An Official Baseball Fan

This webpage is about being a baseball fan
This are the requirements of being an official major league baseball fan
I.  Backgound
    a. know the history of baseball
    b. know the history of baseball players
    c. know how the game has changed the past one hundred  years
II  Choosing a team
    a. must have extensive knowledge of the teams history
    b. must know the teams city
III Going to a game
    a.  journey to your teams respected city
    b. give respect to the fans and the ballpark
    c.  purchse official paraphernalia of your team
    d. take pictures
IV. Talk the talk
    a. tell all your friends and family where your have been
    b. show them your pictures and paraphernalia
    c. visit your teams web page and bookmark it

Be pateint and wait for your team to win the World Series