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Interlocking OU, Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Classics and Letters, The University of Oklahoma website wordmark.
Charles (Ben) WatsonChair, Associate Professor, and Joseph F. Paxton Presidential Professorcbwatson@ou.eduCarnegie 109
Sue AlcockBarnett Family Professor of Classical Archaeology and Professor of Classics and Letterssue.alcock@ou.eduCarnegie 121
David AndersonAssociate Professor dkanderson@ou.eduCarnegie 224
Jeremy BaileyProfessor, Sanders Chair of Law and Liberty, and Director of the Institute for the American Constitutional Heritagejdb@ou.eduCarnegie 215
Peggy ChambersInstructor and Academic Advisorpchambers@ou.eduCarnegie 106
Darin DavisInstructordarindavis@ou.eduCarnegie 206
Daniela GarofaloProfessordg@ou.eduCarnegie 119
Ellen GreeneJoseph Paxton Presidential Professor of Classics and Lettersegreene@ou.eduCarnegie 105
John HansenInstructor, Academic Advisor, and Director of Latin Educationjhansen@ou.eduCarnegie 108
Kyle HarperProfessor and G.T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Libertykyleharper@ou.eduOld Science Hall 103
Rebecca HuskeyAssociate Professorrhuskey@ou.eduCarnegie 118
Samuel J. HuskeyProfessorhuskey@ou.eduCarnegie 116
Alex KoniecznyAdjunct Instructorakonieczny@ou.eduCarnegie 228
Joseph MorganAssistant Professorjoseph.morgan@ou.eduCarnegie 105
William SelingerWick Cary Assistant Professorw.selinger@ou.eduCarnegie 213
Kelly TaylorInstructorkrtaylor@ou.eduCarnegie 120
Cheryl Walker          -
Joey WilliamsLecturer, Associate Director of the OU Center for Classical Archaeology  Carnegie 117
Kathryne KiddAdminstrative and Financial Coordinatorkkidd@ou.eduCarnegie 110
Phoenix MirandaAcademic Advisornixmiranda@ou.eduCarnegie 111
Paula RichmondInstitute of American Constitutional Heritage Coordinatorpkrichmond@ou.eduCarnegie 210

J. Rufus Fears was David Ross Boyd Professor of Classics and the G.T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Liberty. His many awards for teaching include being chosen Professor of the Year on three occasions by students at the University of Oklahoma, the Medal for Excellence in College and University Teaching from the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence, the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) Great Plains Region Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the UCEA's National Award for Teaching Excellence.

Professor Fears passed away on October 7, 2012.

Rufus Fears, historian and University of Oklahoma (OU) professor        ORG XMIT: 1209152349336840