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Honors Research 3980

Honors Research 3980


Research 3980 is an independent study course that proves an opportunity for Honors students to engage in an original research project about a question, issue, or subject that interests them. Most students use the results of 3980 as their Honors thesis submission (see below). Completion of 3 credit hours of 3980 is required for students planning to graduate with Honors in one major; students with more than one major may need additional credit hours of 3980 and should consult an Honors advisor.

3980 can be completed in any college or department, including the Honors College, depending on a student's interests. It is the student's responsibility to seek out a professor who will serve as their mentor for 3980, and it is best to approach potential professors at least one semester prior to the planned enrollment. Most students complete 3980 with a professor they have already taken a class with, often within their major, but this is not always the case. 

Consult an Honors College advisor about any questions related to completing the Research 3980 requirement. 

Honors Thesis

The Honors thesis allows students to build on the knowledge they have acquired during the course of their degree and produce a final product in which they take pride. The thesis should demonstrate (1) an understanding of the tools (methods, theories, and models) of a discipline and the ability to use these tools, (2) the ability to develop an informed, well-reasoned, and creative response to a question or problem, and (3) the ability to effectively communicate the results of a project in writing and/or creative media, depending on the academic discipline in which the thesis falls. Successful completion of the thesis demonstrates that a student is prepared to learn and work on their own.

Because Honors students come from all different disciplines and fields, no two theses will look alike. When enrolling, the student and professor should together craft a research plan that ensures the student will have an appropriate thesis project to submit by the end of the semester. All enrollment forms for 3980 are subject to approval by the Honors College.