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About JHLP

About JHLP

Jerry Holmes Leadership Program for Engineers and Scientists Dark blue and crimson banner logo

The Jerry Holmes Leadership Program for Engineers and Scientists provides leadership education for undergraduate and graduate students in the Gallogly College of Engineering and the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy. JHLP's mission is to help students learn and practice the skills they will need to be effective and ethical leaders now and throughout their careers.

We know that leadership is more than team-building and trust falls. JHLP teaches the science of leadership with a practical approach, emphasizing key competencies for success in scientific and engineering professions. Students learn to collaborate, manage conflict, handle wicked problems, make critical decisions, and lead teams to success using both positional and non-positional approaches.


JHLP teaches engineering and science students to make positive change through the exercise of technical expertise, collaboration, and ethical practice. We believe that:

  1. Leadership can be taught.
  2. Leadership is an influence process.
  3. Leadership can be exercised by anyone in an organization, regardless of position.
  4. Leaders promote change and create the environment in which change can take place.
  5. Management is a part of leadership, and not an oppositional concept.
  6. Leadership preferences are influenced by culture.
  7. There is no such thing as a "complete" leader.



The Jerry Holmes Leadership Program employs a capability-based model of leadership education. Our 26 capabilities are organized under five pillars: personal development, interpersonal relationships, management and teamwork, generative leadership, and intercultural competence.


JHLP’s service to students is accomplished by a dedicated team, including the program director; an executive in residence; the engineering student life coordinator; and a graduate assistant.


JHLP is supported by generous gifts from both corporations and individuals. We invite you to make a gift and encourage the next generation of leaders in science and engineering.

Contact Us


Rawl Engineering Practice Facility, Room 260
850 South Jenkins Avenue
Norman, OK 73072


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