Drosophila Information Service
(Dros. Inf. Serv.)
Volume 89 (December 2006)
List of Contributions
General Announcements
Availability of the University of Texas Publications Dealing with Drosophila
Back Issues and Invoice
Call for Papers
Guide to Authors
New Books
King, R.C., Wm.D. Stansfield, and P.K. Mulligan. A Dictionary of Genetics, 7th Ed.
Research Notes
Araripe, L.O., N. Eckstrand, D. Hartl, and Y. Tao. Flanking regions of
P-elements inserted
in the 3rd chromosome of
Drosophila mauritiana.
D’Avila, M.F., E.L.S. Loreto, F.P. Torres, R.N. Garcia, and V.L.S. Valente. Molecular
investigation of
white-like mutants in
Drosophila willistoni.
De Toni, D.C., M.A. Loureiro, P.R.P. Hofmann, and V.L.S. Valente. Reference photomap of
the salivary gland polytene chromosomes of
Drosophila neomorpha (Streisinger, 1946).
Franco, F.F., A.L.H. Esguicero, E.C.C. Silva-Bernardi, F.M. Sene, and M.H. Manfrin.
Interspecific divergence in the wing morphology of females from cactophilic
species of
Drosophila buzzatii cluster.
Golubkova, E.V., S. Nokkala, and L. Mamon. The nuclear export factor gene
bristles (
sbr) is involved in the control of early embryonic mitoses in
Guru Prasad, B.R., and S.N. Hegde. Altitudinal and seasonal fluctuation of
fauna of Chamundi hill.
Guru Prasad, B.R., and S.N. Hegde. Altitudinal variation of morphometric traits of
Drosophila malerkotliana of Chamundi hill.
Hallman, C. Anecdotal example of a newly-eclosed female caught in copulation.
Haskins, M., and W.S. Stark. Drosophila melanogaster lack R7/8 mediated phototaxis
in mutants lacking rhodopsin in R1-6 photoreceptors in the compound eye.
Ilinsky, Y.Y., and I.K. Zakharov. Genetic correlation between types of mtDNA of
melanogaster and genotypes of its primary endosymbiont,
Ilinsky, Y.Y., and I.K. Zakharov. Wolbachia in populations of
Drosophila melanogaster.
Inoue, Y., and M. Watada. A new incipient polymorphic inversion, In(2R)O, in
melanogaster Japanese populations.
Kitagawa, H.T. Sequence analyses of the acid phosphatase gene (
Acph-1) from
D. virilis
and a comparison with the
Acph-2. Gene expression may be regulated by
repeated sequences.
Kondrashov, T.A., B. Hollis, D. Houle, and A.S. Kondrashov. Loss-of-function alleles
of the gene
garnet appear to be lethal.
Morgan, E., and R.C. Woodruff. A significant increase in the rate of new deleterious
mutations following interspecies crowding of
Drosophila melanogaster by
Munoz-Descalzo, S., Y. Belacortu, and N. Paricio. Phenotypic analysis of
split ends (
overexpression in
Ortiz-Barrientos, D., E.T. Watson, and M.A.F. Noor. Ethanol attraction and survival in
Drosophila pseudoobscura.
Perez, M.M., J. Schachter, and L.A. Quesada-Allue. Different response to infection in
Drosophila melanogaster,
Ceratitis capitata, and
Tenebrio molitor.
Perez, M., A. Rabossi, J. Schachter, L. Pujol-Lereis, A. Filiberti, C.E. Argarana, and
L.A. Quesada-Allue. Cuticle sclerotization in pharate adult and imago of
Ceratitis capitata, and
Haematobia irritans.
Petersen, N.S., E. Karina, and K. Manninen. CG32130,
starvin, is expressed as a heat
shock gene in
Drosophila melanogaster.
Prado, P.R.R., M.H. Manfrin, L.F. Costa, and F.M. Sene. Courtship sound analysis in
Drosophila mercatorum subspecies.
