Note: This page is another EXAMPLE of how to layout a web page.
YOUR web page does not have to look exactly like this, but should be neatly done as this is.

Response 3

Title of article
by: Author

Main Idea/Summary

Type a brief summary of the main points of the article you read IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Your Gut Reaction

How did you feel aobut htis article? Did you like it or not? Why? (be able to support your position)
What did you like or not like - include why.


  1. why...?
  2. How do ...?

Note: do no include the descriptive passages included here, they are meant to guide you as you type your responses. The headings are a good idea however.


**(it is good to provide alternate ways of navigating the website as is done here

Last edited 05.29.03 - LRW