvarez, E., L. Pino, C. Jara, M.C. Medina, F. Del Pino, and R. Godoy-Herrera. The development of hooks in larvae of the two isolates of Drosophila gaucha.
Bhattacharyya, D. Cannibalism and “partial carnivorism” in Drosophila sp. larvae.
Bitner-Mathe, B.C., J. Victorino, and F.S. Faria. Drosophila suzukii has been found in tropical Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil.
Craddock, E.M. Female reproductive traits of the model Hawaiian fly Drosophila grimshawi.
Davis, A.J.Drosophila suzukii larvae suppress Aspergillus nidulans growth particularly at high densities of larvae.
Deepashree, S., S. Niveditha, T. Shivanandappa, and S.R. Ramesh. Oxidative stress and longevity: Evidence from a long-lived strain of Drosophila melanogaster.
Del Pino, F., C. Jara, L. Pino, M.C. Medina, E. Alvarez, and R. Godoy-Herrera. Length of feeding breaks in larvae of six species of the mesophragmatica group of Drosophila.
Delprat, A., W.J. Etges, and A. Ruiz. Reanalysis of polytene chromosomes in Drosophila mojavensis populations from Santa Catalina Island, California, USA.
Di Gioacchino, V., T. Barwell, and L. Seroude. Genetic evidence for differential activities of GaO isoforms in Drosophila melanogaster.
Dilip, A.S., D.S. Pranesh Sujaymeendra, R. Alexander, K. Avinash, S. Phalke, and M. Jayashankar. First report of Drosophilid diversity in an ecotone adjoining Bannerghatta National Park (Karnataka, India.
Fartyal, R.S., M. Sarswat, N. Lhamo, P.C. Sati, and Asha. Records of Zaprionus indianus and Drosophila suzukii indicus as invasive fruit pests from mid valley region of Garhwal Uttarakhand, India.
Filipovic, L., S. Pavkovic-Lucic, and T. Savic. Adult sex ratio in Drosophila melanogaster developed in different nutritive conditions.
Garcia, A.C.L., J. Gomes da Silva, D.G. Silva, M.A. Montes, and C. Rhode. Monthly fluctuations in abundance of Drosophila willistoni and the relationship with rainfall in the northern region of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Held, L.I., Jr., S.A. Billingsley, and J.O. Munoz. Disabling Cdc-42 disrupts bristle patterning.
Hish, A.J., and M.A.F. Noor. Absence of strong signal of background selection affecting nucleotide diversity in Drosophila pseudoobscura.
Inoue, Y., and M. Watada. The frequency of In(3R)P from the Guam population of Drosophila melanogaster is the highest ever reported in the world.
Jara, C., S. Flores, L. Pino, M.C. Medina, E. Alvarez, F. Del Pino, and R. Godoy-Herrera.The natural breeding sites of Drosophila funebris in Chile.
Jayaramu, S.C. Reproductive advantage of middle aged females in monomorphic and polymorphic strains of Drosophila ananassae.
Jayaramu, S.C., and M. Prathibha. Greater fitness of middle aged females in monomorphic and polymorphic strains of Drosophila ananassae.
Kanamori, T., Y. Yasuno, M. Tomaru, and T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno.Reduced fertility of the Canton-S strain due to spermiogenic failure.
Krishna, M.S. Organically grown banana fruit effects on reproductive fitness of Porticella straiata.
Krishna, M.S.Age based male mate preference in Phorticella straita.
Krishna, M.S. Effect of nutritional regime on reproductive performance in Phorticella straiata.
Kumar, S., and A.K. Singh. Latitudinal clines of allozymes in Indian natural populations of Drosophila ananassae.
Maca, J.Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) found on the Greek island Crete.
Mittleman, B.E., A.B. Abrams, and M.A.F. Noor. Lack of evidence for directional selection on Sex combs reduced gene in Drosophila species differing in sex comb morphology.
Monteiro, L.S., W.B.M. Cabral, M.A. Montes, A.C.L. Garcia, and C. Rohde. Occurrence of the genus Zygothrica (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in a high-altitude forest in northeastern Brazil.
Neethu, B.K., Y.R. Babu, and B.P. Harini. Flavors supplemented in diet regulate the hatchability and viability in Drosophila.
Nicoladeli, A.T., H.R. Nunes, M.F. Ramirez, C.J. Cavalcante, C.J. Carvalho-Pinto, and D.C. De Toni. First register of Drosophila carcinophila at South America, Brazil.
Niveditha, S., S. Deepashree, S.R. Ramesh, and T. Shivanandappa. Relationship between gender difference in longevity and oxidative stress response in Drosophila melanogaster.
Pasha, M., G. Sanjeev, T. Shivanandappa, and S.R. Ramesh.Decalepis hamiltoni root extract protects against Gamma radiation toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster.
