The use of fluctuating
asymmetry and phenotypic variability as indicators of developmental instability
– testing maternal effect employing clonal organisms.
Redeker, Sisse1,2, Anni Røgilds1, Ditte Holm Andersen1,2,4, Torsten Nygård Kristensen1,3, Cino Pertoldi1,2, and Volker Loeschcke1. 1Department of Ecology and Genetics, University of Aarhus, Building 540, Ny Munkegade, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; 2Department of Landscape Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute, Kalø Grenåvej 14, DK-8410 Rønde, Denmark; 3Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark; 4Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica Sperimentale, Via Selmi 3, I-40126 Bologna, Italy.
The impact of maternal effects on developmental
stability (DS) was investigated in Drosophila mercatorum by measuring fluctuating asymmetry
(FA) and phenotypic variability (Vp). Maternal effects are normally difficult
to estimate, as both genetic and environmental components
affect the phenotype; however, by using a homozygous parthenogenetic strain
of D. mercatorum, we could exclude
any genetic variance among the individuals. In order to estimate the amount
of environmental variance (Venv) in a monoclonal population a new methodology
was used. The impact of the maternal environment on FA and Vp for three wing
traits was measured in the progeny. This new method has been applied for quantifying
the produced "bias" of Venv on FA and Vp and may give insight into
why non-reproducible results have been obtained in DS studies so far. The
maternal flies were treated in a water bath at different temperatures (36°C, 37°C, 38°C and 25°C as control temperature). The results
showed a tendency towards an increase of FA and Vp for all three traits in
the progeny from mothers being stressed at high temperatures. This shows maternal effects for temperature
stress resulting in an increased developmental instability (DI) in the offspring
of heatstressed mothers.
Much effort has been made to separate
the impact of environmental components from genetic components in the expression
of a phenotype. Investigations have shown that a mother (or father) can influence
the phenotype of their offspring by inherited environmental effects, that
is those components of the phenotype that are derived from the parent, apart from nuclear genes (Rossiter,
1996). This environmental effect is also called the maternal effect because
it is mostly transmitted from the mother by cytoplasmic genes (mitochondria
or plastids) which are present in the egg but not in the sperm from the father,
although exceptions occur (Rossiter, 1996).
Stress may constitute an important
part of the environment of many living organisms, and has been shown, in several
investigations, to affect DS (Zakharov, 1992). DS refers to the ability of
an organism to buffer its developmental processes against environmental and
genetic disturbances and ensures common developmental outcomes under specified
conditions (Zakharov, 1992).
The aim of this investigation is to measure the impact of maternal
effect on FA and Vp in the progeny from mothers stressed at various temperatures.
To measure the maternal effect by the use of FA and Vp, the genetic and environmental
variance among the progeny must be eliminated. This was possible by using
a parthenogenetic strain of D. mercatorum, which is totally homozygous (pronuclear duplication) (Templeton et al., 1976). Therefore the genetic variance
(Vg) among the individuals is eliminated (Vg = 0). To minimise Venv the progeny
were exposed to identical conditions. If differences in FA and Vp are observed
between offspring from mothers tested at different temperatures this can only
be due to maternal effects or due to Venv as Vg = 0. As both FA and Vp are
affected by the Venv, another aim of this investigation is to check if the
experimental conditions allow us to consider Venv as nonsignificant. This
was possible by measuring the covariation (cov) between the right (r) and
left (l) sides of bilateral traits (for a description of this method see Pertoldi
et al., 2001).
design: The investigation
was performed by the use of a parthenogenetic strain of D. mercatorum which is totally homozygous, due to their way of reproducing (Templeton
et al., 1976). The strain originates from a single individual belonging to stock
flies used for the experiment were transferred to new vials each containing
15 flies when they were 48 hours old. These flies were stressed in a water
bath for 30 min twice a day, at a 12 hour interval, for four days. Before
each stress period the stoppers were moistened to eliminate any desiccation
during stress exposure. The temperatures of the water baths were 36°C, 37°C or 38°C, and a control
temperature was at 25°C. These temperatures are known to have an
impact on fitness in D. mercatorum (Kristensen, pers.comm.).
