Chapter 7 WebStudy Distance Learning on the World Wide Web 
Internet Navigator...  A Simplified Guide to Netscape Communicator

Using an Address

The standard way to use your address book for e-mailing is at the bottom of The Address Book
There are two other ways of utilizing your Address Book.

From the Address Book (see The Address Book to get there!), right Click on the desired name, and a "New Composition" will appear with the desired e-mail address already filled in!

After writing your message Send it.

A second option, which is VERY handy, is by using a Nickname. When filling out the Fields in an address, be sure to give them a handy Nickname.  Then, whenever you write a message, just put their Nickname in the To Field!

As you are writing the name, Netscape will try to finish it for you.

Just keep going until you finish writing the name, or until Netscape guesses it correctly for you!

Notice I only typed "bil," and then "Enter," and Netscape will mail it to the desired address.  I didn't even have to finish writing the full nickname, "bill".

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