Paula, M.A., P.H.S. Lopes, and R. Tidon. First record of Drosophila suzukii in the Brazilian Savanna.
Pineda, L., C. Esteve, M. Pascual, and F. Mestres. New sample of drosophilids from the Font Groga site, Barcelona (Spain).
Pranesh Sujaymeendra, D.S., and B.P. Harini. First record of Drosophilids at Nandi Hills, South Karnataka, India.
Prathibha, M. Male age effect on mating success is independent of inversion system in Drosophila ananassae.
Prathibha, M., S.C. Jayaramu, and M.S. Krishna. Male age effect on fitness is independent of inversion system in Drosophila ananassae.
Ramesh, B.Y., B.K. Neethu, and B.P. Harini. Seasonal distribution of Drosophilids at Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Riya, P., H.B. Vasanth Patil, and B.Y. Sathish Kumar. Antistress ability of Myristrica fragrans (Japatrae) a nutmeg to detoxify reactive oxygen species in stress-induced Drosophila melanogaster.
Rossi, F., L.A. Quesada-Allue, and M.M. Perez. Comparison of ebony gene from three ebony mutants.
Savin, P., N. Prashanth, and M.S. Krishna. Biodiversity of Drosophilidae in Biligiriranga Hills wildlife sanctuary.
Schneider, D.I., H. Valadao, and R. Tidon. Parasitoid wasps in the Brazilian savanna: adding complexity to the Drosophila fruit system.
Sheaves, D.W., and B.E. Staveley. A novel GMR-Gal4 insertion produces a rough eye phenotype.
Srinath, B.S., and N. Shivanna.Drosophila fauna of Dharwad District with a report of Drosophila latifshahi from South India.
Wildemann, B., A.F. Maris, and C. De Toni. Newly recorded inversion and re-annotation of inversion breakpoints in Drosophila cardini species.
Wilson, D., B. Possidente, and H.V.B. Hirsch. Strain dependent effect of developmental lead exposure on mating latency in Drosophila melanogaster.
Zivanovic, G., C. Arenas, and F. Mestres. Chromosomal polymorphism of D. subobscura: no differences between wild males and sons of wild females.
Techniques Notes
Albanus, R.D., D.S. Lorberbaum, A.I. Ramos, and S. Barolo. Co-injected PhiC31 transgenes frequently produce multiple independent germline transformation events in a single D. melanogaster embryo.
Kliethermes, C. Assaying basal and ethanol-induced locomotion in flies using a custom built apparatus and freely available software.
Machado, S., J.P.J. dos Santos, L.J. Robe, and E.L. da Silva Loreto. An efficient and cheap entomological aspirator to collect mycophylic and anthophilic adult Drosophilidae flies.
Mata, R.A., G.A. Santos, M. Uehara-Prado, and R. Tidon. Improving sampling protocol for assessing drosophilid diversity: spatial independence and sample size.
Possidente, B., C. Norton, and D. Possidente. The Dover wild type strain and four derived isogenic lines.
Mutation Notes
Batista, M.R.D., V.M. Birsenek, F. Pradella, A.S. Farias, and L.B. Klaczko. New mutants of Drosophila mediopunctata.
Piergentili, R. Rediscovery and characterization of mus309[D1].
Singh, B.N., and A. Singh. A new mutation in Drosophila parabipectinata.
Tabios, M., L. Boell, and F.A. Reed. A new mutation of PDA synthase, sepia, isolated from wild Drosophila melanogaster.
Teaching Notes
Carr, J.C., J.M. Kiser, H.R. Clendenin, C.R. Santangelo, R.L. Tyo, and R.C. Woodruff.Drosophila melanogaster as a model system to measure the effect of inbreeding depression on the viability of offspring of first cousin matings.
Clendenin, H.R., C.R. Santangelo, R.L. Tyo, J.C. Carr, J.M. Kiser, and R.C. Woodruff. Genetic drift leading to losses or fixations of neutral alleles.
Kiser, J.M., J.C. Carr, H.R. Clendenin, C.R. Santangelo, R.L. Tyo, and R.C. Woodruff. Heterosis and the recovery of Drosophila melanogaster triplo-X females.
Lopez-Matas, M., M. Phillips, and B. Negre. Drosophila larval chemotaxis: A practical experiment for the introduction of young children to science.
Mestres, F., and C. Arenas. Study of linkage between miniature and singed genes in Drosophila melanogaster.
Santangelo, C.R., K.A. Knackstedt, H.B. Thorpe, J.M. Kiser, M.A. Balinski, and R.C. Woodruff. Genetic drift leading to fixation of the bw1 neutral allele of Drosophila melanogaster.
Other Reports