Drosophila Information Service
Volume 45 (February 1970)
Research Notes
Adamkewicz, S.L. and R. Milkman. Apparent heterosis in the second chromosome of D. melanogaster.
Allen, A.C. Lethal frequencies in laboratory populations of D. melanogaster.
Angus, D.S. D. quadrilineata from Mt. Maquiling, Luzon, Philippines.
Angus, D.S. The relationship of two sibling species within the quadrilineataspecies group of Drosophila.
Anxolabehere, D. and G. Periquet. Cold resistance in D. melanogaster and its ecological implications.
Armstrong, C.E. A thermostability study of octanol dehydrogenase isozymes inD. metzii and D. pellewae.
Bahn, E. Restoration of fertility of the female sterile mutant rudimentary onpyrimidine enriched culture medium.
Baimai, V. D. montium from Mt. Maquiling, Luzon, Philippines.
Bairati, A. and M.E. Perotti. Occurrence of a compact plug in the genital duct ofDrosophila females after mating.
Bakula, M. Beta-galactosidase activity in axenic and nonaxenic adults of D. melanogaster.
Baldwin, D.C. The frequency of inversion sequences in D. pseudoobscura in southern Arizona.
Banerjee, M. and A.S. Mukherjee. Effect of split-dose X-irradiation on fractional mutations in D. melanogaster: Preliminary results.
Barr, H.J. Analysis of a putatively bb lethal Y chromosome.
Barthelmess, I.B. and F.W. Robertson. Quantitative relations between variation inred eye pigment and related pteridine compounds in D. melanogaster.
Basden, E.B. A systematic catalogue of world Drosophilidae.
Basden, E.B. D. mycethophila Goureau and D. testacea Coureau.
Bennett, J. and M.A. Walke. Behavioral correlates of the w,w+ gene substitution.
Bos, M. The influence of disruptive selection on body size in D. melanogaster.
Blaney, W.M. Some observations on the sperm tail of D. melanogaster.
Brosseau, G.E., Jr. V-type position effects for e+ and ro+ in Drosophila.
Browning, L.S. A radiation dose rate effect occurring in developing reproductive cells of male Drosophila.
Browning, L.S. Recessive lethals produced during oogenesis in D. melanogaster by ethyl methanesulfonate.
Burdette, W.J. and J.E. Carver. Frequency of tumors in several laboratory stocks of D. melanogaster.
Burdette, W.J. and J.E. Carver. Tumors in Drosophila following treatment with oncogenic viruses.
Chen, P.S. and R. Bühler. Further studies of the paragonial substance in D. melanogaster.
Cook, R.M. Control of fecundity in D. melanogaster.
Crossley, S. Mating reactions of certain mutants.
David, J. and R. Ramousse. Quantitative evaluation of liquid food intake by Drosophila.
del Solar, E. Behavior in selected gregarious lines in D. pseudoobscura.
del Solar, E. Choice of oviposition sites by D. pseudoobscura females among areas with different number of eggs.
Dews, D. A model for frequency-dependent mating success.
Elens, A.A. and J.M. Wattiaux. Influence of light intensity on mating propensityof D. ambigua and D. subobscura.
Ellison, J.R. and N.A. Granhoim. Multi-stranded nucleolar DNA in polytene salivary gland cells of Samoaialeonensis Wheeler (Drosophilidae).
Enns, R.E. Segregation in males with XY-X chromosomes with and without free Y’sand the segregation distorter chromosome, SD-72.
Erk, F.C. and H.V. Samis, Jr. Light regimens and longevity.
Esposito, V.M. and V. Ulrich. Characterization of D. melanogaster.
Fahmy, O.G. and M.J. Fahmy. Design for testing specific mutability at the bobbed locus.
Fahrig, R. The influence of temperature upon the concentration of the free amino acids of D. melanogaster.
Falk, R. Evidence against the one-to-one correspondence between bands of thesalivary gland chromosomes and genes.
Faltus, F. and H. Oberlander. Ecdysone induced differentiation of pulsating regions in genital imaginal disks after culture in vivo.
Félix, R., J. Ramirez, V.M. Salceda, and A. de Garay Arellano. Effect of butylatedhydroxytoluene on the mean life span of D. melanogaster.
Fuller, C.W. and E.W. Hanly. Glutamine synthetase activity in D. melanogaster.
Gateff, E. and H.A. Schneiderman. Long term preservation of imaginal disc cell lines at low temperature.
