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Campus Security Authorities

The South Oval on the University of Oklahoma campus in Norman

Campus Security Authorities

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) have an important role in the University's compliance with the Clery Act. Crime reports provided by CSAs are used by OU to fulfill its responsibility to annually disclose Clery crime statistics, and to issue timely warnings for Clery crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus community. 


The Responsibility of a CSA?

A CSA's primary responsibility is to report allegations of Clery Act Crimes to OUPD. For a crime to be reportable  it must be (1) a Clery crime allegation (2) that was reported to a CSA, OUPD or local law enforcement and (3) occurred within the campus' reportable geography (generally property owned or controlled by the university that is frequently used by students).

  • When a Clery crime allegation is reported to a CSA, they must then report it directly and immediately to OUPD. A crime is "reported," when it is brought to the attention of the CSA by a victim, witness, other third party or even the offender. 
  • CSAs are required to report any Clery crime allegations they receive to OUPD for statistical purposes but they may keep the victim’s identity anonymous if that is the victim's wish.
  • If a CSA is not sure if the incident is a Clery crime or if it occurred within the campus’ geography, they should report it to OUPD and allow them to make the determination based on the information available.
  • CSAs should provide victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking with the appropriate student or faculty/staff brochure and the VAWA brochure so that they are aware of an understand their rights, options and available services. These brochures can be found on the Institutional Equity Office website.

NOT the Responsibility of a CSA?

A CSA is NOT responsible for, nor should attempt the following:                                   

  • Investigate or otherwise attempt to confirm the reported allegation
  • Confront or attempt to apprehend the offender
  • Confirm that an alleged crime occurred within the campus' geography before reporting it to OUPD
  • Convince the victim to contact law enforcement if they choose not to
  • Pressure a victim to pursue any specific course of action

Who is a CSA?

“Campus Security Authority” is a Clery Act-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution:

  • All OUPD personnel including commissioned officers and non-commissioned staff such as dispatch, CSOs and office personnel
  • Any other personnel who have responsibility for campus security but are not OUPD staff, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into a campus building/space or property, event security and Safe Walk resident advisors.
  • Personnel whose job functions involve relationships with students. If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, he or she is a campus security authority. This would include many Student Affairs professionals, all coaching and training staff and all Registered Student Organization advisors.
  • Any personnel or office specified in OU safety and security policies as an individual or office to which students and employees should report criminal offenses, such as the institutional equity officer, the Title IX Office or the Vice President for Student Affairs.

CSA Identification Guide

For more information on who should be considered a CSA at OU, how to assign training in PeopleSoft and who should not be considered a CSA, please refer to the CSA Identification Guide below. You may also email with any other questions. 

CSA Identification Guide (pdf)