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Price College Announces Undergraduate Renewable Energy Certificate

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Price College Announces Undergraduate Renewable Energy Certificate

As energy companies expand and evolve the energy sources they pursue, the University of Oklahoma Michael F. Price College of Business is launching an undergraduate certificate program focused on the business of renewable energy. 

The new certificate program, one of the first of its kind, is set to launch in spring 2024 and will be open to all OU students, regardless of major. The program will equip students with cutting-edge knowledge of the newest forms of energy and the business acumen necessary to help companies commercialize them.  

Known as the nation’s first oil and gas business education program focused on petroleum land management, the Robert M. Zinke Energy Management Program at Price College consulted dozens of renewable energy and electricity organizations to inform the direction of the Renewable Energy Certificate program.  

“As the business school of the flagship public research university in Oklahoma, we have an obligation to ensure our programs align with the needs of a changing marketplace so our students and the organizations that recruit them can succeed,” said Corey Phelps, dean of the Price College of Business. “With solid business skills and diverse knowledge of current and future energy sources, students who receive this new certificate will enter the energy sector ready from day one to pursue new opportunities related to the rise of renewables.” 

The certificate will focus on all energy sources including renewable sources (wind, solar, hydropower, hydrogen and nuclear) and hydrocarbons (oil, natural gas and coal). The program will also cover carbon capture and CO2 sequestration.  

The certificate program can be added to any OU student’s coursework and is not limited to business majors.

Mike McConnell, director of the Zinke Energy Management program at Price College, works closely with corporations across the state and region and sees this certificate as an answer to their need for professionals with solid business acumen and knowledge of the vast array of renewable energy resources.   
“We’re in the midst of the great energy expansion,” McConnell said. “For the past 65 years, our program has been focused on the land management of oil and gas exploration, production and distribution. While we will continue to focus on these areas, we are living in the age of electrons and are extending our curriculum to include the electricity sector and renewable sources of energy to meet changing market conditions in the U.S.” 

The 15-hour certificate program includes the following courses: 

  • Energy Systems and Sustainability 
  • Natural Gas Marketing and Power Trading 
  • Energy Production and Power Markets 
  • Sustainable Policy and Regulations 
  • Commercial Applications in Power Markets 

All courses will be taught by Price College of Business faculty as well as adjunct faculty who work full time in different areas of the energy sector, bringing ideas straight from the industry to the classroom.  

For more information on the Renewable Energy Certificate at the Price College of Business, contact Mike McConnell at or visit 


This article was originally published by the OU Price College of Business.

Article Published: Wednesday, December 13, 2023