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MLIS Handbook

MLIS Handbook

This Student Handbook of the School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) at the University of Oklahoma represents the School's effort to provide information important for successful admission and completion of the School's graduate programs. It is designed to be used in conjunction with and as a supplement to the Graduate College Bulletin as well as other vital publications such as the OU Student Handbook, and the Graduate Assistantship information from the Graduate College. Read all of these documents carefully. Inform yourself of your rights and responsibilities.

Nothing in this handbook supersedes any existing Graduate College or University regulations. However, certain program requirements are more stringent than those stated in the Graduate College Bulletin and do not constitute a conflict. Throughout his/her degree program, the student should bear in mind that it is the responsibility of the student to know and follow the academic requirements of the Graduate College, the SLIS, as well as the conduct requirements detailed in The Student Code, found in the Student Handbook linked above. In addition, it is expected that all students subscribe to the code(s) of ethics appropriate to the library and information studies field.

As policy changes occur in the University by action of the University administration, the Graduate College, or the SLIS, the SLIS will do its best to inform all members of the School of relevant changes and whom they affect. Also, certain parts of this Handbook, particularly appended material, will be updated periodically. It is the student’s responsibility to remain informed of these informational updates.


The Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) is available in thesis and non-thesis options. Both tracks include six required courses and six elective courses. Electives are chosen by the student in consultation with the faculty advisor. LIS 5033 is required in all students’ first semester of enrollment. However, if a student begins the program during a summer semester, or if LIS 5033 is full at the time of a new student’s initial enrollment, the student may proceed on the understanding that they will take LIS 5033 the following semester.

The required courses are the foundation for all other courses in the curriculum. It is important that the student take the required courses as soon as possible, preferably in the first eighteen hours of enrollment.

Although it may be possible to complete the degree in one calendar year, the average time to degree completion is 2 years. The degree must be completed within five calendar years from the time of initial enrollment. Faculty advisors evaluate the progress of each of their advisees each spring, and students receive copies of these evaluations.

The MLIS degree program requires thirty-six hours of graduate credit and successful completion of one of the following end of program assessments:

  • A written comprehensive examination (only for students who started prior to Fall 2021)
  • Defense of a thesis
  • Defense of a portfolio (only for students who started prior to Fall 2021)
  • ePortfolio 

All incoming students will take the ePortfolio examination. Those wishing to do a thesis must consult with their advisor prior to thesis declaration. 

The required courses, in particular, LIS 5023, LIS 5033, LIS 5043, LIS 5053, and LIS 5063 should be taken prior to the semester in which the student completes their end of program assessment.

Comprehensive exams: are only available for students admitted prior to Fall 2021. If a student wishes to pursue a portfolio or thesis instead, that must be discussed with their advisor during their first semester in the program. 

Portfolio: This option is only available to students who were admitted prior to Fall 2021 and requires students to begin working on their final product their first semester, and touch base with the project every semester during their program.

Thesis: The time consumed in the development of a thesis proposal and the subsequent research and writing is longer than the six credit hours might suggest, and a student who undertakes the thesis option should allow at least two years for its completion. Thesis guidelines are available in the SLIS office in Norman or on the web site.

ePortfolio: The default end of program assessment for all MLIS students. It involves a website creation that shows a student's mastery of topics learned throughout the entirety of the MLIS program. Students are required to keep documents and coursework to showcase in their ePortfolio.

The master's degree program is offered on the Norman and Tulsa campuses. The courses that are offered and the projected semesters of offering are listed on the "Planned Course Rotation Schedule," copies of which are available in the OU/SLIS office and on the SLIS web site. Each semester’s schedule is developed from the “Planned Course Rotation Schedule,” as resources allow..

Regarding learning resources, students should expect to use a variety of locations and formats, including the university libraries on the Norman and Tulsa campuses, other libraries, online sources, and interlibrary loan.


In order to make an American Library Association accredited degree program accessible to a wider geographic area, the School uses a variety of modes to deliver courses. Courses may be taught on-campus in Norman and Tulsa, on-campus with a video-connection between Norman and Tulsa, in a blended format in which the course meets predominately online but with some on-campus meetings, or fully online through the Canvas course management system.


