Chapter 7 WebStudy Distance Learning on the World Wide Web 
Internet Navigator...  A Simplified Guide to Netscape Communicator

Importing an Address Book

If some one else give you their Address Book and you want to use it in your Address Book...,
If you were previously using Outlook Express...,
If you use two computers..., here is a way of sharing the Address Book with both machines.

For help getting to the Address Book, click here.

To Import addresses to your Address Book...,
From the Address Book Toolbar..., "click-on" File, then choose Import.

Address Book  Import Address Book  File

Now, Choose the format you are Importing in..., (In this example, I will import from an addressbook already in Outlook Express)

Address Book  Import Addresses

"Click-on" the Address Book File you want to import.

Notice that you can also import Mail from Outlook Express . . .,
I will Skip that for this example.

Then, click Finish.

and the imported addresses will be added to a folder called "Outlook Express Addresses."

If you want to add these addresses into your main Address Book (I certainly would!) . . .,
then Right Click on the first imported address, and hold the Shift key while Right Clicking on the last imported address, and Drag them to the main Address Book.

You may then Delete the "Outlook Express Addresses" folder by Left Clicking on it and selecting Delete.

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