Gearhart, J. Quantitation of drosopterins in Lobed2 eyes of D. melanogaster.
Gehring, W. A recessive lethal (1(4)29) with a homeotic effect in D. melanogaster.
Gerdes, R.A. Sex-linked recessive lethal test with hydrogen fluoride inD. melanogaster.
Gethman, R.C. An age dependent, polarized effect on crossing over.
Götz, K.G. Fractionation of Drosophila populations according to optomoter traits.
Grant, B.S. and W.L. Harrison. Selection on the eclosion rhythm of D. melanogaster.
Grossfield, J. Crossing over between white alleles of D. auraria.
Gupta, J.P. and S.P. Ray-.Chaudhuri. Collection records of Drosophila speciescollected from a forest, 45 miles SE of Varanasi, India, (July 1965 -March 1966).
Guzmán, J., R. Félix and J. Ramirez. Effects of pre-treatment with Serotonin-Creatinine Sulfate Complex on the radiation-induced frequencies of X chromosomeloss, recessive lethals and II-III translocations in D. melanogaster males.
Gvozdev, V.A., V.J. Birstein and L.Z. Faizullin. Gene dependent regulation of6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity of D. melanogaster.
Gvozdev, V.A. and V.T. Kakpakov. Establishment of female embryonic cell sublinesof D. melanogaster in vitro.
Hall, J.C. Non-independence of primary non-disjunction for the sex and fourthchromosomes in D. melanogaster.
Hanks, G.D. Frequency changes of marked Y chromosomes with RD background.
Hanks, G.D. General inverse relationship between percentage of females and progeny number.
Hihara, F. On the first sternite bristles of D. busckii.
Hihara, Y.K. Temperature sensitivity of the suppressor of SD action inD. melanogaster.
Hughes, M. and M.P. Kambysellis. Effects of ecdysone on RNA synthesis.
Hunt, D.M. A comparison of the effect of acid amides supplemented to yeasted andsterile synthetic culture on the expression of the bar phenotype.
Hunter, A.S. Drosophila of Venezuela.
Kaneshiro, K. and M.R. Wheeler. Preliminary report on the species of the ananassae subgroup.
Kaufmann, B.P. and H. Gay. A single second chromosome carrying both the Cy and Pmmarkers resulting from crossing over between the In(2LR)SM1 Cy and the In(2LR)Pm second chromosomes of D. melanogaster.
Kezer, J. Observations on salamander spermatocyte chromosomes during the first meiotic division.
Kinross, J. and A. Robertson. Egg laying and survival rates in population cages of D. melanogaster.
Krimbas, C.B., E. Diamantopoulou and M. Loukas. Evidence on the absence of selective neutrality in isozyme alleles of Lap and Est loci in D. subobscura.
Kuhn, D.T. Another case of mass mutation.
Kuroda, Y. Effects of BUdR, actinomycin D and puromycin on the differentiation of eye-antennal discs of D. melanogaster in organ culture.
Kuroda, Y. Effects of X-irradiation on the differentiation of eye-antennal discs of D. melanogaster in organ culture.
Kurokawa, H. Experiment on sexual isolation between two different strains of D. asahinai.
Lakhotia, S.C. and A.S. Mukherjee. Activation of a specific puff by benzamide inD. melanogaster.
Lakovaara, S. and M. Sorsa. Distribution and the chromosomal characteristics of a newly described species, Drosophila (Hirtodrosophila) subarctica Hackman.
Lamborot, M. and S. Koref-Santibañez. Temperature and sexual isolation betweenD. gaucha and D. pavani.
Lifschytz, E. and R. Falk. Some further studies of reversion at the K-pn locus.
Lim, J.K. A selective system for testing reversibility of the sex-linked recessive lethals carried in males.
Mather, W.B. A fourth race of D. rubida.
Mather, W.B. Chromosomal polymorphism in D. rubida from Wewak and Oriomo River, New Guinea.
Mather, W.B. The genus Drosophila at Mt. Maquiling, Luzon, Philippines.
Mazar Barnett, B. and E.R. Muñoz. Effect of low temperature on inseminated females.
Metcalfe, J.A. A dumpy lethal affecting larval moulting in D. melanogaster.
Meyer, H.U. Aniso-allele of the dumpy lethal.
