Chapter 7 WebStudy Distance Learning on the World Wide Web 
Internet Navigator...  A Simplified Guide to Netscape Communicator

Creating a Mail List

The Netscape Mailing List allows you to mail "many people" at one time!

If you want to create a Mailing List:

Go To the The Address Book. (follow the link for help) and "Click" on New List.

Obviously..., you must have "several addresses" in you Address Book before you can create a Mail List!

The Mailing List Window will "Pop-up."  Once you create a list name, which is typed in place of an e-mail address, then drag the names from your Address book to the Mailing List.  This can be tricky, since both Windows must be on the screen at the same time.  (Hint:  To move an entire window, Right Click on the Title Bar. The title bar is where the mouse pointer is in the following picture)

When selecting the names:

Select the Names you want included in your New Mail List
Use the Shift Key (and mouse click) to all multiple "sequential" addresses,
...and the Ctrl Key (and mouse click) to add "non-sequential" addresses.
Notice that all sequential addresses must be highlighted Before the non-sequential adresses.

Address Book  Mailing List  Example

When you have finished selecting..., "Drag" the selection(s) to the webstudy_test_folder

You will need to "Hold Down" the Right Mouse Button..., and "Drag" the Highlighted Selections toward the bottom of the window..., (to make the Window "scroll down"...) 

Then, "Drop" (release the Right Mouse Button) ...the Selections in the webstudy_test_folder.

The Name Selections will be included in the  friends folder.

To Send a message to every name on the list...,

Treat the Mail List Name as a Normal Address, although it will be sent to everyone on the list!

"Click-on" Send..., and Netscape Mail will send your message to "every name on your list".

Remember..., You cannot see all of the names in the list..., from the Mail Composition Window.

After you Send the message you can actually "see it" by "clicking-on" the Sent Folder located in the Mail Window, Inbox Folder, Sent. Locate your message and "click-on" it..., (it will be visible in the Viewing Pane at the bottom)

If you have trouble with "any of this"..., ask for help!
It is a bit "tricky" the first few times you try it!

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