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Gaylord Extra: April 2023

Sundee Busby
Alumni Feature

Gaylord Alumni Feature: Sundee Busby

April 24, 2023

Sundee Busby strives to exemplify the versatile nature of a degree from Gaylord College and how saying “yes” can open doors that one never thought imaginable.

Kathy Johnson
Faculty Feature

Gaylord Faculty Feature: Kathy Johnson

April 24, 2023

Kathy Johnson, the McMahon Centennial Professor at Gaylord College, makes a special effort to recognize strong women in the profession. Her position also allows her to invite media professionals to work directly with Gaylord students and help them build professional skills in broadcast journalism.

Aleesha Leemaster
Alumni Feature

Gaylord Alumni Feature: Alesha Leemaster

April 24, 2023

Alesha Leemaster, executive director of the Norman Public Schools Foundation and a Gaylord College alumni, said she hopes to be a resource and positive influence for women, especially in the professional world. Leemaster graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2003 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and public relations. She also obtained an MBA.

Elanie Steyn
Faculty Feature

Gaylord Faculty Feature: Elanie Steyn

April 24, 2023

Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication recognizes Associate Dean and Associate Professor Elanie Steyn. Steyn has been a member of the Gaylord community since August 2007, teaching and inspiring her students. She was born and raised on a farm in South Africa.

Lee Anne Stone
Staff Feature

Gaylord Staff Feature: Lee Anne Stone

April 24, 2023

Lee Anne Stone, a 2002 graduate, returned to Gaylord College nearly 20 years later to launch Women in Gaylord, which is designed to empower female students and provide the resources they need to be successful. “Dean Kelley and I have known each other a long time. So, he reached out to me for a cup of coffee and said, ‘Hey, I’ve got this idea for women in Gaylord, 68% of the undergrads here at Gaylord are female.’ And there was no program just supporting them,” Stone said.

Related News

College of Journalism and Mass Communication 
Convocation Ceremony

Saturday, May 13, 2023
4 p.m.

T. Howard McCasland Field House
151 West Brooks St.
Norman, OK 73019 z

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OUr Mental Health Services employees promote awareness about mental health to the OU community. Looking for help, have questions or would like to give feedback? Please send them a message. You can follow them on Instagram and Twitter @OUr_MH, email, or send a direct message on their Facebook page.

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The OU Behavior Intervention Team helps keep our community healthy and safe. You are an important member of the team. Your reports allow the team to reach out to individuals and provide appropriate intervention and support. With your help, the team is better able to keep the campus a safe enviornment in which students, faculty and staff may live, study and work. Learn more about BIT.

Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center provides comprehensive mental health services at OU. Its mission is to provide high-quality counseling and crisis intervention to our campus community members, consultation and outreach services to campus organizations, and training and supervision opportunities for emerging mental health clinicians. The center promotes the psychological well-being of all members of the university community. Counselors are available virtually from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

OU Writing Center

The OU Writing Center is a pedagogical service that supports the writing development of all members of the OU and Norman community. The primary goal of our consultations is to help writers learn something they can use in the future. Because of this, we do not serve as a proofreading or editing service, but instead strive to provide feedback that is thoughtful, intentional, and useful.  Learn more about the Writing Center.

OU Career Center

The University of Oklahoma Career Center is a one-stop shop dedicated to helping students and alumni with career preparation. From career fairs to personalized advising and everything in-between, Career Center exists to help get you hired - Sooner. We are committed to helping students begin their academic career with their professional goals in mind. Learn more about Career Center.