Although some students enter the MLIS program after completing another graduate degree, the MLIS degree program represents the first experience in graduate education for many students. This experience differs from undergraduate programs, which often emphasize the acquisition of basic knowledge in a discipline. Fundamentally, responsibility for education at the graduate level belongs to the individual student. Faculty provide the basic frame in which the study is undertaken, offer assistance in setting the parameters of study, and serve as facilitators and mentors. This approach to the learning environment is particularly necessary as a conceptual framework for the development of information professionals who must exercise critical thinking, analyze problems, and design solutions as a daily part of their work life, who must be independent and lifelong learners, and who also function effectively as team members in a diverse and dynamic information environment.


The admissions policy of the School of Library and Information Studies has as its goal the selection of persons who are academically well qualified and who exhibit potential for contribution in the areas of library and information services. The School encourages applications from students with diverse educational, geographical, and intellectual backgrounds.


Certain college, departmental, and administrative officers of the University have a legitimate interest and need for information contained in student's records, and are authorized access to this information on a "need to know" basis (Title 5 Student Records and Information [5.2.5] of the University of Oklahoma 2009-2010 Student Code of Responsibilities and Conduct for the Norman Campus). These needs include, for example, access by faculty/staff for evaluating applicants to the program and for advising/assisting the student in meeting her/his professional goals and the requirements of the program. The University endeavors to protect the confidentiality of student records as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


A student may apply at any time of the year for admission to the MLIS program in the School of Library and Information Studies but must comply with University deadlines. 

The SLIS Admissions and Scholarships Committee considers applicants for admission only upon receipt of complete application files, including all documents listed below. The various documents do not have to be submitted simultaneously but all parts must be present before admission consideration.

Apply through the Graduate College’s online application form. Application materials include:

  • A completed application to the School of Library and Information Studies
  • A statement of purpose and goals. The statement of purpose and goals is a one- to two-page essay stating your purpose and goals in applying to our program. In your statement, include the nature of your interest, how you became interested in this field, your short and long-term goals, the strengths you would bring to the information profession, and how the OU program will help meet your career and educational objectives. This essay will be included in the evidence on which the admission decision is based
  • Three reference forms completed by persons familiar with the applicant’s scholastic or employment record (Each form asks questions about the capacity in which the applicant is known to the recommender, and the applicant’s strengths and limitations for graduate study in the field and for success as an information professional, as well as a comparison chart highlighting the applicant’s rating on sixteen abilities and characteristics.)
  • A professional resume

In addition, a personal interview with members of the Admissions Committee, or their designee, may be required of any applicant.

Students are admitted to the program with a "full" or "conditional" admissions status. While application materials are considered holistically with no single criterium being the sole deciding factor, for "full" admissions students must have a prior grade point average of 3.0 in their undergraduate degree or in previously-completed graduate degree(s).

Applicants may check on the status of their application file in the SLIS office by calling 405-325-3921.


If a student withdraws from the School, readmission may be obtained by petitioning the School. If one year or more has elapsed since enrollment, the student must also apply for readmission to the Graduate College. While in most cases courses taken in previous terms in residence will be applied to the student's degree, some courses may not be applied toward the degree. This will be the case with courses taken five or more years in the past, but it may also apply to courses taken at a more recent time. The SLIS Graduate Studies committee will evaluate each case on its particular merits.


A graduate of an accredited four-year institution whose grade point average is below 3.0 and who has met all other requirements for admission to full graduate standing may be admitted conditionally. Students admitted in a conditional admission status must meet specific requirements dictated by the Graduate College and the School. 

The first 12 credit hours (4 classes) in the program make up the conditional admission period, and the following restrictions apply during this time. Once the student has successfully completed the first 12 hours, they become fully admitted and are no longer subject to restrictions.

  • Conditionally admitted students are encouraged to take no more than 6 credit hours (2 classes) in fall or spring semesters. 
  • Within their first 12 hours in the program they must complete 3 of the core classes (LIS 5023, 5033, 5043, 5053 or 5063), and this must fall within 4 consecutive semesters.
  • LIS 5033 must be taken in the first semester of enrollment
  • All courses must be completed with a B or better final grade. 
  • No grades of "I", "W", or "U" will be permitted during the conditional period. The only exception is permission to receive an "I" in a directed reading course.
  • If a conditionally admitted student takes undergraduate classes during the conditional period, they must be completed with B or better grades.
  • They must consult with their academic advisor and submit a SLIS Program Planning Form (pdf) by the end of their first semester in the program.
  • Within 10 days of receiving their admission letter, they must return to the SLIS office a signed Student Acknowledgment of Conditional Admission (pdf) contract.



