Drosophila Information Service
Volume 40 (January 1965)
Research Notes
Abrahamson, S. and H.U. Meyer. Use of Minute to facilitate studies of mutations in second chromosomes.
Ayala, F.J. Development of incipient sexual isolation between laboratory populations.
Ayala, F.J. Improvement of fitness in experimental populations.
Baker, W.K. A method for the developmental timing of the pattern of variegation.
Banks, J.L. Surface sterilization of D. melanogaster eggs.
Barigozzi, C. New data of the transmission of Freckled.
Barker, J.S.F. A new parasite of laboratory Drosophila.
Bateman, A.J. ND of chromosome 2, production of iso’s and reconstitution of normal from iso’s by X-irradiation of 99.
Bateman, A.J. X-irradiation of heterozygous attached-X.
Bateman, A.J. An attempt to induce ND of chromosome 2 by X-raying dc.
Bochnig, V., H.J. Belitz, and H. Nöthel. Increase in frequency of a detrimental in a laboratory wild stock.
Brosseau, C.E., Jr. Somatic pairing in structural heterozygotes.
Brosseau, C.S., Jr. The sequence of loci on BSYy+ and y+Y.
Browning, L.S. and E. Altenburg. A comparison of the sterilizing effect of X-rays, quinacrine mustard and azaserine on Drosophila males.
Carmody, C. Two unusual strains of the D. willistoni sibling species group.
Di Pasquale, A. and L. Zambruni. Further data on the manifestation of the "brown spots" character of D. melanogaster.
Edwards, J.W. and J.R. Simmons. Optic asymmetry and absence of somatic crossing over in D. melanogaster.
Fedoroff, N.V. and R.D. Milkman. Induction of puffs in Drosophila salivary chromosomes by amino acids.
Fujii, S., Kanehisa, T. and M. Ohnishi. On protein analysis in a tumor strain.
Fujii, S., T. Kanehisa,and M. Ohnishi. Biochemical analysis of "Freckled-type melanotic tumor" inducible fraction.
Gfeller, S.M. David. The action of an autosomal modifier on the pteridine of the mutant, white-blood (wbl).
Glassman, E. and E.C. Keller, Jr. The maternal effect of ma-l+: the effect of hypoxanthine; the effect of lxd.
Glassman, S. Interaction of ma-l and lxd in the synthesis of pyridoxal oxidase and xanthine dehydrogenase.
Gregg, T.S and J. Day. A further note on ovoviviparity in Drosophila.
Gugler, H.D., W.D. Kaplan, and K. Kidd. The displacement of first-mating by second mating sperm in the storage organs of the female.
Halfer, C. Different degree of compatibility in several stocks of D. melanogaster tested with ovary grafting.
Hess, O. Mutation and localization studies in the Y chromosome of D. hydei.
Hiraizumi, Y. and K. Nakazima. SD in a natural population of D. melanogaster in Japan.
Hochman, B. A note on the salivary chromosome 4 in D. melanogaster.
Holt, T.K.H. and H.D. Berendes. Experimental puffs in D. hydei polytene chromosomes, induced by temperature shocks.
Kaneko, A. Differences in the shape of spermatheca of robusta group species in Japan.
Kessler, S. Mating speed and mating preference in two species of Drosophila .
Kikkawa, H. An electrophoretic analysis of amylase gene in D. simulans.
Kim, K.W. Chromosomal studies of Korean Drosophila species.
Kitagawa, O. Heterozygous effect of induced recessive lethals accumulated on second chromosomes of D. melanogaster.
Kojima, K. and M. Dalebroux. A procedure for analyzing three-point test data when one gene shows low penetrance.
Krimbas, C.B. Further data on inversion polymorphism of D. subobscura in Greece.
Lee, W.R. A modified "Maxy" stock that produces only females of the proper type.
Levine, L. and S. Kessler. Use of the Drosophila maze to study rate of activity.
Lucchesi, J.C. The influence of heterochromatin on crossing over in ring/rod heterozygotes of D. melanogaster.
Lucchesi, J.C., S. Mills, and R. Rosenbleeth. Relative frequencies of induced TM and RA compound X chromosomes in D. melanogaster females.
Makino, S., E. Momma, A. Kaneko, T. Tokumitsu, and T. Shima. Drosophilidae from seven localities in Hokkaido and Aomori prefecture, summer in 1964.
Malich, C.W. and R. Binnard. Observations on Drosophila given a high dose of protons.
Mather, W.B. The metaphase chromosomes of D. rubida.
Mazar Barnett, B.K. de. Recessive lethals induced in sperm by X-rays, alkylating agents and combinations of both.
Mazar Barnett, B.K. de. Extreme variability in oviposition rate.
Meyer, C.F. A reliable cytological method for classification of Drosophila species.
Meyer, H.U. and R.G. Temin. A recessive suppressor of Curly found in a third chromosome from a natural population of D. melanogaster.
