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University Student Outreach

CIWRO offers advising, mentoring, and research opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students through OU and consortium faculty and staff. Find out more about the Summer Student Research Colloquium and the Peter Lamb Postdoctoral Fellowship.


Summer Student Research Colloquium

The goal of the Summer Student Research Colloquium is to provide opportunities to emerging scholars pursuing advanced degrees who wish to learn more about atmospheric science and how it might relate to or enhance their chosen fields of study.

The National Weather Center with a rust-colored gear icon that contains the words Apply by 15 Feb.

Student Research Colloquium

Where: National Weather Center, University of Oklahoma, Norman
When: June 9 - 13, 2025

Students from All Backgrounds Welcome!

Students will spend a week immersed in cutting-edge weather research at the National Weather Center at the University of Oklahoma's Norman campus. Participants will explore what it's like to have a career in meteorology or adjacent fields and be exposed to strategic skills useful to any profession that works with science. Learning objectives include learning about weather research, learning to give presentations to diverse audiences, and working with experienced mentors on a guided research project.

We welcome applications from all students with an interest in severe weather. A background in atmospheric science is not necessary to benefit from this unique experience. The weeklong colloquium will be held June 9-13, 2025.

CIWRO will assume all costs associated with the program:

  1. Travel to the program from anywhere in the United States
  2. Housing accommodations at the University of Oklahoma residence halls
  3. Meals or meal allowance
  4. Afterhours excursions to experience beautiful Norman, Oklahoma
  5. One-of-a-kind opportunity to study with the top severe-weather scientists in the country
  1. Undergraduate or graduate student of an accredited college/university
  2. Interest in a field of study that aligns with the CIWRO mission (possible areas of study include but are not limited to meteorology, electrical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, data science, communication, psychology, geography, political science)

  1. One-page personal statement describing interest in workshop
  2. Copy of resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. Official transcript
  4. One reference letter sent directly to OU CIWRO
  5. Application deadline is Feb. 15, 2025

Applications may be sent via mail or email:

Cassie Eads
Executive Director, Finance and Operations, CIWRO
University of Oklahoma
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 2100
Norman, OK 73072

The Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research & Operations (CIWRO) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) is a research organization that promotes collaborative research between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and OU scientists and students. CIWRO seeks to improve the basic understanding of weather and to transition that understanding to operational products that can be used to provide better forecasts and warnings so as to save lives and property and mitigate economic impacts of severe and high impact weather.

Stylized crimson line.

Peter Lamb Postdoctoral Fellowship

The CIWRO seal, followed by the words Peter Lamb Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline Jan. 31, 2025 overlaying clouds and sun.

CIWRO has established the Peter Lamb Postdoctoral Fellowship that is offered annually. CIWRO promotes collaborative research between scientists at NOAA and a consortium of universities led by the University of Oklahoma on problems of mutual interest.

CIWRO research seeks to improve the basic understanding of weather and to transition that understanding to operations in order to help produce better forecasts and warnings that save lives and property. CIWRO also investigates the societal impacts of such phenomena. The recipient will be an OU employee but may conduct her/his research at OU, Howard University (HU), the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), Texas Tech University (TTU), or the University at Albany (UA).

Applications must include a 3-4 page novel proposal developed by the applicant that addresses at least one of the CIWRO research themes:

  1. weather radar and observations research and development;
  2. mesoscale and storm-scale modeling research and development;
  3. forecast applications improvements research and development;
  4. subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction for extreme weather events; and
  5. social and socioeconomic impacts of high-impact weather systems.

Applicants must identify a potential advisor from OU or any of the consortium partners (HU, PSU, TTU, UA) in their narrative and are highly encouraged to contact that advisor to receive guidance when drafting a research proposal. The CIWRO website has more information on projects underway within these research themes as well as contact information for CIWRO scientists and consortium partners working on these themes.

Terms of appointment are for one (1) year, renewable for a second year subject to satisfactory performance. An annual salary of $67,000 and research budget of $5,000 per year is included in the award, along with a modest relocation stipend.

Successful applicants must have obtained a Ph.D. after July 31, 2020; however, exceptions may be made if life events affected the applicant's career timeline. Proof of a Ph.D. is required before assuming the post-doctoral position, but those in the final stages of Ph.D. dissertation completion are also highly encouraged to apply provided a finish date before July 31, 2025, is anticipated. The preferred start date is on or before July 31, 2025, but a slight extension may be possible.

Application Guidelines

Applicants are asked to submit the following electronically:
  1. A curriculum vitae;
  2. A list of all products (e.g., referred articles, patents, technology transfers, licensed software, etc.) generated over the course of their career;
  3. A cover letter which includes the expected start date and any non-standard resources that might be needed to complete the proposed work;
  4. A brief proposal (3-4 pages, double-spaced, excluding the list of references and figures) describing the work to be pursued during a two-year tenure with CIWRO with the potential advisor from any of the CIWRO institutions identified; and
  5. A list of three references. Applicants should request that referees email reference letters directly to CIWRO at the address listed below before the application deadline.

To receive full consideration, applications and supporting material should be received by January 31, 2025.

All materials should be sent electronically to:

ATTN: Peter Lamb Postdoctoral Fellowship