MLIS courses are letter-graded with A, B, C, D, and F grades. Independent study courses including internships receive an S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) grade. The Graduate College defines additional grade categories in the Graduate College Bulletin. 

Under certain circumstances, a student may request an incomplete grade in the class. 

In addition to course grades, students are evaluated on an end of program assessment. Student end of program assessment options are detailed later in this handbook. Evaluation of end of program assessments is done by faculty teams that use rubrics to assess students as below expectations, meets expectations, or exceeds expectations. By Graduate College policy, students have two attempts to pass their end of program assessment. If they fail the first attempt, they may take a second attempt in the following semester. If they also fail the second attempt they are dropped from the program without receiving their degree. 


Students enrolled in the School of Library and Information Studies must maintain acceptable academic standards in order to remain in the School. Students admitted to full graduate standing must maintain an overall B average in all courses attempted. If at the end of any semester a student's cumulative grade point average has fallen below 3.0, the student will be placed on academic probation for the next semester (or summer session) in which the student enrolls. If the student fails to raise the total grade point average to 3.0 in the next 12 hours in which the student enrolls, the student will be dropped from the School.

When students who have been conditionally admitted have completed the first 12 hours in their program, they must have achieved a grade point average of 3.0 or better for all graduate-level courses attempted, or they will be denied re-enrollment. Further, they must have met the conditions set out in their letter of conditional admittance, including successful completion of specified courses.

Graduate College regulations require a grade point average of 3.00 or higher on all graduate work attempted for eligibility for any graduate degree. The School of Library and Information Studies requires that a student receiving more than 6 credit hours of C in letter-graded courses in library and information studies be withdrawn from the program. This requirement will be observed regardless of a student's overall grade point average. Any SLIS student receiving a grade of D or lower in any letter graded LIS graduate course will be withdrawn from the program. Grades of C in required courses cannot be counted toward the degree. If a student receives a grade of C in a required course, the student will be required to re-take the course. The C grade will count toward the student’s overall GPA. (The rule regarding 3 grades of C continues to apply; that is, students who make a third grade of C will be withdrawn from the program.)

A student who has received 2 or more "I" (incomplete) grades, which have not been removed, will not be permitted to enroll for another semester's work. However, in special situations, the student may request a hearing before the School's Graduate Studies Committee in order to present reasons why further enrollment should be allowed. The Committee will then determine whether further enrollment will be permitted and, if so, under what conditions.

Certain courses in the School of Library and Information Studies are graded on a Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis. A grade of S (Satisfactory) is equivalent to a grade of B or better. Students may not enroll in more than 12 hours of satisfactory/unsatisfactory graded courses as credit toward completion of degree requirements. In special situations, the student may petition the Graduate Studies Committee to enroll in additional S/U credit hours, but no more than 12 hours of S/U graded coursework can be counted toward the 36 hours required for the degree. Significantly, only 9 hours of courses with the 5900 number may count toward the degree; therefore, students should monitor their accumulation of hours in these categories.

As noted above in “Degree Programs,” student progress is evaluated once each year by the student's advisor. Any student whose academic performance is less than satisfactory will be notified by letter. Unsatisfactory performance includes, but is not limited to, not making timely progress toward the degree and/or not taking required courses early in the program.


A student is expected to complete work for the master's degree within five calendar years from the student's first graduate enrollment in the School of Library and Information Studies. If additional time is needed, the student and advisor will petition the School, addressing the petition to the SLIS Graduate Studies Committee. Extensions may be granted for a variety of reasons which may include, but are not limited to, approved "stopout," job relocation, military duty, illness, a serious accident, pregnancy, or divorce. The extension may be granted with qualification or it may be denied, in which case the student will be dismissed from the program. The Graduate College dean must also approve students’ petitions for extension of time to complete the degree.