Miller, D.D. Evidence of "eastern" D. athabasca XL inversion associations inthe XL patterns of other D. affinissubgroup species.
Minamori, S. and K. Ito. Mutagenic action of extrachromosomal element delta inD. melanogaster.
Mittler, S. Controls in tests for chemical protection against radiation induced dominant lethals.
Moree, R. Heterozygosis and segregation ratio in D. melanogaster.
Mukai, T. Spontaneous mutation rates of isozyme genes in D. melanogaster.
Mukai, T., L.E. Mettler and S.I. Chigusa. On the linkage equilibrium of isozymegenes in a Raleigh, N.C. population of D. melanogaster.
Mukherjee, A.S. and A.K. Das. A recombination associated segregation-distortion in D. ananassae.
Nakashima-Tanaka, E. and M. Ogaki. Chromosomal analysis of jumping behavior to light in D. melanogaster.
Nirmala Sajjan, S. and N.B. Krishnamurthy. Report on two new translocations in anatural population of D. ananassae from Hiriyur (Mysore State - India).
Novitski, E. The concept of gamete dysfunction.
Novitski, E. and D.L. Dews. Comparison of mating ability of diploid and triploidfemales.
Novitski, E. and E. Ehrlich. Suppression of SD by Y; autosome translocations.
Novitski, E. and W.J. Peacock. Results from the combination of BS and SD in the male.
Nozawa, K. Estimation of the effective size in Drosophila experimental populations.
O’Brien, P.E. and J.H. Potter. Courtship behavior in two strains of D. melanogaster.
O’Brien, S.J. Functional and locational distinction between soluble and mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in D. melanogaster.
Ogonji, G.O. Genetic control of the octanol dehydrogenase isozymes inD.albirostris.
Okada, T. A numerical analysis of the drosophilid fauna centering round New Guinea.
Ondrej, M. Genetic effect of Edta alone and in combination with radiation.
Ortiz, E. Drosophilids species in the Reserve of Doñana, Spain.
Oshima, C. Frequencies of intra- and interpopulational allelisms of lethals in the several natural populations and the relationship between the dispersal of flies and the frequency of allelism of lethals in a natural population.
Pachciarz, J.A. and W.M. Luce. The effect of caffeine on axenically grown D. melanogaster.
Pelecanos, M. and A. Pentzos-Daponte. Rates of autosomal recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila populations of Northern Greece.
Periquet, G. The maintenance of a semi-sterility factor in wild and experimental populations of D. melanogaster.
Petit, C. Is D. melanogaster a domestic species?
Pipkin, S.B. and T.A. Bremner. Coordinate activity of octanol dehydrogenase isozymes and its breakdown in Drosophila interspecific hybrids.
Policansky, D. Three sperm sizes in D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis.
Polivanov, S. Double elimination (?) of X chromosomes in D. melanogaster.
Postlethwait, J.H. and H.A. Schneiderman. Effects of an ecdysone on growth andcuticle formation of Drosophila imaginal discs cultured in vivo.
Rae, P.M.M. and M.M. Green. Synaptonemal complexes in some D. melanogaster mutants.
Rai Chaudhuri, A. and A.S. Mukherjee. Developmental changes in puffing pattern in the mutant "ft" in Drosophila melanogaster.
Rose, R., S. Shafer and R. Hillman. Reciprocal in vitro transfer RNA aminoacylation between Escherichia coli and Drosophila melanogaster.
Russell, M.A. and F.W. Robertson. The comparison of growth differences in D. melanogasterin terms of DNA and protein content.
Sakaguchi, B. Effects of chloramphenicol and actinomycin-D on SR spirochetes in D. melanogaster.
Saura, A. and S. Lakovaara. A study of alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzymes in D.subobscura and D. obscura.
Savontaus, M.-L. Tetrad analysis of control and X-ray irradiated females of D. melanogaster.
Schalet, A. and V. Finnerty. Is a deficiency for maroonlike lethal?
Schalet, A., C. Lefevre and K. Singer. Preliminary cytogenetic observations on theproximal euchromatic region of the X chromosome of D. melanogaster.
Schwalm, F.E., H.A. Bender and D. Klinele. Ultrastructural organization of the eggs of the female sterile mutant-lz611 (Drosophila melanogaster).
Schwinck, I. Phenogenetic inhibition and enhancement of drosopterin formation invarious mutants of Drosophila melanogaster.
Singh, A. Drosophilidae of South Andamans, India.
