Scott's Botanical Links - Subject Index
Descriptions of the sites are linked by this graphic (
) to previously appearing daily descriptions. If that link failed in my monthly checking of the links, the following symbol will be shown instead (
). Particularly authoritative sites are marked with an exclamation point (
- I am still in the process of adding these). All links were last checked on 9 June 1999 (Total links checked: 3015) by CyberSpyder Link Check. This month's entries are resting in a temporary file until the end of the month.
Pictorial Resources (Illustrations):
- Botanical Documentation Institutes/Societies:
The Art of Botanical Illustration - online special exhibition on the development of botanical art from herbals to the present
American Society of Botanical Artists - Organization with art tour dates
Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation - History and illustration site
- Drawings and Paintings:
Margaret Saul's Botanical Art - botanical art that attracts attention to the indiginous flora
Endeavour Botanical Illustrations at the Natural History Museum - most of the botanical drawings and engravings are available in searchable form
Paintings representing the work of systematic botanists at The New York Botanical Garden (1995-2000) - images of tropical plants and animals studied at NYBG
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants - APIRS database, extensive image and drawing collections, encyclopedic information on aquatic plants
Traveling Artist Wildflowers Project - watercolor paintings of wildflowers from the Great Plants and Intermountain Southwest
Michael R. Martin's Aquatic Plant Image Library - drawings and digital images of aquatic plants, including some invasive ones
Donald Angus Collection of Botanical Prints - prints from monographs and journals of the 18th and 19th century
Botanical Art from the Gordon Craig Gallery in London UK - virtual gallery and future location of Curtis' Botanical Magazine
Grass Images from Texas A & M Bioinformatics Working Group - classical drawings of 389 Poaceae, including spikelet details
Biodidac - Cooperative bank of digital resources for teaching organismal biology.
- Pictures and descriptions of herbals and natural history works of the Renaissance.
The Russian Painter Home Page - eclectic images of interesting plants
Virtual Botanical Gallery - paintings of tropical fruits, British flowers, medicinal plant and gardens
Paintings of Native Australian Plants - color paintings of Australian endemics
Köhler's Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 - drawings of 287 European economically important plants
Leonhard Fuchs' Botanical, 1545 - a scanned medieval herbal
Gymnosperms of Australia and New Zealand - cycads, conifers, taxads with maps, drawings, photos
Wendy Brockman: Botanical Art - botanical illustration
Gallery Foyer - Access to image galleries of bulbous plants.
Parasitic Plant Connection - maps, descriptions, photographs, references, DNA
Botanical Watercolors by Carol Wickenhiser-Schaudt - nice collection of paintings
The Tulip Book of P. Cos - 1637 - Tulip catalog of 1600's
BIODIDAC Picture Resources - Color and B/W drawings of life histories for fungi, algae and 'higher' plants
Aquatic Plants - line drawings
Smithsonian Catalog of Botanical Illustrations - Line drawings
Bilder ur Nordens Flora - Color drawings
- Photographs
Bromeliad Society International - share a vast image collection, seeds, register cultivars, share research and gardening tips, publish, share information
Interesting Botanical Places of Newfoundland and Labrador - growing collection of images reflecting some of the ecological niches in this maritime province of Canada
Digital Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador Vascular Plants - over 1300 vascular plant species from the Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador
Digital Flora of Texas - links to herbarium specimen data, vascular plant images, bibliographic references, and checklists
Images de la Flore de France - in French
Stapeliads: Orchids of the Succulent World - carrion pollinated flies with beautiful flowers
ePIC: Electronic Plant Information Center - bibliographic and taxonomic databases from Kew and the Internet
Sticky Situation Desert Site - lots of images of xerophytic plants and desert adaptations
Dendrological Plant Image Gallery - devoted to the study of trees and presented in German, English and Spanish
Great Petaluma Desert: Home of the Fat Plants - view South African natives and other pachyform plants
Eye of Science: Life in a Microcosmic World - artistic electron microscopic imaging of the world in which we live
Virginia Tech: Weed Identification Guide - numerous images of the most common weeds
Bamboo - images for many major bamboo genera, with notes, slide shows, cooking instructions/recipes
Southeastern U.S. Plants - characteristic Southeast US plants by flowering date, common name, scientific name, family and thumbnail image
Bioimages: Plant Features - pages on sexual systems, pollination syndromes, gymnosperm cones, fruit development, fruit and seed dispersal, non-seed plant life cycles and biology of some invasive plants (particularly of Tennessee)
Native Orchids of Provence (France) - native orchids, including images, maps, and descriptions
Forest & Kim Starr's Photographs - over 6000 images of 900 native and non-native Hawaiian plants; insects, other organisms, publications, maps also
Australian Plant Images - images of native Australian plants - a huge collection
BioFinder - Image Database - images representing numerous different families of plants
My Wildflowers - searchable database of wildflower photos from western Pennsylvania
Photographic Tour: Nature in British Columbia - recognizable flora and fauna of British Columbia
Lapshin's Succulent Photogallery - 250 images (or more) of genera and growth habits of a wide variety of succulent plants
Hort.Net - many high quality images, plant news, information and links
Plants Database (part of Dave's Garden) - images and plant data
Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia - photos collected from collector/growers around the world
Wisconsin Vascular Plants and Lichens - resources include search by family, genus, common name, county, a key to the conifers and "What's Blooming"
Fotoweb 2000 - Plantas - 811 images of tropical plants of Northern Brazil
Lycaeum Images - plant images and plant products
Images from Birmingham Botanical Gardens - digital images from nature
Malvaceae Pages - resource page for images, generic descriptions, classification
Images of Dry Tropical Habitat - images from Argentina, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Namibia, Oman and Somalia
Photographic Atlas of Plant Anatomy - 53 topics and numerous microscopic images are featured
Wildflowers of the Backbone Trail - digital images of southern California wildflowers
BBC Wild - Image Site - images of nature
UW System Botanical Image Library - instructural images and animations (Macromedia authorware) on many botanical topics
BIODIC Image Gallery - gallery of over 1000 scanning and transmission electron microscopic images of plants, chloroplasts, mitochondria, Golgi etc.