Each student admitted to the program is assigned a faculty advisor based on the student's interests expressed in the application materials. Upon entry to the program and prior to the completion of 12 hours at the latest (including any hours taken before official admission to the program), any student in the MLIS program must file with the School a program plan that shows which courses are to constitute the 36 hours to be taken for the degree, including any courses to be taken in other departments at the University of Oklahoma and any courses transferred from another institution.

Students should be aware that faculty members who are on nine-month academic year appointments may be unavailable to advise or assist with individualized experiences such as directed projects, directed readings, directed research, internships, theses and portfolios during the summer term and intersessions.

The primary purpose of the program plan is to design a sequence of courses that will lead to an individualized, focused program for each student. This plan is developed by the student and the faculty advisor with the understanding that revisions are made through discussion between the student and faculty advisor. The student and the faculty advisor discuss development of the student's program during the student's first semester and prepare the program planning form within the first twelve hours of enrollment. This initial form becomes part of the student's permanent SLIS file.

While the program planning form is an internal SLIS document, a similar form called the Program of Study must be submitted to the Graduate College approximately six months before students engage in their end of program assessment. Graduate assistants must turn in the program of study form earlier.

In addition to general program planning and advice on course selection, faculty advisors also meet with students to plan any directed reading, directed project, directed research, thesis, or internship enrollments. Planning for enrollment in any of these three areas needs to be undertaken well in advance of the semester in which the enrollment occurs and may need to involve faculty other than the advisor as well as information professionals external to the School.

Faculty advisors hold published office hours each week during the spring and fall semesters in which they teach, and they can also be reached by zoom and email. At any point in their program, students have the option of requesting a change of advisor by contacting the faculty member they wish to change to and informing the Coordinator of Admissions/Academic and Student Support Services.

MLIS Program Planning Form (pdf)

Full-time enrollment for graduate students is nine or more credit hours during the fall and spring semesters and three or more credit hours during the summer session. Full-time enrollment for graduate assistants in the fall or spring semester is six credit hours. A graduate student cannot carry for graduate credit more than sixteen hours in any regular semester, or more than nine hours in a summer session, without permission of the dean of the Graduate College. The student's advisor must also give consent, and this consent is part of the petition to the dean of the Graduate College.

When a student has been admitted to a degree program in the School of Library and Information Studies, it is assumed that the student will enroll in the program at the first registration period following completion of the admission requirements. At the student's request, enrollment may be postponed for as much as one calendar year. If the delay exceeds one year, the application process must be reinitiated.

When the student is accepted into the School, a faculty advisor is assigned and noted in the student's letter of acceptance. Students are required to work with the advisor during attendance at the School and must consult with the advisor prior to enrollment each semester. The student should also consult the advisor at any time that academic or career-related problems arise. A student's request for a change of advisor will be given due consideration, and if a change is desired, a written request should be directed to the SLIS Coordinator of Student Services.


Registration is done online at Some courses may need departmental permission or instructor permission for students to enroll. Contact the SLIS office if you have trouble enrolling in a course.


The general practice of the school has been to limit enrollment in graduate courses. During early registration, only those students who have been admitted to the MLIS program are allowed to enroll. Other students who wish to take a course are placed on a waiting list. After the early enrollment period is past, other students are allowed to enroll in the following priority:

  • students enrolled for certification only
  • students in other OU graduate programs
  • OU/SLIS graduates

Decisions on exceeding the enrollment limit are made by the Director and the instructor of the course.


Special note should be taken before enrollment in LIS 5920 Directed Research, LIS 5940 Directed Project, LIS 5960 Directed Readings, and LIS 5823 Internship in Library/Information Centers. Each of these courses requires close work between the student and the instructor, and the course must be included on the student's Program Planning Form. Permission of both the student's advisor and the instructor is required before the student enrolls in any of these courses. Forms and contracts relating to these courses can be found on the SLIS website. Students enrolling in an internship will work with their faculty advisor and the SLIS Internship Coordinator to complete course planning and paperwork.

An internship in a library or information center provides students with an opportunity to synthesize principles and theories acquired through coursework as well as application of these principles and theories in an outstanding library or information center. The student must have completed or be currently enrolled in 18 hours of coursework in library and information studies, including completion of the required courses, and other courses necessary for a particular internship experience. An internship requires that the student complete 135 hours under professional supervision, and the student performance in the internship course will be evaluated on the basis of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).

