Whenever the fire alarm sounds, you and all other occupants in the residence halls must evacuate the building and proceed to the designated alternate refuge area until you are notified that it is safe to return to your building or room. As you leave your room, close your door. Students who do not vacate the building during the sounding of the alarm will be subject to disciplinary action. Meet at the emergency evacuation safe location designated by your RA.
An unannounced fire drill will be conducted by the fire marshal once a semester. This is in compliance with state law as well as for your own protection and safety. The purpose of the fire drill is to acquaint you with the exit routes from your buildings as well as familiarize you with the sound of the fire alarm. The fire drill allows the staff to test the alarm system to ensure that it is properly functioning. The alarm signal is the same for a drill as for an actual emergency. During the drill, university officials will inspect all areas of the building, including residents’ rooms.
Fire extinguishers for putting out small fires have been installed on each landing and under each unit's sink in OU Traditions Square apartments, one on each residence hall floor, and in each kitchen area of Kraettli Apartments. Residents will be charged for any that are removed, vandalized or improperly used. A citation also will be issued to those involved parties. If you use a fire extinguisher, notify your OU Traditions Square clubhouse or Kraettli Apartments office for assistance.
To decrease the chance of fire in an apartment:
If you use combustibles in decorating your room, such as fabrics, cardboard or similar materials, please ensure that the items are flame-proofed. Purchase only UL- or FM-approved material marked “flameproof” or “flame retardant." Only 15-20% of your room or apartment door may be decorated.
Before opening a door, see if it is hot by placing the palm of your hand against it.
If it is hot, remain in room.
If the door is cool, open slightly and check for smoke in corridor.
If corridor is too smoky to reach stairway or exit, remain in room, following safety suggestions listed here:
When leaving a building, get well clear of entire area.
Students demonstrating any of the following behavior will be subject to disciplinary action and prosecution: