Extreme Environments:

Where are some amazing places bacteria are found???



Volcanoes:  Some bacteria are so heat resistant they can live in places that would be impossible for you or me
Salty Environments:  Even though we don't often think about it, too much salt is a bad thing.  Many bacteria are able to tolerate very salty water and can even live within salt grains themselves
Supercold Temperatures:  Some bacteria can also withstand freezing cold temperatures.  They are even found in Antartica
Madigan, M.T.  Martinko, and J. Parker.  2003.  Biology of Microorganisms.  Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ
Endospores are capable of lying dormant for at least 7000 years
Some studies indicate that spores, in appropriate conditions, can remain viable for more than 250 million years

That’s almost 17 million times as long as the average dog!