Pujol-Lereis, L., A. Rabossi, A. Filiberti, C.E. Argarana, and L.A. Quesada-Allue.
D. melanogaster and
Haematobia irritans are more sensitive to Phloxine B
phototoxicity than
Ceratitis capitata.
Ramos, R., and J. Mohler. Hyperexpression of the C subunit of CCAAT-box binding factor
NF-Y specifically blocks
ci transcription in the
Drosophila wing imaginal disk.
Roque, F., R. Figueiredo, and R. Tidon. Nine new records of drosophilids in the Brazilian
Sidorov, R.A., K.I. Kirsanov, E.G. Ugnivenko, E.M. Khovanova, and G.A. Belitsky.
Pifithrin-β potentiates somatic mutagenesis and tumor growth in
D. melanogaster.
Sosin, D.V., O.V. Kretova, and N.A. Tchurikov. The identification of a silencer element
in the
cut locus of
Drosophila melanogaster located 73 and 96 kb upstream from
the promoters of the locus.
Soto, I., C. Corio, J.J. Fanara, and E. Hasson. First record of
Zaprionus indianus Gupta,
1970 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in Argentina.
Upadhyay, K., and B.K. Singh. Drosophilid fauna so far described and recorded from
Kumaon region, Uttaranchal, India.
Upadhyay, K., and B.K. Singh. Variation in abdominal pigmentation pattern of
angulata Singh, Dash and Fartyal from Kumaon region, India.
Vaulin, O.V., and I.K. Zakharov. Nucleotide sequence variability of
Adh gene of
melanogaster in the populations of Eurasia.
Vaulin, O.V., T.Y. Zharikov, L.I. Gunderina, and I.K. Zakharov. Variability and
differentiation of genomic DNA in the
Drosophila melanogaster populations of Russia and Ukraine.
Technique Notes
Bussel, I. Population cage recombination techniques.
Cao, J., B.J. Pellock, K. White, and L.A. Raftery. A commercial phospho-Smad antibody detects endogenous BMP signaling in
Drosophila tissues.
DiMario, P., R. Rosby, and Z. Cui. Direct visualization of GFP-fusion proteins on polytene chromosomes.
Graham, P., J. Thompson, K. Griswold, P. Schedl, and R. Pulak. Sorting and collecting females from males at high speed.
Katewa, S.D., R.G. Melvin, and J.W.O. Ballard. Comparison of methods and body parts for estimation of hydrogen peroxide production by isolated mitochondria from
Drosophila simulans.
Mitchell, K.J., and B.E. Staveley. Protocol for the detection and analysis of cell death in the adult
Drosophila brain.
Piergentili, R. A simple method to prepare DNA fibres in the male germ line.
Roberts, J.F., and C.-Q. Lai. A method for collecting dead flies from a vial containing live flies, without anesthetization.
Sorrentino, R.P., and R.A. Schulz. A protocol for determining circulating hemocyte concentration of individual tumorous
Drosophila larvae.
Stute, C., D. Kesper, A. Holz, D. Buttgereit, and R. Renkawitz-Pohl. Establishment of cell type specific Gal4-driver lines for the mesoderm of
Mutation Notes
Arauz, P.A., E. Salo, F. Mestres, and L. Serra. New wing and eye mutations in
D. subobscura.
Fisher, B., B. Pfeiffer, R. Weiszmann, P. Spellman, J. Gray, and S. Celniker. Cell lethal mutations associated with the
Drosophila homolog of CRK-7.
O’Brien, J., and S. Mazzalupo. Two new mutants from an EMS screen of
D. erecta.
Orgogozo, V., and D.L. Stern. Thirty-three new mutations in
D. simulans.
Teaching Notes
Thompson, J.N., jr., C.N. Hallman, J.J. Hellack, and R.C. Woodruff. Measuring natural selection using alcohol dehydrogenase alleles.
Zhang, M., and R.C. Woodruff. Confirmation of the Bateman’s principle: a sexual selection exercise.
Other Reports
47th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Houston, Texas
The Drosophila Board