Four days after the last water bath treatment the surviving flies were
transferred to new vials, to make sure that all eggs were laid after the mothers
had been exposed to all eight stress periods.
density was kept constant with 15 flies in each vial. There can, however,
be a difference in the conditions under which the
progeny developed, due to differences in the number of larvae between the
four temperatures. This may produce stress among the larvae, due to lack of
the group feeding "facilitation effect" (Bundgaard et al., unpublished). This effect arises from the fact,
that there need to be a certain amount of larvae to penetrate the media sufficiently.
Between vial differences in the number of larvae also result in different
concentrations of waste products in the vials as well as differences in the
level of crowding.
the flies hatched within the first three days were used for phenotypic measurements,
as these flies have been exposed to the lowest amount of stress caused by
waste products and crowding. For each temperature approximately 120 flies
were collected. This, however, does not relate to the progeny from mothers
stressed at 38°C.
These were collected in a period of six days and only 35 flies were obtained.
The wings were removed and placed in a droplet of
lactic acid, on a microscope slide and covered with a cover slip. The wings
were measured by using a camera attached to a dissecting microscope and a
Machintosch computer, and by the use of the software package object image
1.62p (Vischer, 2000). By using three landmarks, we measured three wing traits
on each wing (see Figure 1).
Statistical properties of FA:
Three types of asymmetry are known: directional asymmetry
(DA), antisymmetry (AS), and true FA, which is characterized by a normal distribution
of (r-l) characters with a mean of zero (Palmer
and Strobeck, 1986). When measuring FA in populations, it is important to
test for DA and AS, to be sure that the deviations found in a given trait
is true FA. FA distributions for the three wing traits were inspected graphically
for normality and AS. No deviation from true FA were found. Skewness and kurtosis
were tested for deviations following D’Agostino (Zar, 1999).
In 80% of the FA distributions investigated we found significant deviations
from normality (results not shown), due to a significant positive kurtosis.
The graphical inspections confirmed that the deviations from normality were
due to leptokurtic distributions of the FA values. Testing for DA was done
by a one-sample t-test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981) for significant deviation
of the mean value of (r-l) from zero. No significant DA was detected. (results
not shown). Because of the large number of tests conducted in the following analyses
a sequential Bonferroni test was applied (Rice, 1989).
Table 1. Levene’s
test for comparing the length ab, ac and bc and the fluctuating asymmetry
of the mean length (ab, ac and bc) within
the different temperatures. The table also shows the Scheffe’s
F - test for multiple comparisons.
Traits |
25 °C Mean±SD(n) |
36°C Mean±SD(n) |
37 °C Mean±SD(n) |
38 °C Mean±SD(n) |
Source of variation |
df |
Mean square |
Levene's test (F
value) |
P |
Scheffe's F-test |
length ab |
1.133±0.038(105) |
1.133±0.154 (105) |
1.134±0.03 (106) |
1.118±0.053(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.002 0.008 |
0.263 |
ns. |
length ac |
1.148±0.028(105) |
1.137±0.196(105) |
1.168±0.161(106) |
1.297±0.442(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.212 0.036 |
5.808 |
*** |
(38°C>25°C)*, (38°C>36°C)*, (38°C>36°C)*, (38°C>37°C)* |
length bc |
1.786±0.053(105) |
1.748±0.033(105) |
1.798±0.037(106) |
1.796±0.038(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.052 0.002 |
29.491 |
*** |
(25°C>36°C)*, (37°C>36°C)*, (36°C>25°C)*, (38°C>36°C)* |
Mean FA |
0.02±0.021(105) |
0.044±0.131(105) |
0.031±0.099(106) |
0.098±0.225(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.051 0.012 |
4.066 |
** |
(38°C>25°C)*, (38°C>37°C)* |
FA of length ab |
0.018±0.026(105) |
0.049±0.161(105) |
0.023±0.083(106) |
0.063±0.199(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.028 0.014 |
2.11 |
ns. |
FA of length ac |
0.018±0.014(105) |
0.068±0.278(105) |
0.056±0.232(106) |
0.175±0.444(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.197 0.057 |
3.478 |
* |
(38°C>25°C)* |
FA of length bc |
0.023±0.04(105) |
0.015±0.012(105) |
0.015±0.011(106) |
0.057±0.219(30) |
Between Within |
3 342 |
0.016 0.005 |
3.398 |
* |
(38°C>36°C)*, (38°C>37°C)* |
= *.,P<0.01 = **, P<0.001 = ***
and maternal stress temperature: FA was calculated for the three wing traits as the absolute
differences in value between each bilateral pair of traits (r-l) (FA1 following
Palmer, 1994). No significant correlations among wing traits FA at the individual
level were found (results not shown). Therefore, also the mean FA value of
the three wing traits for each group of progeny from mothers exposed to the
four different temperatures was calculated. A Levene’s test (Zar, 1999) was conducted
to test if the absolute values of traits FA and the mean FA value were significantly
different among the different temperatures. A multiple comparison test among the progeny from each
maternal temperature treatment was made with a Scheffé
F-test (Zar,
and maternal stress temperature: Vp was measured as the variance of the length of the
three wing traits on the right wing. An
F-test was conducted to compare Vp of the three wing traits from progeny
from each group of maternal stress temperature with Vp of progeny from mothers
of the control group.
