on female remating, sperm storage, and sperm competition in Drosophila.
Singh, S.R., and B.N. Singh*. Genetics
Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221
005, India. *E-mail: bnsingh@banaras.ernet.in
This bibliography includes the papers published
on female remating, sperm storage, sperm competition and its consequences
such as sperm precedence or sperm displacement with role of male accessory
gland fluids in female remating in several species of Drosophila.
Female remating is fundamental to evolutionary biology as it determines the
pattern of sexual selection and sexual conflict. Remating in females is an
important component of Drosophila mating
systems, because females store the sperm after mating in the spermathecae
and ventral receptacles and utilize them to fertilize eggs as they are laid.
The phenomenon of remating by females is a prerequisite for the occurrence
of sperm competition between males. The total impact of sperm competition
on male fitness and significant effect of remating on the fitness of female,
combine to make an excellent example of sexual selection. However, the abstracts
of symposia and conferences have not been included. In this bibliography we
have tried to cover the literature on female remating, sperm storage and sperm
competition up to April 2002. We apologize to the readers for inadvertent
omission of any paper. One (SRS) of the authors thanks the CSIR, New Delhi
for the award of Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) to him.
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Bressac, C. A. Fleury and D. Lachaise. 1994. Another way of being anisogamous in Drosophila subgenus species: Giant sperm, one to one gamete ratio, and high zygote provisioning. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 91: 10399-10402.
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Bundgaard, J. and F. B. Christiansen. 1972. Dynamics polymorphism. I. Selection components in an experimental population of D. melanogaster. Genetics 71: 439-460.
_____, J. and J. S. F. Barker. 2000. Remating, sperm transfer, and sperm displacement in cactophilic species D. buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 71: 145-164.
Chapman, T. 2001. Seminal fluid-mediated fitness traits in Drosophila. Heredity 87: 511-521.
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______, D. M. Neubaum, M. T. Wolfner and L. Partridge. 2000. The role of male accessory gland protein Acp 36DE in sperm competition in D. melanogaster. Proc. Royl. Soc. London Ser B. 267: 1097-1105.
______, L. F. Liddle, J. M. Kalb, M. F. Wolfner and L. Partridge. 1995. Cost of mating in D. melanogaster females is mediated by male accessory gland products. Nature 373: 241-244.
______, S. Trevitt and L. Partridge. 1994. Remating and male derived nutrients in D. melanogaster. J. Evol. Biol. 7: 51-69.
Chen, P. S. 1984. The functional morphology and biochemistry of male accessory gland and their secretion. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 29: 233-255.
______. 1996. The accessory gland proteins in male Drosophila: structural, reproductive and evolutionary aspects. Experientia 52: 503-510.
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Childress, D. and D. L. Hartl. 1972. Sperm preference in D. melanogaster. Genetics 71: 417-427.
Civetta, A. 1999. Direct visualization of sperm competition and sperm storage in Drosophila. Curr. Biol. 9: 841-844.
______, and A. G. Clark. 2000a. Chromosomal effects on male and female components of sperm precedence in Drosophila. Genet. Res. 75: 143-151.
_______, and ______. 2000b. Correlated effects of sperm competition and postmating female mortality. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 13162-13165.
Civetta, A. H. M. Waldrip-Dail and A. G. Clark. 2002. An introgression approach to mapping differences in mating success and sperm competitive ability in Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia. Genet. Res. 79: 65-74.
Clark, A. G. 2002. Sperm competition and the maintenance of polymorphism. Heredity 88: 148-153.
______, and D. J. Begun. 1998. Female genotypes affect sperm displacement in Drosophila. Genetics 149: 1487-1493.
______, ______, and T. Prout. 1999. Female x male interaction in Drosophila sperm competition. Science 283: 217-220.
_______,, E. T. Dermitzakis and A. Civetta. 2000. Nontransitivity of sperm precedence in Drosophila. Evolution 54: 1030-1035.
_______, M. Aguade, T. Prout, L. G. Harshman and C. H. Langley. 1995. Variation in sperm displacement and its association with accessory gland protein loci in D. melanogaster. Genetics 139: 189-201.
Cobbs, G. 1977 Multiple insemination and male sexual selection in natural population of D. pseudoobscura. Am. Nat. 111: 641-656.
Craddock, E. M. and W. E. Johnson. 1978. Multiple insemination in natural populations of D. silvestris. Dros. Inf. Serv. 53: 138-139.
Curtsinger, J. W. 1991. Sperm competition and evolution of multiple mating. Am. Nat. 138: 93-102.
De Vries, J. K. 1964. Insemination and sperm storage in Drosophila. Evolution 18: 271-282.
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Etges, W. J. and W. B. Heed. 1992. Remating effects on the genetic structure of female life histories in populations of D. mojavensis. Heredity 68: 515-528.
Fan, Y., A. Rafaeli, P. Moshitzky, E. Kubli, Y. Choffat and S. W. Applebaum. 2000. Common funtional elements of D. melanogaster seminal peptides involved in reproduction of D. melanogaster and H. armigera. Insect Bioch. Mol. Biol. 30: 805-812.
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Fukui, H. H. and M. H. Gromko. 1989. Female receptivity to remating and early fecundity in D. melanogaster. Evolution 43: 1311-1315.
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Fuyama, Y. 1995. Genetic evidence that ovulation reduces sexual receptivity in D. melanogaster females. Behav. Genet. 25: 581-587.
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Gilbert, D. G. 1981a. Sperm counts and initial sperm storage in D. melanogaster. Dros. Inf. Serv. 56: 46-47.
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