Miller, D.D., R.L. Sulerud, and N. Westphal. Determinations of D. athabasca Y chromosome types from new localities.
Mittler, S. AET and radiation induced crossing over in male D. melanogaster.
Momma, E. The variability of abundance and sex-ratio in natural population of D. nigromaculata.
Mukai, T. Position effect of spontaneous mutant polygenes controlling viability in D. melanogaster.
Mukherjee, A.S. Cytological localization of the white locus in D. hydei.
Muller, H.J. An improved stock, "vix”, for scoring visible mutations that arise at specific loci in the X of the female.
Nagle, J.J. Studies on experimental sympatry between two sibling species.
Narda, R.D. The role of various male stimuli during mating and insemination inD. malerkotliana Parshad and Paika 1964.
Narise, T. The migration of D. ananassae under competitive conditions.
Norton, I.L. and J.I. Valencia. Genetic extent of the deficiencies formed by combining the left end of In(1)y4 with the right end of In(l)sc9.
Oshima, C. and T.K. Watanabe. Location of recessive lethal genes on the second chromosome of D. melanogaster.
Paik, Y.K. and J.S. Geum. Distribution of natural lethal genes on the second chromosome of D. melanogaster.
Parshad, R. and K.K. Duggal. Drosophilidae of Kashmir, India.
Patton, J.L. and W.B. Heed. Elevational differences in gene arrangements of D. pseudoobscura in the Santa Catalina Mountains, Tucson.
Pelecanos, M. The mutagenic effect of the duration of treatment with diethyl sulphateon previously starved adult males.
Petersen, G.V. and E.J. Gardner. Melanotic tumor associated with failure to pupate in the tumorous head stock of D. melanogaster.
Plaine, H.L. and Sister M. Baptista. Occurrence of the erupt effect in the Su-er tu bw; er+ Su-tu+ strain of D. melanogaster
Sakaguchi, B. and S. Kobayashi. Morphological observations of "sex-ratio" agents of D. willistoni and D. nebulosa.
Scharloo, W. Temperature sensitive periods in ciD.
Scharloo, V. and V. Vreezen. Selection for increased 4th vein interruption in Hairless.
Schneider, I. Inadvisability of using the raft technique for Drosophila organ culture.
Sharma, R.P., and A.T. Natarajan. Studies on the effect of X-chromosome inversion on crossing over in 2nd chromosome of D. melanogaster.
Slizynski, B.M. Differential X-ray sensitivity of spermatogonia in D. melanogaster.
Smoler, M. The ineffectiveness of anoxia in promoting non-disjunction.
Sokoloff, A. A possible maternal effect on quantitative characters in D. pseudoobscura.
Solima-Simmons, A. and H. Levene. Effect of age and temperature on matings of D. paulistorum.
Spiess, E.B. D. persimilis from Humboldt County, California.
Strömnaes, Ö. and I. Kvelland. Radiosensitivity of sperm ejaculated within 12 hours after irradiation.
Taira, T. Soluble nucleotides in Drosophila.
Thompson, P.E. The killing and resorption of eggs after injection of Drosophila females with actinomycin-D.
Tobari, I. Effects of temperature on the pre-adult viability of lethal heterozygotes in D. melanogaster.
Ullman, S. Epsilon and polar granules in Drosophila pole cells and oocytes.
van Breugel, F.M.A. Experimental puffs in D. hydei salivary gland chromosomes observed after treatment with CO, CO2 , and N2.
Von Halle, E.S. Localization of E-spl.
Watson, J.E. and A.B. Burdick.The effects of selected background rearrangements on the v to g region in D. melanogaster.
Watson, J.E., E. Scheinberg and L.A. Dittmar. Effects of ether on fitness traits.
Whitten, M.J. Factors affecting penetrance of an eye mutant in D. melanogaster.
Zambruni, L. Preliminary chromatographic analysis of the "brown spots" character in Drosophila melanogaster.
Technical Notes
Blaylock, B.G. A method for preparing salivary-gland chromosomes.
Brown, E.H. and J.H. Sang. A simple CO2 anaesthetiser.
Doane, W.W. Use of disc electrophoresis for analysis of amylase isozymes.
Gallo, A.J. An apparatus for filling vials.
Geer, B.W. A new synthetic medium for Drosophila.
Hendrix, N. and E. Ehrlich. A method for treating bacterial contamination of Drosophila cultures with antibiotics.
Lee, W.R. Feeding radioactive isotopes to specific larval stages of D. melanogaster.
Lewontin, R.C. A cheap, disposable population cage.
Malich, C.W. Thin window holder for particle irradiation of Drosophila.
Mazar-Barnett, B.K. de. A fly holder for injecting Drosophila.
Mazar-Barnett, B.K. de. A dark medium appropriate for egg counts.
Strickberger, M.W. and L. Harth. Ready-made heated dispensers for Drosophila medium.
Wheeler, M.R. and F. Clayton. A new Drosophila culture technique.
Wilson, J. A sampler for collecting adults from unetherized population cages.