Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is an international sociology honor society first established in 1920. The purpose of Alpha Kappa Delta is to seek to acknowledge and promote excellence in the scholarship of sociology, the research of social problems, and other social and intellectual activities that will lead to improvement in the human condition. The University of Oklahoma's AKD chapter was established in 1958 as the Beta of Oklahoma chapter of AKD and is the longest existing AKD chapter in the state of Oklahoma.
Benefits of Joining AKD
- AKD membership demonstrates a high standard of academic achievement and excellence. Being a member of AKD means that you are eligible to apply for several opportunities for funding and awards including research travel grants, symposium funding, and speaker grants.
- AKD participants give back to the community through philanthropic endeavors. For example, over the past few years, the OU's AKD Chapter helped raise over $10,000 and provided more than 20,000 diapers to babies and families in need.
- AKD members have the opportunity to share their commitment through wearing special AKD honor cords at graduation.
- Listing your AKD membership on your CV or résumé can demonstrate your commitment to sociological excellence and can help your job market prospects. For example, Alpha Kappa Delta members who become civil service employees are eligible for an increase in pay-grade at GS-7 level.
- Find out more about applying:

Criteria for Membership
AKD membership is open to undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members. Currently, there are more than 101,000 members in Alpha Kappa Delta and over 630 chapters.
- Completion of at least 60 hours of college coursework
- GPA of at least 3.0 for all sociology coursework
- An overall cumulative GPA of 3.3 (this is NOT your "retention GPA")
- Completion of at least 12 hours in sociology coursework
- Completion of at least one semester of graduate coursework
- 3.0 GPA of 3.0 in graduate coursework and continued matriculation in a program of study leading toward a graduate degree in sociology
If you meet these requirements and are interested in joining AKD, complete the application form and return it with your $50 membership fee (required of all new initiates) to Dr. Christopher R.H. Garneau (the faculty advisor of AKD) in his mailbox in 331 Kaufman Hall. Applications and fees are due by October 30 for fall memberships and March 10 for spring memberships.