Risa's World of 
          I started making ceramics in 1989 after I had seen a Santa Claus that I wanted for Christmas.  I really did not expect to get so carried away with it but once I got started I could not stop.  Before I knew it, I had a kiln, was buying molds, and was taking my finished pieces to craft shows several times a year.  In 1994 I became a Duncan Certified Instructor and opened a shall ceramic studio.  I did not keep my studio very long but I did continue with the hobby.
        Ceramics is a wonderful hobby.  It is a great way to beautify a home and make great gifts for others.  Most people have a greater appreciation for ceramists after they make their first piece.  It takes a lot of time and patience to produce quality pieces.  I hope my webpage will interest you and perhaps, if you are not a ceramist, you will decide to try a new hobby and if you are a ceramist, I hope you will find something enjoyable and useful.
        Please contact me with questions and comments.  I'd like to hear from you.
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