The Status Area

The Status Message is your indication that the Browser is working properly. As you probably know the Internet is getting crowded and sometimes is just not

working properly, or sometimes just not fast enough. With some experience you will even be able to tell if your Browser is acting right. (Status Area shown in figure 4.1).

(figure 4.1)

The lock to the extreme lower left hand corner is Netscape’s way of noting secure documents. If the lock is not locked with a gray background then it is not a secure website as shown in figure 4.2.

(figure 4.2)

If the lock is locked with a yellow background then the website is secure as shown in figure 4.3.

(figure 4.3)

Notice the diagonal stripes in the lower right hand corner. These stripes tell you that the Browser can be adjusted by touching it with your mouse pointer and

dragging the browser window to the desired size.

The status message changes when you put the pointer over a link on a website. All hyperlinks will appear in the status message area if your mouse pointer touches the link.