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Professional Development for Teachers


Twisted: Unraveling the science of severs weather for teachers of grades 3 through 6, next to a tornado with lightning.

Tornado workshops

CIWRO, in partnership with the Oklahoma Mesonet and the Oklahoma Science Teachers Association, provides free workshops to teachers to empower them to teach about atmospheric science with confidence in their classrooms.

In our Twisted workshop series in fall 2024, nearly 100 teachers visited the National Weather Center. Our researchers broke down the four basic ingredients of tornadoes in terms that could be conveyed to students. The lessons presented focused on thrid- through sixth-grade academic standards.

Highlights include:

  • Explore the atmospheric ingredients that can spur tornadoes
  • Learn how flooding, lightning, hail and tornadoes happen and how to stay safe
  • Plot weather data on maps and graphs
  • Engage in hands-on activities to share with your students
  • Lunch and learning supplies included
  • Schools receive a $100 substitute teacher stipend when you attend
  • Receive a free STEM weather kit to take back to your classroom
A scientist holds a football against a projected presentation to describe wind sheer.
Workshop Resources

To join our email list for a future workshop, email

Two teachers watch as red dye in a convection tank of water rises to the top.

Teachers learn about convection by observing how red dye that has been heated is now rising to the top of the water.

Five teachers sitting at a long table slinging a scientific instrument to measure humidity in the air.

Teachers assemble simple sling psychrometers, insttuments that can measure humidity in the air. They later used the data to calculate relative humidity.

A scientist speaks to a full room of teachers sitting at tables.

Teachers learn about the four ingredients of tornadoes in the Twisted teacher workshop.