Wing size and maternal
stress temperature: The length of the three
wing traits was measured on the right wing. Tests for significant changes
in mean value were performed by a Levene´s test and multiple comparison tests were made with a Scheffé F-test (Zar, 1999).
variability: To calculate the produced "bias" on FA and Vp produced
by the presence of Venv the 2cov(r,l) were calculated for each trait and for
each temperature treatment.
FA and maternal stress temperature: The Scheffe’s F-test showed significant effects of test treatment temperature on mean FA measured in all three traits. Mean FA in progeny from mothers exposed to 38°C had higher FA when compared to progeny from the mothers exposed to control conditions (25°C) and mothers exposed to 37°C (Table 1).
The Scheffe´s F-test showed significant changes among the mean
FA for each of the three traits, with a significant increase in FA for trait
ac in progeny from mothers exposed to 38°C compared to progeny from mothers exposed to 25°C. For trait bc an increase in FA for progeny from mothers exposed
to 38°C where found when compared to progeny
from mothers exposed to 36°C and 37°C (Table
Vp and maternal stress temperature: The pairwise comparisons (F-test) of the variance of the length of the three wing traits on the
right wing, showed generally a significant difference in Vp between offspring
from temperature stressed mothers and offspring from the control group (Table
2). For trait ab and ac we found some significant increases of Vp with increasing
stress temperature, whereas for trait bc we found a significant decrease of
Vp at 36°C and
37°C compared to the control temperature.
Wing size and maternal stress temperature: Significant
difference in mean length of the three wing traits between the four temperatures
was found. However, there was no tendency of a reduction in the traits with
increasing temperature treatments of the mothers (Table 1).
FA and maternal stress temperature:
The finding of an increase of FA in
the progeny from females stressed at the highest temperatures compared to
females being stressed at lower temperatures or exposed to control conditions
indicates that the stress put upon the mothers has a negative effect on the
progeny. This can be seen by a decrease in DS. The level of FA measured in
this investigation is, however, an under-estimation of the real FA level,
due to the presence of Venv measured as the cov between the r and l side (Table
and maternal stress temperature: The fact that no linear relationship between Vp and
temperature was found could be due to the uncontrolled effect of Venv affecting
the phenotype (in trait ab and ac). Another reason could be that the range
of variability of Vp in wing trait length is too narrow. The narrow range
could be due to the absence of Vg which, if present, would introduce an additional
source of variability and thereby increase Vp. From Table 2 it is also clear
that every time cov is positive, the relative "bias" is high as
compared to the Vp value. From positive values of
cov it is obvious that environmental variance is present among individuals
and that in all but one case it acts to increase Vp (Table 2). However, the
bias produced by Venv on Vp should only affect the pairwise comparions in
two cases (Table 2).
The results show that by stressing the maternal flies, there
is a tendency to produce offspring which are phenotypically more diverse (Table
2). This can only be caused by maternal effect. Wing measures are positively
correlated to life history traits, because the symmetry of the wing traits
probably is under direct selection for aerodynamic stability (Woods et
al., 1999). Generally characters more
closely related to fitness are expected to be better buffered against developmental
disturbances (Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). However, in our investigation the
stress put upon the mothers is sufficient
to affect the development of canalised traits (the wing traits) in their offspring,
by increasing the Vp among the offspring. An explanation for the increase
in Vp in progeny from temperature stressed females can be due to the presence
of Venv. Another factor contributing to the
increased Vp could be a disruption of the environmental canalisation process.
