Human Resources for the University of Oklahoma. Serving Faculty and Staff in Norman, Oklahoma City, and Tulsa campuses.
Access time reporting tools and guides for the Workforce time keeping system.
Connect to Self-Service to review paycheck earning statements, update contact information and emergency contacts, review tax statements, and other employee services.
LiveWell OU is the university’s employee wellness program developed by OU Human Resources to help employees enhance their overall well-being.
Ombuds functions independently of all OU offices to ensure employees across all campuses have an impartial, confidential space to express concerns, seek guidance and constructively resolve conflicts.
OU has partnered with EthicsPoint, an independent third party, to provide a simple and anonymous way for employees and students to report concerns or possible misconduct.
Statutes and regulations enforced by both State and Federal agencies require that notices be provided to employees and/or posted in the workplace.
OU's BIT is a group of campus professionals who respond to referrals of disruptive or troubling behavior.
The CFE's mission is to guide all University of Oklahoma faculty in every facet of career development, including teaching, community engagement, and research and creative activities.
The Norman Campus Faculty Handbook is a compilation of the University's major policies regarding faculty and academic matters.
The Faculty Senate consists of 50 members of the regular faculty elected to three-year terms by their colleges.
The Staff Handbook contains the relevant laws, policies, and procedures that govern interactions between the institution and the employee.
The mission of Staff Senate is to seek the active representation and involvement of staff in the affairs of the University.
Performance management is a continuous communication process between supervisors and employees.
Login below to complete the employee Self-Review via Cornerstone.
The SLIS Faculty Handbook supplements the Faculty Handbook to provide further information specific to the policies and procedures of SLIS.
The Committee Chair submits this report annually in May.
Complete this form to request purchases with University or Grant funding.
This document provides guidelines for the Annual Faculty Evaluation and the awarding of tenure, promotion, and salary increases for SLIS faculty.
This document contains guidelines and the criteria for promotion of SLIS renewable term faculty.
Access departmental Annual Faculty Evaluation Policies and Procedures.
Watermark is a tool used to record faculty teaching, research, publication, presentations, awards, creative and service activities and accomplishments.
The Academic Calendar reflects registration dates, enrollment deadlines, and other events related to instruction for each semester.
Access grading policies including Incomplete Contract information and instructions.
Services include instructional design, Canvas consultation, step-by-step guides, and course video production.
Access information about current students, coursework, and other resources including iAdvise.
The Graduate College Bulletin is produced by the University of Oklahoma Graduate College, Norman campus, issued by the University of Oklahoma, and authorized by the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents.
Access resources from the Center for Faculty Excellence to support curriculum, syllabus development, and other workshops.
The goal of the ORS under the VPRP is to function as a highly trained, customer service-oriented organization whose primary purpose is to support externally funded research and sponsored activities at OU.
Research Financial Services provides post-award administration and financial support to principal investigators, project directors and sponsors.
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships has a robust vision and plan for the Norman and Tulsa campuses including internal support and seed funding opportunities.
GrantForward is an external searchable database made available at no extra charge for anyone with an "" email address. Conduct searches here to find a list of funding sources curated to your interests.
OU faculty and staff have access to a vast array of mechanisms to help support their research and creative activities.
The OU Human Research Participant Protection office (HRPP) operates under the Office of Compliance and oversees and provides support to Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).
Prepare and book travel, login to Concur, and access other travel policies and resources.
The FTAP provides regular faculty with funds to help defray the cost of domestic and international travel for professional meetings or to support the development of new or expanded research programs.