Cycad Photo Gallery - digital images of mostly cultivated cycads
Palm Tree Photo Gallery - 1544 digital images of mostly cultivated palms
Premier Cactus Photo Gallery - hundreds of excellent cactus images by genus and species
Kazuo Yamasaki's Madagascar Image Site - Madagascar image collection of plants and animals in over 150 images
Yamasaki Lab Plant Photo Gallery - Asian plant database with over 1200 images
ITALIC - Information System on Italian Lichens - database featuring over 2100 images of 1400 species of Italian lichens
World of Dermatophytes: A Pictorial - the fungus among us
Botanical Image Database, University of Basel - plants, vegetation and pollinator images
Forestry Images - forest plants, insects, silviculture, invasive organisms, natural scenes
CSU Stanislaus Botany Image Collection - 500 images of floral and microscope images for instructional use
Plant Biology Images - photomicrographic and macrographic images of microscopic images
Plants of Western Washington Collection - Model for MSIE-based digital image collections
Protist Image Data - cell structure, life history, classification and nomenclature of algae and other protists
Michigan Wildflowers 2000 - excellent digital image site for Michigan wildflowers
Les Dunes Atlantiques (The Atlantic Dunes) - view of Atlantic and Mediterranean dunes with many dune floral images
Plants of the Northwoods - images and descriptions of trees, shrubs, herbs, fern allies, mosses, lichens & liverworts
Photography of Southern New Jersey - images and virtual tour of New Jersey Pine Barrens, shores and the Delaware River & Bay
FAO Digital Image Site - images of crop & non-crop plants and agricultural practices
Plant Image Gallery - over 2000 images from Europe, Costa Rica and Galapagos Islands
Wildflowers of British Columbia - images, habitat, habit and fascinating facts
Steve's Photos - digital flower and plant images with reproductive organs well displayed
Missouri Wildflower Guide - Midwest US floral guide
Desert USA Flora - images and data on common arid plants of North America
Flora Danica Online - collection of over 3000 ancient plant images
Carrefour BIODIDAC - collection of images for teaching
Horticopia - some plant information and images
Gymnosperm Database - taxonomy, ethnobotany, images, age and large specimens for numerous species
El Desierto Florido - South American Atacama desert floral images
Noble Foundation Plant Image Site - prairie picture gallery
A Tenerife Photo-Essay - Photo-essay and botanical and local information about plants of the Canary Islands.
Floraguide - links, forum, searcher site, photographs
Spectacular Diversity of New Zealand Plants - introductory biodiversity site
Zen's WNC Nature Notebook - excellent Appalachian wildflower site with plant & fungi descriptions & flowering times
On the Prairie: Prairie Resources and Games - a game, photo gallery, distribution and species of this ecosystem
WA Native Plant Page - Western Australian endemic plant images
ARS Image Gallery - image library of plants, crops, fruits, vegetables, research, insects
Virtual Foliage Home Page - thousands of images on many topics at University of Wisconsin
Plant Biology Images - Plant biology image gallery, labelled for home study.
John Kunkel Small Photo Collection -Photographs of botanist John Kunkel Small's early twentieth century Florida expeditions.
Biology 211: Flowering Plant Taxonomy - Photographically illustrated introduction to flowering plant taxonomy
Plant Biology at OSU Lima - Slide collection for teaching Plant Biology 101.
