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Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Journal Club

Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics
Journal Club

The Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Journal Club is a weekly meeting to discuss recently published papers and our own research. Graduate students who are members of the AMO group at OU are expected to participate.

Journal Club meetings are held during the Fall and Spring semesters on Tuesdays from 9:00 - 10:00 am in Lin Hall Room 105. Coffee and bagels will be provided.

If you participate in AMO Journal Club, please start thinking about which paper you would like to present and when. Use the link below to view the sign-up sheet and choose presentation dates and papers.


If you have any questions, please contact Arne Schwettmann at To be added to (or removed from) the mailing list, send an email with subject "add" (or "remove").

Spring 2025

T. Rodzinka, E. Dionis, L. Calmels, S. Beldjoudi, A. Béguin, D. Guéry-Odelin, B. Allard, D. Sugny, A. Gauguet, "Optimal Floquet Engineering for Large Scale Atom Interferometers"

Haitian Wang, Yu Chen, and Xiaoling Cui, "Boson-anyon-fermion mapping in one dimension: Constructing anyonic molecule and superfluidity in a spin-1/2 Fermi gas"

Venelin P. Pavlov and Peter A. Ivanov, "Super-Heisenberg scaling of the quantum Fisher information using spin-motion states"

Lukas Ahlheit et al., "Magic running- and standing-wave optical traps for Rydberg atoms"