Testing your page

You should test your Web page with more than one browser. You don't have to connect to the server in order to test your page. You can test your page from your hard disk.

Open a Navigator window and chose file > Open Page. It should appears as is.

Type the URL of the page you wish to test, or click Choose File to locate it on your hard disk.

Look through the page and make sure it looks exactly the way you want it.

For example:

Is the formatting look right?

Is the image look ok?

Does each links link to the correct destination?

Did you include all the e-mail address or contract information?

Choose File > Edit Page in Navigator to switch to Composer.

Make any necessary changes. Choose File > Save to save the changes.

Choose File > Browse Page or click the preview button on the Composition toolbar to view the changes. Repeat the steps until you are satisfied with your pages.

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