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Applying to the Mewbourne School of Petroluem and Geological Engineering is a simple on-line process for both undergraduate and graduate applications.


OU's Office of Admissions handles the application process for all prospective undergraduate students whether they are freshman, transfer, or international.

Apply Here

Students who apply for graduate admission are seeking admission to both their chosen academic unit and Graduate College.

Admission to graduate programs at the University of Oklahoma is a collaborative effort between academic units, Graduate College, and the Office of Graduate Admissions.  Admission is based on evaluation of an applicant’s overall record, experience, personal qualifications, proposed specialization, and an assessment of the likelihood that an applicant will succeed in, and benefit from, a particular academic program.

Graduate Admissions Process

  1. Office of Graduate Admissions receives application and academic credentials
  2. Office of Graduate Admissions evaluates and verifies academic credentials
  3. Application and credential evaluation are reviewed by graduate academic unit
  4. Graduate academic unit returns recommendation to Graduate College for review and approval
  5. Office of Graduate Admissions processes decision and notifies applicant.

Applicants must meet or exceed the University of Oklahoma's Graduate College Requirements. Applicants should also have or be about to have successfully completed coursework for a petroleum engineering or related degree program. Relevant work experience will be considered for applicants who do not have a prior petroleum engineering or related degree.

To be considered, applicants should have:

  • 3.2 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for the most recent two years of academic work
  • Taken the GRE exam

(Please ask the Professor you plan on working with if the GRE is required)



When selecting OU as one of your GRE score recipients, please use only the institutional code (6879) without the addition of the department code.

NOTE: A GRE is not required for those applying to the on-line Natural Gas Engineering and Management program.

Previous research experience and publication will also be a significant factor in applicant evaluation, especially for the Ph.D. programs. Recommendation letters and other demonstations of academic and research skills will be taken into consideration, as well.

Both U.S. citizens and international students should apply online through Graduate Admissions.

We encourage you to submit on the following deadlines:

  • U.S. and International Students
    • Fall Admission: February 15
    • Spring Admission: September 1
  • Online Programs (Certificate and M.S. NGEM)
    • Fall Admission: July 15
    • Spring Admission: November 15


With thanks to our very generous alumni and industry friends, MPGE is able to offer a wide range of scholarships to support those students who demonstrate academic excellence within our program. During the 2013-14 school year, MPGE awarded over $800,000 in scholarships.

OU's Centralized Academic Scholarship Hub covers all of MPGE's scholarships. Applications become available on October 1 of each academic year. Scholarship applications are due on February 1 and are not considered complete until all the requested materials have been submitted.

Mewbourne Leadership Scholars Program

High school seniors planning ot major petroleum engineering at OU may apply for the very distinguished Mewbourne Leadership Scholars Program. Recipients will receive an annual, renewable scholarship for $4,000 a year for up to four years, which will increase by $1,000 each year; recognition as a Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering Scholar; and regular interaction with industry leaders, other Mewbourne Scholars, and professional engineers engaged in various aspects of the energy industry.


  • Strong academic record that reflects preparation for and ability to succeed at college-level work
  • Balanced high school record in terms of activities, involvement, and academics
  • Demonstrated leadership ability and experience
  • School and community involvement
  • Understanding of and commitment to the oil and gas industry as a career
Candidates will be selected from the initial applications for in-person interviews with the selection committee.
Current Student Scholarships
Scholarship opportunity exists for our current students each year. The application becomes available online October 1 and students have until February 1 to complete it. The minimum requirements to be eligible for MPGE scholarships include:
  • A minimum GPA of 3.2 or higher
  • Having declared Petroluem Engineering as a major
  • Enrollment at full-time hours (12 hours) at OU
  • Successful completion of/currently enrolled in PE 2011, Introduction to Petroleum Engineering Systems
Additional scholarships are available through the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, as well as OU. Industry professional organizations, such as SPE, also have scholarship opportunities available.

MPGE offers a limited number of teaching assistantships, and individual faculty members, dependant on funding, are able to offer research assistantships to qualified individuals. Please note, though, that availability of each varies from semester to semester.

Students supported half-time through a combination of teaching and/or research assistantships will receive a full tuition waiver (fees not included).

Who is Eligible?

All M.S. thesis and Ph.D. applicants are eligible for graduate assistantships. If an assistantship is available for a student's first year, information about the assistantship will be included with the acceptance letter.

NOTE: Students pursuing the M.S. non-thesis option are not eligible for teaching or research assistantships.

SPECIAL NOTE: International students who indicate an economic need for assistance will only be admitted if assistantships are available for the first year.

What is expected of a graduate assistant?

Recipients of graduate assistantships are expected to fulfill their roles as students (meeting all academic requirements) and assistants (carrying out the teaching and/or research obligations) successfully. University policies for graduate assistants are provided in the Graduate College's Graduate Assistant Information.

What if I receive an appointment?

If you are appointed as a graduate assistant (MPGE supported-teaching or grant-sponsored research), you should begin to familiarize yourself with the New Employee Personal Data Form and the Graduate Assistant Information. You will then schedule an appointment with MPGE’s Financial Officer to go over the appropriate paperwork and receive further instruction.

A Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) is a graduate Master's student on stipend whose primary responsibilities support the instructional mission of the university. Services provided by a teaching assistant may include but are not limited to: classroom or laboratory teaching, counseling students, proctoring examinations, grading papers or providing other general assistance in the instructional process.

Enrollment Requirements

  • A student must be enrolled in a minimum of 5 credit hours to hold a GTA position during the fall or spring semester. A student may hold no more than a .50 FTE appointment without the prior approval of Graduate College
  • MPGE GTA appointments are typically made for one semester, and students must reapply for the position each semester.

