EIPT 3043 - SPRING 2004

WBI Project: Create an Instructional Unit

Revised Proposal

Revision Proposal*
*This information should be posted on your website as track_rev.html.

Think about the goals and basic outline of your unit before looking for materials. Once you have identified a quality track to edit, don't let the resources drive development of instruction. Students' needs should drive the development of instruction. In other words, be sure to provide whatever the student needs to achieve the instructional goal within your instructional unit.

Please Word Process.

Your track should reflect sound instructional strategies. It will be a good idea for you to review "Gagne's Conditions of Learning" before developing your track.

Here's a link to Oklahoma PASS skills information.

After you have completed your revisions, use the information from this proposal and any other information necessary for instructors who may use your track as a last link of your Track, "For the Teacher." 

Critique and Evaluation of Original Track

Briefly describe the strengths and weaknesses of the original track and detail the changes you plan to make including links you will remove and those you plan to add. Be sure to include why you chose the track you did as well as why you plan to make changes.

Proposal for Customized Track


Describe age/grade, entry level skills (prerequisites), and cognitive, motivational, and affective characteristics

Instructional Goal

Provide a broad statement of what students will do or learn.

Specific Objectives

Describe specific outcomes you wish students to achieve. Use this to narrow the scope of your lesson.

Well written objectives have three main components:
1. Given the specified context / materials
2. the learner will do / demonstrate desired outcome
3. to what specified level of proficiency


Description of the Unit

Anticipated Problems

Describe potential problems or special preparation related to this track.

How will learning be evaluated?

Describe assessment methods -- the track should assess whether students have mastered the objectives. This may be done through quizzes, projects with rubrics, or journal activities, to name a few.


Revised Proposal



Last edited: 02.06.04 - lrw