A student who would like to include an internship in his/her program plan should discuss this with the assigned faculty advisor at the time of program planning. Based upon a discussion of student needs and interests, the faculty advisor will either serve as the supervising faculty member for the internship or arrange with another faculty member to do so. A student may request a particular placement for the internship, but the supervising faculty member will decide the appropriateness of the assignment. Following tentative approval of the site(s) by the supervising faculty member, the supervising faculty member will make the initial contact with the institution.



Dual degree programs allow students to pursue degrees simultaneously in two fields of study. To obtain a dual degree, the student must satisfy the admission, course, and examination requirements of BOTH programs.

Current OU students can now add a dual degree late in their program with the approval of both departments.  However, the student still must graduate with both degrees in the same semester.  If they add a dual degree towards the end of their first program, they will have to push the graduation date of that program until they are able to finish the second. 

Students earning dual degrees will receive a diploma for both majors in addition to both majors being reflected on the student's transcript.

From the Graduate College Bulletin (as of 5/3/23): 2.2.2 Dual Master's Degrees

Dual master’s degree programs allow students to pursue degrees simultaneously in two fields of study. To obtain a dual degree, the student must satisfy the admission, course, and examination requirements of both programs.


  • If changing from a single graduate degree program to a dual degree program, hours taken prior to admission to the dual degree program may be applied to both of the degrees if approved by both academic units and the dean of the Graduate College. If changing from a non-degree-seeking status to a dual degree program, this coursework will be subject to the guidelines regarding coursework taken prior to admission to a graduate degree program.
  • All deficiencies must be completed and all degree requirements, including foreign languages, non-thesis examination, and thesis, must be met for both programs.
  • Up to 20 percent of the total graduate credit hours required for both degrees taken individually may be double-counted, e.g., counted as credit for both master’s programs.
  • The double-counted courses must be appropriate for each degree.
  • Credit transferred from other institutions may not be double-counted.
  • No more than one-half of the credits for coursework in each degree program, excluding research for the thesis (5980), may be S/U graded coursework.
  • No more than one-half of the overall coursework, excluding research for the thesis (5980), may be S/U graded coursework.
  • The student must graduate with both degrees in the same semester.



Students who have taken or will take graduate courses outside the University must transfer the credit if it is to be counted towards their master’s degree. All transfer credit from outside the University must be approved by the School’s Graduate Studies Committee and the University's Office of Admissions. The conditions for transfer of credit from another university include the following criteria:

  • All hours must be graduate hours from an ALA-accredited institution, graded A or B, and must not have been applied toward another degree
  • All hours must be related to and supportive of the individual's program
  • No more than 9 hours taken outside SLIS may be transferred into the MLIS graduate program
  • The student is responsible for submitting a written request (Transfer Credit Petition for Graduate Credit Earned) to the Graduate Studies Committee, asking for consideration of the transfer hours and providing documentation regarding the applicability of such coursework. Documentation typically includes the course syllabus and the university or college's catalog description of the course
  • Requests for transfer credit may be pre-approved by completing a Transfer Credit Petition for Credit to be Earned and submitting it to the Graduate Studies Committee
  • All hours applied to the program must fall within the time limits of the program
  • Transfer credit petition forms can be downloaded from the SLIS website

Transfer Credit Petition for Credit to be Earned (pdf)

Transfer Credit Petition for Credit Previously Earned (pdf)


A student who has taken or will take graduate course(s) outside the department but within the University of Oklahoma must have the course(s) listed on the SLIS program plan, signed with the approval of the SLIS faculty advisor.

The conditions for credit of non-SLIS OU graduate courses must meet the following criteria:

  • All hours must be graduate hours, graded A or B and must not have been applied toward another degree
  • All hours must be related to and supportive of the individual’s program
  • No more than 9 hours taken outside SLIS may be transferred into the MLIS graduate program
  • All hours applied to the program must fall within the time limits of the program


The University of Oklahoma requires an end-of-program assessment for all master’s degree candidates.

Options for students in the MLIS program are:

  • Portfolio/ePortfolio - students who started the program before fall 2021 will do the portfolio. Those starting in fall 2021 and later will do the ePortfolio
  • Master's Thesis
  • Comprehensive Exam - this option is discontinued for students starting the program in fall 2021 and later

Students must declare if they plan on doing a thesis by the end of their first semester.