Before applying for a Graduate Teaching Position, be certain to understand the guidelines and expectations as found in the Graduate Assistant Information.

Selection of GTA's by MPGE

GTA selection is a competitive process that comprises of reviewing materials such as academic credentials, prior work experience, instructor and student feedback and English language skills. Applicants must have:

  • At minimum, a 3.2 GPA
  • Made satisfactory academic progress towards their degree objective
  • Completed the English Assessment Test (SPEAK Test) if English is not the applicant’s first language. Scheduling and further information about the test can be found in the link provided. The cost of this test is $50, however, after completing the exam, the proof of payment may be taken to MPGE’s Account and Budget Coordinator for reimbursement.
  • Taken the required TEACH Test which assesses an individual’s ability to conduct an undergraduate-level course

Note: Students in MPGE are given preference in the selection of GTA’s for our courses. Any GTA hired outside of MPGE will be at the discretion of the Graduate Liaison and approval of the director. 

Graduate College Requirements

The Senior Vice-President and Provost and the Deans’ Council have mandated some basic training and orientation programs be completed by graduate assistants.

All graduate assistants (GRA and GTA) must complete the Professional Ethics seminar to receive a tuition waiver.

All first-year GTA’s need to attend the Teaching Assistant Orientation. In addition, international GTA’s are also required to attend Development for International Teaching Assistants.

NOTE: Space is limited and these courses are held before the start of the fall semester. It is the responsibilty of the student to be here on time and to attend these courses.

For those who will be working as GRA’s or GTA’s in a lab, Lab Safety Training is required.

Teaching Assistant Orientation (TAO)
All first-time graduate teaching assistants (GTA’s) must attend Teaching Assistant Orientation offered by the OU Center for Teaching Excellence prior to commencing their GTA responsibilities. 

Development for International Teaching Assistants (DITA)
All international students in their first-year as teaching assistants are required to attend Development for International Teaching Assistants before beginning their GTA responsibilities.

Ethics in Research Workshop
All graduate students who receive an assistantship or fellowship must attend the Ethics in Research workshop.

Lab Safety Online Training
All graduate students who will work in a laboratory are required to complete lab safety training and any other trainings as mandated by the university, MPGE or a student’s advisor that are pertinent to the work being performed.

Graduate Teaching Academy
While not a requirement, GTA's are encouraged to seek the resources available to them through the Center for Teaching Excellence. One of those resources is the Graduate Student Professional Development Events, a series of courses that seeks to promote and maintain a standard of teaching excellence amongst graduate students at OU.

Acceptance as a GTA

If offered a position as a Qualified Graduate Assistant (QGA) in MPGE, students are allowed a maximum of four semesters of GTA funding. Performance as a GTA will be evaluated at the end of each semester, and future appointments will be contingent upon this review and available funding.

GTA’s are required to be on campus by the first day of class or earlier if required to attend the teaching workshop(s). Any GTA who fails to return prior to the start of class and cannot provide documentation to support the absence and/or its approval forfeits the position.

QGA’s receive a full tuition waiver that covers up to the number of hours required for their degree. Tuition waivers do not cover fees, and students are responsible for ensuring that these and any other costs are paid. Failure to pay Bursar accounts may result in enrollment complications. For more information about tuition waivers, visit Graduate College’s website.

The assistantship, also, provides individual for Plan II coverage medical insurance. Enrollment is available online.

Graduate Assistantships are subject to certain limitations, including enrollment requirements and maximum allowable FTE levels.


Spring GTA:

  • Application submission by December 1
  • Decisions and notifications made by January 10

Fall GTA:

  • Application submission by May 15
  • Decisions and notifications made by August 1


A Graduate Research Assistant is a graduate student on stipend whose responsibilities are other than teaching. Graduate Research Assistants do not instruct students. Services provided by research assistants may include assisting faculty members in a research or creative activity, serving as an administrative assistant or intern, developing and evaluating instructional materials or curricula or assuming responsibility for a designated research area.

Research assistants appointed in relation to research or creative activities with external funding may assist faculty members in the completion of contracted research and creative activities; they may be assigned responsibility for the independent completion of parts
or all of specific contracts; they may be responsible for preparation of required reports and proposals; and/or they may be responsible for the supervision of other research personnel.

Enrollment Requirements

A student must be enrolled in a minimum of 5 hours to hold a graduate research assistant position in the fall or spring semester. A student may hold no more than .50 FTE appointment without the prior approval of Graduate College.

Selection of GRA's by MPGE

Students wishing to serve as GRA's must initiate contact with MPGE faculty whose research interests most align with those of the student. Faculty will only sponsor GRA's if they have funding available, and renewal of GRA offers are contingent on availability of funds and assessment of satisfactory academic progression in the program as well as satisfactory performance in the role of GRA.

GRA's are expected to be on campus by the first day of class each semester or earlier if deemed appropriate and necessary by the student's faculty sponsor.

GRA's receive full tuition waivers that cover up to the number of hours required for their degree. Tuition waivers do not cover fees. Students are responsible for ensuring that these and any other costs are paid. Failure to pay Bursar accounts may result in enrollment complications. for more information about tuition waivers, visit Graduate College's website.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Services offers financial resources to help meet the educational costs of attending OU. Financial Aid Services assists by 1) administering federal, state, institutional, and private aid programs, 2) providing customized outreach programs, and 3) assisting students with the successful completion of the financial aid application process.

Their website provides a wealth of useful information about the many financial aid opportunities and scholarships available at The University of Oklahoma.

Students are encouraged to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, apply for scholarships, and other resources by the appropriate deadlines. 

OU's FAFSA Code is 003184.