Welcome to The University of Oklahoma - Norman Campus Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate consists of 50 members of the regular faculty elected to three-year terms by their colleges. The Senate exercises legislative powers as delegated by the regular faculty and has the power to initiate any legislation requiring approval of the Board of Regents. Meetings of the Senate are held usually on the second Monday of each month of the regular school year and are open to the public. Please view our meetings page for updates.
Senators are elected from Regular Faculty and serve a term of three years.
Meetings are held the second Monday of each month. If that Monday is on a holiday, the meeting will fall on the next Monday.
University and Faculty Senate Committees and Councils members and terms of service.
The application period is now closed. Watch this space for the announcement of the next application site opeining fall of 2025.
All faculty at the rank of assistant professor and above are invited to submit applications to the Faculty Senate for the Ed Cline Faculty Development Awards. The faculty development fund was created by President Boren to provide support to enhance the professional development of the faculty. In 2008, the awards were named after Prof. Ed Cline (Mathematics) who while Chair of the Faculty Senate during 2002-03 was instrumental in their creation.
Awards up to $2,500 will be considered. The faculty development fund provides support for all aspects of a faculty member’s mission including teaching. This differs from the charge of the Research Council, which supports only research/creative activities. Proposals should have a clear connection to the faculty member’s professional development as opposed to contributing to the general well-being of their academic unit.
Since funds are limited, priority will be given to proposals that are less likely to be funded from other sources, e.g., the Research Council. Simultaneous submissions to the Faculty Development Fund and the Research Council, for an Arts & Sciences Faculty Enrichment Grant, or for an Arts and Humanities Faculty Fellowship will not be considered. Also, we request that faculty submit proposals only if departmental and/or college funds are not available to support the activity. However, proposals that have matching funds from these sources are acceptable. Emphasis is on projects that support the career development of the faculty member submitting the application. Preference is given to new, non-routine special projects or to helping individuals seize special opportunities, rather than to such routine activities as traveling to regular professional conferences to give papers.
Application guidelines are provided below, along with a link to an example of a successful proposal. Awards are made once a year. Previous award recipients may not apply the first year after their award but may apply again after two years.
I. The following information should be provided.
II. Proposal format:
Provide a summary of the project and requested budget information, not to exceed 2 double-spaced pages (use normal formatting for margins and font size and style). Remember that your proposal will be read by a diverse group of faculty, most of whom will have no background in your field. Therefore, please submit a clearly written statement that keeps jargon and acronyms to a minimum. Your narrative should include the following items:
III. Biographical information:
Provide an up-to-date curriculum vita (2-pages maximum, but not your annual mini-vita) that lists recent publications/creative activities. If you have received this award in the past, you must include a copy of your most recent final Report of Activity (see below).
IV. Report of activity:
Within two months of completing your project, you should submit a one-page report of the activity undertaken to the Faculty Senate office, with a copy to your chair/director. Failure to submit this report within this time period will prevent consideration of your application for future awards.
Please forward your submission to FacSen@ou.edu