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HSP Scholar Spotlight: Jackie Shawn



HSP Scholar Spotlight: Jackie Shawn

Class of 2024
HSP Scholar, Jackie Shawn.

Of course, the foundation of HSP comes from the efforts of leaders like Dr. George Henderson. Year-round, Henderson Scholars carry on his legacy through their involvement and presence on campus.

Fourth-Year Jackie Shawn is one of many students who has done just that over her time at OU. As former Black Royalty, her platform, Black Girls Pop, has consisted of empowering Black women. Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with her about passion, identity, and perseverance.

Soon to be a graduate of OU, she reminisced on her growth over the past four years.

“Freshman year versus senior year Jackie, I never would have thought I’d do all of the things I’ve done.”

A creative trailblazer, Shawn founded the Black Creative Circle at OU and currently manages her production company Queens World Media. She also recently celebrated the publication of her collection of poetry, Bare, as well as the premiere of her short film, “Pure Blood.” However, to her, all of these accomplishments can be traced back to her faith as well as collaboration with others.

Having entered her freshman year amid the pandemic, Jackie’s experience with HSP has been all but standard. However, as the world shifts to a new normal, she recounts the beauty of having become close with her fellow Fourth-Years.

“Even if we’re not in the same field, we’re supporting and cheering each other on. HSP has always been my support, one of those rocks that I can always come back to.”

About the Henderson Scholars Program

In 1999 there was a vision to honor Dr. George Henderson by establishing a scholarship program in his name. This vision became a reality in 2001, the Henderson Scholars Program officially came into fruition. For more information visit