This is my better half, Scott.


Gorgeous, huh? Scenes like this are all over Colorado. It was beautiful everywhere! This is the road that lead up to a 14 mile uphill climb, looked innocent enough didn't it? If you are wondering who took the picture, it was Billy, from New York. More about Billy later.

This picture was taken at one of the many gates, fences, bridges, creeks, and streams we crossed throughout the trip. That little peice of paper in Scott's hand is a little map of the trail. We loved those maps! We are both really happy, because this gate is mentioned in the directions on the map.It is always good news to find out you have been following the right trail!

This is Scott showing us one of his injuries. We got a few on this trip, but nothing drastic. This is the trail that road up the continental divide in Salida. It was the first trail we road when we got there. It was really fun. We were definitly off to a good start!