
What would the world be without Mother-of-Pearl and fired gold? Mother-of-Pearl makes almost any glazed piece beautiful. And, it can cover up a few flaws here and there! Yellow and white gold are great to accent southwest pieces and halo gold is a pretty finish and a lot of fun to apply. You do have to apply these and other overglazes in a well ventilated area (pregnant women should not use them) but the results are beautiful. It's also fun to use gold as an antique by applying it to a glazed piece just as you would apply oil-based or water-based antiquing to bisque. Fire the gold to cone 022, take a fine sanding pad and rub the gold off the raised areas, leaving it in the grooves. Refire to cone 018 and you have a piece antiqued in gold. It's a very nice touch to a glazed piece.

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