Botanical Society of America Online Image Collection - instructional images of anatomy, biogeography, ecology, palynology, and other topics
Stokes Tropicals - online plant catalog with plant images and information
Tropical Fruits - pictorial site covering mangos, coffee, bananas & much more
Photomicrographs of Phytoplankton at the Clemson University Aquaculture Facility - Photomicrographs of some of the major phytoplankton.
Wildflower Nirvana - Close up images of various wildflowers and their floral parts.
Aquaculture Facility Algae Guide - photomicrographs of freshwater algae
Wildflower Nirvana - excellent photographs
Smallest Page on the Web - desmid and diatom microscopy site
Big Bend National Park - virtual tour
Cryptogams in Depth - images of fungi, bryophytes, lichens and slime molds
World of Science: Mitosis - overview of nuclear and cell division
Botanic Garden of Smith College - model site worth emulating
Microscopy: The Tree Collection - microscopic wood sections and information
Costa Rican Rain Forest Ecology Field Trip - slide show of tropical rainforest
The Tallest, Biggest and Oldest Trees - slide show for teaching
Joe Armstrong's Course Sites - economic botany photo essays on cassava, coir, paper, rubber
The Charms of Duckweed - everything you wanted to know about duckweed, including classroom exercises for K-12 or college
Cornell Plantations - Living Plant Collections at Cornell University
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Greenhouses - Living plant collections at the University of Connecticut.
Brasilian Orchids - photographs, breeding, floral anatomy
Galleria Carnivora - carnivorous plants
Cal's Plant of the Week - photographs, plant propagation
Pennsylvania Flora Project - illustrated plant database
Gymnosperms of Australia and New Zealand - cycads, conifers, taxads with maps, drawings, photos
Album of the Plants of Israel - photographs
The Cycad Society - dedicated to among the oldest living gymnosperms
Albion College Vascular Plant Image Gallery - photographs, subdivision and family descriptions
School Resources from Microscopy-UK - Slides for Mammal and Plant Biology
Floral Radiographs: The Secret Garden - x-rays of common flowers
Orchids of Indonesia - photographs, map, biogeography
Color Landform Atlas of the United States - good tools for biogeography, satellite, county maps, links
Seagrass - taxonomy, distribution, references and large collection of images
Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum - plant care, gardens, deserts and legume site with photographic images
Florida Wildflower Showcase - Nice photo site with hundreds of pictures, including some pollinators
Scientific information on Chile Peppers - Photos, capsaicinoid chemistry and uses of hot peppers (genus Capsicum)
Vascular Plant Families Photographic site (University of Hawaii) - over 225 families represented
Picture It: Great graphics for busy biology teachers - some of the best graphic sites for plants, molecules, ecology, genetics and biology
University of Kansas Image Archive - searchable database of ~370 images of plants and animals
Fungi Photos - Hobbist's JPEGs of Welsh fungi
Weed Images - New Jersey Agricultural Weed Gallery
Missouri Botanical Garden - Research, education, images, virtual tours, floras, databases
Dendrology Page (FNR 225) - Identify twigs and shrubs, dictionary
Fun with Lichens - Database, images and species synoptic key
Plant Virus Site - Images of many major plant viruses in the TEM
Tree World - Nice elementary tree site
Wildflowers of Alabama - Photos, nice write-ups on selected genera
Flowerbase Image Database - About 7,000 color photos (multilingual Dutch site)
Lotus in Japan - Pictorial Lotus site
Plants of the New Jersey Pinelands (Pine Barrens) - virtual tour and photo site
Oklahoma Wildflowers - 150 nice digital images
Indigenous Trees of Gauteng - Tree images of a high plateau in South Africa
Society for Growing Australian Plants - Indigenous plants
Wayne's Word - Natural history & plant trivia
Trees of the Pacific Northwest
BIODIDAC Picture Resources - Pictures of many groups for general botany, including fungi and algae
Orchids of Wisconsin - An Interactive Flora
Henriette's Herbal Homepage - Angiosperms (usually) from Finland, Berlin and Kew
Michael R. Martin's Phytoplankton Images Library - Best site for freshwater algae micrographs
Basic Botany images - Plant anatomy micrographs & a few algae
Flora of Europe - Photos, family and genus descriptions
Protist Image Database - A handful of algal micrographs (representative of phyla)
Aquatic Plants - Mainly angiosperms
Australian National Botanic Gardens Biodiversity Server - Mainly angiosperms, some gymnos, ferns
Smithsonian Catalog of Botanical Illustrations - A few families so far
Vascular Plants Image Gallery - Broad collection of angiosperms
Wisconsin Slide Collection - Broad collection of angiosperms, gymnosperms, ferns, microscopy views also
This service is organized by Scott Russell through the Department of Botany and Microbiology of the University of Oklahoma. If you have any comments for the improvement this page or nominations for links, please contact me by email (
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