The portfolio provides a measure of a student's performance in professional education as well as meeting the University requirement to successfully complete a summative academic evaluation for students who choose the non- thesis option for their MLIS. 

The SLIS faculty designed a new ePortfolio design for students beginning the program in fall 2021 or later. The previous portfolio design included a presentation of the portfolio and a defense in front of a committee. The new ePortfolio design does not include the defense element. Both portfolio types require the student to create a portfolio website, but the content of the two are somewhat different.

Master's Thesis

The thesis development and defense are highly individualized experiences, overseen by a committee of three faculty members. Students must consult with faculty advisors early in their program to plan for the thesis option.

Comprehensive Examination - students who started before fall 2021

One of three options for end of program assessment, the comprehensive examination requires each student to write a research paper as a response to the examination’s single question. The examination is designed to test mastery of a body of knowledge, not merely recall of specific factual data. Students are expected to use not only the information learned in their course work, but also information from a variety of learning experiences, such as reading the professional literature and other appropriate activities. Responses should demonstrate an ability to organize thoughts into coherent narratives. Further, students are expected to seek, organize, evaluate, apply information to problem solving, and to communicate a synthesized understanding of a solution that meets professional needs and expectations. Students receive the examination question (through a Canvas webpage) on a Thursday at 12:00, noon, and must submit their papers (responses to the exam) by 9:00 a.m. the following Monday. The School of Library and Information Studies administers this exam 2 times per year -- during the fall and spring semesters. It is administered beginning with the Thursday of the eighth week of the Fall semester and the Thursday following spring break in spring semesters, unless this date falls on a holiday, in which case, the exam will be the following week. The exam is not offered during the summer semesters.

Students who are within 6 hours of completing their degree and have completed (prior to the semester the exam is taken) all the core courses may take the comprehensive examination. Contact the SLIS office to register for comps and to complete the Graduate College’s Program of Study form. If a student is taking comps in the fall semester, the program of study form is due by the 3rd Friday of the previous March. The deadline for students taking the comprehensive exam during the spring semester is the 3rd Friday of the previous September.


Several merit-based financial awards are offered through the School. Applications for SLIS scholarships are to be made through OU’s online scholarship application database, CASH system. The CASH system opens for applications annually on October 1 and closes on February 1. Awards are for the following academic year. The applications are reviewed by the School’s Admissions and Financial Aid Committee. Students will be notified of awards late in the spring semester. Scholarships are awarded competitively on the basis of demonstrated academic merit and potential for intellectual leadership in the library and information professions.

Students who have been admitted conditionally are not eligible for scholarships administered by SLIS until they have satisfactorily completed six hours. International students are not eligible for scholarships administered by SLIS until they have completed at least one semester of coursework. Scholarship awards will be distributed in the week prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. For awards of $1,000 or more, half of the award will be given in fall and half in spring. Smaller awards are distributed in full for the fall semester. If a student receives the American Library Association Spectrum Scholarship, SLIS matching funds will be distributed over four semesters.

More information about scholarships and awards can be found on the following SLIS webpages

Tuition & Aid



SLIS employs a number of graduate assistants on the Norman campus and one graduate assistant on the Tulsa campus. MLIS students are also commonly hired as graduate assistants by the OU Libraries in Norman, the OU Tulsa Schusterman Library, and in several special collections and archives on the Norman campus. Most graduate assistantships begin in the fall semester, but a some may open up for spring or summer terms.

When departmental GA positions become avaliable, the SLIS office will put out a request for applications and current MLIS students will be asked to complete an application via Qualtrics and include a current copy of their resume/CV. 

Graduate assistantships include a monthly stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance. More information can be found on the Graduate College's Graduate Assistantships page. 

Other departments may have avaliable Graduate Assistant positions avaliable, these positions will be posted at: .


There are various other financial award opportunities available to SLIS students. Students seeking financial aid based upon need should file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Additional information is available at The Office of Financial Aid .


The School of Library and Information Studies is required both by the University of Oklahoma and by our accrediting body, the American Library Association Committee on Accreditation, to engage in ongoing assessment of the various aspects of the School's activities for the purposes of improvement of teaching, research, and service to the profession.

