Using Multiple Browser Windows

From the Communicator Toolbar select File, then select New Web Browser. The result will give you another Browser Window to surf the Internet. You may open as many Browser Windows as your computer will allow. Thito read one page while another is loading.

There are seven (7) different windows in Netscape Communicator:

1. Web Browser Windows
2.Mail Window
3.News Window
4.Collabra Discussion Group Window
5.Page Composer Window
6.Conference Window
7.Netcaster Window

You can close the Browser four (4) different ways:
1. Click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the window.

2. From the Netscape Toolbar select File, then select Close.
3. From the Netscape Toolbar select File, then select Exit.
4. Click on the Netscape Icon in the upper left hand corner of the window, then select Close.