Srám, R.J. The influence of storage on the viability of zygotes carrying chromosomal.
Strangio, V.A. Sub-metacentric recombinant chromosomes recovered from irradiated
males bearing a ring-X and a doubly-marked Y.Surridge, J.F. Some effects of amphetamine salt feeding upon D. melanogaster.
Taira, T. and F. Uda. Deamination of adenosine 2’,3’-cyclic phosphate in Drosophila melanogaster.
Tobari, I. and M. Murata. Mutation rates at the loci controling esterase activity ofDrosophila virilis.
Tokunaga, C. The effect on somatic crossing over of an eyD insertion into chromosome 3.
Tsacas, L. Some data upon the morphology and biology of Drosophila pictaZett.
U, R. Miracil-D: Inhibitor of ribonucleic acid synthesis and chromosome loss inDrosophila male germ cells.
Vaidya, V.G., N.N. Godbole and R.M. Kothari. Analysis of the excretory products of some species of Drosophila.
Van Delden, W. Selection for competitive ability.
Voelker, R.A. and K. Kojima. Relative fitnesses of XO and XY males in D. affinis.
Wattiaux, J.M. and A. Elens. Variation in the sexual behaviour of Drosophila.
Williamson, J.H. Simultaneous recovery of two detachment-X chromosomes from an irradiated female.
Wright, T.R.F. A short cut in making autosomes homozygous.
Yoon, J.S. and W.C. Kim. Genetic effects of a synthetic ovarian steroid in D. melanogaster.
Ytterborn, K.H. Homozygous lethal effects of II-III translocations in D. melanogaster.
Zamburlini, P. and G.A. Danieli. A crylamide-gel electrophoresis of D. hydei proteinsat different stages of larval development.
Zuill, E.E. A measure of behavioural heterosis in Drosophila melanogaster.
Technical Notes
Adamkewicz, S.L. and R. Milkman. A multiple sample homogenizer/applicator for cellulose acetate electrophoresis.
Alleaume, N. Vital staining of Drosophila eggs.
Bakula, M. Food preference testing in Drosophila melanogaster adults.
Basden, E.B. Attitude of killed D. melanogaster adults.
Carlson, P. and M. Tsukada. A replica technique for the electron microscopicanalysis of the wing surface of Drosophila.
Cuperus, P., J.A. Beardmore and W. van Delden. An improved circuit diagram for an electronic fly-counter.
Doane, W.W. A quick and easy method for rearing large quantities of ’clean’ larvae.
Ellison, J.R. An improved method for electron microscope preparation of salivary gland polytene chromosomes.
Félix, R. A food medium dispenser device for filling vials.
Félix, R. Durable plastic foam plugs used as stoppers for bottles and vials.
Félix, R. High speed stirrer and mixer for Drosophila food medium.
Félix, R. and V.M. Salceda. A motorized, waterflown device to wash rapidly largenumbers of culture bottles and vials.
Finnerty, V., D.L. Baillie and A. Chovnick. A chemical system for mass collection of virgin females or males.
Granholm, N.A. Studies of selected spermatocytes in the light and electron microscope.
Grant, B.S., G. Bean and W.L. Harrison. A Drosophila eclosion fraction collector(DEFC).
Hunt, V. A qualitatively minimal amino acid diet for D. melanogaster.
Jungen, H. and R. Locher. Apparatus for the determination of the egg laying time of single females of Drosophila subobscura.
Kirschbaum, W.F. Fast sexing of larvae.
Leuthold, U. and F.E. Würgler. Egg collection from individual females of D. melanogaster.
Nöthiger, R. Sucrose density separation - a method for collecting large numbers of Drosophila larvae.
Oliver, D.V. and J.P. Phillips. Fruit fly fractionation.
Paika, I.J. Application of air drying technique to the preparation of chromosomes in testes of adult males.
Rey, B.M. A simplified "ovitron.".
Sega, G.A. and W.R. Lee. A vacuum injection technique for obtaining uniform dosages in D. melanogaster.
Shivertaker, L.W. The microinjection of Drosophila larvae.
Ward, C.L. Handling of single fly homogenates for acrylamide gel disc electrophoresis.
Wattiaux, J.M. Squash preparation of nurse cells for Feulgen photometry and autoradiography.
Williamson, J.H. and P. Stubblefield. An efficient method of collecting homogeneous samples of stage 14 oocytes.