

                     This page contains links to short versions and to the full versions of the final projects. Most of the short  versions are in a form
                     of a business plan. Access to the full version of the projects is password protected. To get such password, please contact Prof.
                     Miguel Bagajewicz at


                                                                                       FIRST PRIZE WINNER ($700)

                      New Beer in the Market:  In this project, the strategy to capture markets, including advertisement, is modeled together with the beer plant capacity. Taking into
                     account transportation costs of raw material and products, operating costs, a planning model optimizes plant capacity and location as well as the choice of markets.
                      Executive Summary               Business Plan                Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                                                                            SECOND PRIZE WINNER ($300)

                      Skin Replacement:  This project discusses some modification of an existing allograft currently available in the market to increase its growth speed. The FDA
                     approval process is modeled in detail, determining the financial risk  and suggesting what are the best actions that can be taken to manage it. A pricing model is also used.
                      Executive Summary               Business Plan                 Full Version            PowerPoint Presentation

                                                                                                        MENTION OF HONOR

                      Carbon Nanotubes: This project compares two technologies (HipCo and CoMOCAt) to produce carbon nanotubes. . A pricing model is  used to determine future
                      revenues and to assess the plant capacity. 

                      Executive Summary                Business Plan                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation


                                                                       OTHER (ALSO GOOD) PROJECTS

                       Arsenic in OU water: EPA has mandated a reduction of Arsenic levels in OU water. OU can save a few million dollars over a long term horizon using it own
                       treatment methods to reduce the  purchasing of water  from the city of Norman. This project takes last year's results one step further.

                      Executive Summary               Short Version                  Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                      Horseradish Peroxidase Immunoassay: This project discusses the design and fabrication of an immunoassay that will be sold to rural hospitals. The FDA
approval process was modeled in detail to assess and manage financial risk, as well as to determine the appropriate timing of different investments as well as decisions.
                      Executive Summary                Business Plan                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                      Oxygen in the Moon: This project discusses the apparatus to produce oxygen in the moon form existing minerals. The logistics of its transportation as well as it
                      building is discussed in detail. .
                      Executive Summary                Short Version                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                      Municipal Solid Waste: This project shows how the city of New York can switch from land filling as a waste disposal method to the production of Hydrogen.
                       A mathematical model used to determine plant locations and transportation routes, over a long time horizon is used. Financial aspects of the project will be also described.
                      This is a complete integration of core chemical engineering, financial planning and public policy.  This project is a repeat from last year.
                      Executive Summary                Business Plan                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                      Fuel Cells:  This project studies the fabrication of different fuel cells to be introduced in the market to be sold to small hospitals and banks. Different types of fuel
                      cells are considered and the logisitics of which market to choose as well as to where to locate the plant are determined through a mathematical model.
                      Executive Summary                Business Plan                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                      Gasoline Tank: This project considers the design and the fabrication of a polymer composite gasoline tank for cars. The process of contract negotiations was modeled
                      and decision making was obtained from it.
                      Executive Summary                Business Plan                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation

                      Biorefining:  This project considers the use of different crops to produce a variety of chemicals using fermentation technologies. Since the capital is limited, an
                      investment planning model was constructed to determine best locations as well as what products should be chosen for fabrication. 
                      Executive Summary                Business Plan                 Full Version             PowerPoint Presentation


                                        HALL OF FAME OF HARD WORKERS

     The following students deserve especial recognition for their hard work and . A maximum of 6 students are recognized here but there was about 6  other hard
       workers in the list of qualified students. 

                        Alex Ibanez                Ian Klink                Collin Martin         Kristen Martinez       Nick Spencer            Holap Tang      


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