As part of the School's efforts to incorporate systematic evaluation and assessment of the master's programs, we have instituted an exit survey that is part of the completion process for all graduating students. The purpose of the survey is to gather data that is one component of an overall assessment of the extent to which the School's goals and objectives are being accomplished. The survey data provide specific direction to the School in improving the delivery of the master's program, increasing the level of service to students, and enhancing overall the educational experience of those who complete a master's program.

Students are asked to fill out the exit survey during their last semester of course work. Graduating students will receive the survey invitation via e-mail, and the survey itself is on OU’s Qualtrics survey server. The information provided in the survey is shared with all the faculty, but student responses are anonymous to enhance the quality and the candor of the information shared.


It is the practice of the School for faculty to schedule a minimum of 5 office hours per week during the academic term. Generally, these hours are included in course syllabi and are posted on faculty office doors. If a student needs to talk to a faculty member, the student should call ahead or e-mail for an appointment. Faculty members keep their own calendars; therefore, appointments should be scheduled directly with a faculty member. E- mail is the fastest, surest way to reach a faculty member. The SLIS Office can usually provide information if a faculty member is to be out of the office for an extended period of time but has no oversight over faculty schedules.


All communication from SLIS is sent to students through their OU email accounts. It is vitally important that students check their OU email or forward this email to an account that they do check on a regular basis.

SLIS compiles a weekly digest of news, announcements, and other information relevant to SLIS students. Additionally, SLIS maintains an LISJOBS email list to which numerous professional job openings are posted. OLISSA, the SLIS student organization, maintains a Facebook page for their announcements and information.


The School attempts to facilitate job placement of its graduates through several avenues. Job advertisements are distributed to the LISJOBS listserv. Faculty serve as information sources for positions, and occasionally, recruiters will come to Norman or Tulsa to interview students.

All students are eligible to use the Career Services office at the Norman campus free of charges. Staff is available for individual career counseling, and a resume database is available for employer viewing of student resumes. The Career Services office is located in Room 323 in the Oklahoma Memorial Union, telephone (405) 325-1974. Career Services is also an option in the Tulsa Student Affairs office in room 1C53; telephone (918) 660- 3100.



Since organizing in 1907 with nineteen members, the Oklahoma Library Association has worked to strengthen and promote libraries, library services, and librarianship in Oklahoma. OLA is administered by the Executive Board consisting of ten elected officers and six ex-officio members. Membership benefits include professional development, reduced rates for conferences and workshops, interaction with professional colleagues, intellectual freedom support, continuing education, idea sharing, and annual conferences. Members are encouraged to join any of the four divisions or seven roundtables. Student membership is encouraged and membership information is located on the OLA website.


OLISSA is the student organization at the University of Oklahoma School of Library and Information Studies. All students enrolled in the School are automatically members. It is a duly authorized organization registered with the OU Office of Student Development and administered by a committee of students from both campuses with a faculty advisor. Elections are held each spring and all SLIS students are encouraged to participate in this organization.

OLISSA exists to serve the students and provide input to the School. The organization nominates students to attend the School's faculty meetings. Other activities include holding workshops for future information professionals, bringing speakers to campus, organizing social events and creating a Banned Books Week booth or display on the Norman and Tulsa campuses. Students who have problems or suggestions for OLISSA should talk to an officer. OLISSA is ready and willing to take on new projects that will benefit SLIS students. Comments and suggestions from all students are welcomed and can be addressed to the OLISSA officers or posted to the OLISSA Facebook page.


The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) is the graduate student governing body of the University of Oklahoma Student Association. Each graduate program has one or more representatives; SLIS currently has two available seats and each year SLIS invites volunteers for two students to be senators. The GSS Office is in room 181 of the Conoco Student Leadership Center in Oklahoma Memorial Union, and the telephone number is 325-4041. Information about the OU Tulsa Student Association is available through the OU-Tulsa Student Affairs office at 918-660-3100. Grants for special projects or conference attendance are sometimes available from the GSS if the School is in good standing as evidenced by active participation in the Senate.


Beta Phi Mu is the international honor society for the library and information science profession. Qualifying students are elected to membership during their last semester of their program, and the Oklahoma chapter of Beta Phi Mu hosts a dinner in the spring when new initiates are inducted. The Lambda Chapter at the University of Oklahoma has a page on the SLIS website with additional information.