Environmental canalisation can be interpreted as: Vp = Va + Vna + Venv, with
Va being the additive genetic variance and Vna non-additive genetic variance
(Debat and David, 2001)..
Wing size and maternal stress temperature:
An explanation for the significantly
longer wing size in progeny from mothers stressed at 38°C
in the length ac could be that there has been some kind of maternal selection
among the progeny (Kirkpatrick and Lande, 1989).
In spite of the fact that the flies are parthenogenetic and totally homozygous,
maybe the few surviving progeny at 38°C were better able to cope with the
stress due to non-mendelian inheritance.
Overall in the experiment there seems
to be no connection between wing size in the progeny and the stress level
at which the mothers were exposed.
Environmental variability: Evidence was found for the presence of Venv at
several temperature treatments and in the different traits (Table 2). This
is interesting because it was attempted to reduce Venv as much as possible.
The absence of a clear pattern between increasing maternal stress and Venv
can only be explained by the unpredictability and complexity of Venv.
Table 2. Stress temperatures and total phenotypic variance
(Vp) with their respective p-values which indicate the significance
of the F-test of the pairwise comparisons of the variances at the
different stressing temperatures, versus the variances at the control
temperature (25 °C). The Venv values are calculated as 2cov(r,l).
The sign (+) indicates a higher variance of the numerator as compared
to control temperature, the sign (-) indicates a higher variance of
the control temperature.
p < 0.001 = ***, " = results no longer significant
after Bonferroni's correction (k = 9). |
temperature stress experienced by the mothers clearly affects FA and Vp in
the progeny. This environmental effect is transferred to the
progeny through maternal effects, which shows that
Vp and FA can be used in the study of maternal effects.
Two types of maternal effect are known,
positive maternal effect (offspring resembling their mothers) and negative
maternal effect (offspring not resembling their mothers) (Palmer, 1996), which
are both found in this investigation. Mothers surviving the high temperature
stress on average get offspring with higher DI. The type of maternal effect
can influence population dynamics. Positive maternal effect will act similarly
to additive genetic effects. This may be important for small populations with
a very low effective population size (Ne). Small
populations are not able to respond to environmental changes in an evolutionary
way as they are governed by drift and mutation and not selective forces. A
positive maternal effect can therefore be very important for future adaptations
to environmental changes in populations where selection is not effective
Negative effects may produce offspring
maladapted for the environmental conditions for which their mothers were selected
(Boonstra and Hochacke, 1997). The negative maternal effect found in
this investigation is an expression of the environmental stress the maternal
population has been exposed to and can be used as an instrument to predict
future survival of the population. If a population is living in a slowly changing
environment, a positive maternal effect is advantageous, due to an evolutionary
adaptation. However, if a population is living in a stochastically changing
environment a negative maternal effect can ensure the survival of some progeny
in future generations. This might be the case for populations living in fragmented and
disturbed habitats since individuals with
phenotypically variable offspring are more likely to leave at least some survivors
every generation in environments that vary in time and space (Cullum, 2000).
Future directions: It is well known from quantitative genetics how
biased the estimates of Venv and Vg may be. As a consequence, also the heritability
(broad and narrow sense and realised heritability) estimates are biased. Furthermore,
Vg can probably never be considered zero in sexually reproducing populations,
even when working with inbred isofemale lines. It has also been hypothesised
that the level of Vg may change with environmental conditions (Hoffmann and
Parsons, 1991). Together with the amount of epistatic interactions this contributes
to further complexity.
The method proposed here and in Pertoldi
et al. (2001)
for partitioning out the different components of Vp is expected to increase
the value of FA and Vp as indicators of environmental stress. From this study,
however, it has become clear that the exact amount of a DS of a group of individuals
can only be precisely estimated for traits considered singularly. Furthermore
it is necessary to be aware that the method used here for correcting the "bias"
produced by Venv on the two estimators of DS operates on the mean value of
DS of the individuals. This is important as the differences in DS among individuals
are due to the fact that they have experienced different microenvironments
during development.
In the future it would also be interesting
to follow the maternal effect for several generations to see if the effect
is carried on for more than two generations.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the Danish Natural Science Research Council for financial support to CP and VL (grant no 21-01-0526).
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