Scott's Botanical Links - Subject Index
Descriptions of the sites are linked by this graphic (
) to previously appearing daily descriptions. If that link failed in my monthly checking of the links, the following symbol will be shown instead (
). Particularly authoritative sites are marked with an exclamation point (
- I am still in the process of adding these). All links were last checked on 9 June 1999 (Total links checked: 3015) by CyberSpyder Link Check. This month's entries are resting in a temporary file until the end of the month.
Web Resource Pages for Botany:
- General Science:
Atlas of Canada - data maps for geographic features, ecology, climate, social characters and more
Google Scholar - database of articles, preprint repositories and university and scholarly sites
Electronic Statistics Textbook - an online statistics handbook at the beginning to advanced level
Human Cloning: Techniques, history and perspectives - techniques of in vitro fertilization and cloning, a timeline of cloning, current policies, and historical viewpoints
Classification of Life on Earth at Iziko Museums - Iziko Museums of Cape Town's site on kingdoms of animals, fungi and plants
Science Toys - a site celebrating the science around us, for K-8 and hobbyists
Can SETI Succeed: Carl Sagan and Ernst Mayr Debate - perhaps the most famous discussion of the problem of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence
Timelinescience - 1000 Years of Scientific Thought - activities, commentary and scientific explanations based on the past 1000 years of science
Chemistry, Biology and related disciplines in the WWW - English and German sites on major aspects of plant biology
NCDC Freeze/Frost Maps - freeze/frost probability maps for the US
Virtual Classroom Biology - images, explanations and exercises on basic biology topics
Van Leeuwenhoek Microscope Replica - how to make a simple glass sphere microscope
Germs from Nowhere: Spontaneous Generation - history of discovery of microbial activity and sterilization
Earth Observatory - pictorial documentation of much information of life on earth, including event monitoring, reference pages, feature articles and experiments
Biosphere 3D - QTVR portrayals of atlas information on rotatable globes, including climate, pollution, population and much more
National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center - detailed information and predictions on Atlantic and Pacific tropical storms - featuring "hot germ news", world disease information, societies
Global Land Environments During the Last 130,000 Years - chronology and maps of glacial coverage during the Ice Age
NOBEL SITE: Microscopes Help Scientists Explore Hidden Worlds - phase contrast, fluorescence, transmission electron and scanning tunneling microscopy are featured
The Virtual Fossil Museum - tree of life, fossil sites, geological history but not much on plants
Science Friday - weekly science radio show on National Public Radio (NPR)
Basic Microscopy-An Important Skill for Plant Pathologists - what all students should know about microscopy
Powers of Ten - From intergalactic space to the interior of a proton, at powers of 10 meters per view
EarthViewer - view an earth imaging system
Science.Gov - encyclopedic access to US government publications on science
New York Times: Life Science - collection of well written articles in many areas of science
Open Door Web Site: Biology - introductory biology text and online information, with quizzes, text, facts & figures, laboratory work
National Academy Press - free online books concerning a wide variety of scientific, ecological and social issues
NOAA Ocean Explorer - deep sea exploration and research
Toporama Canada - downloadable Natural Resources Canada topographic maps
Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) - online mapping, FIPS55 place codes & physical geographical features
TopoZone.Com - downloadable USGS topographic maps
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics - math encyclopedia covering algebra, geometry, calculus and beyond
Landmarks In the History of Genetics - timeline of genetic discoveries, discoverers, and implications of new findings
Access Excellence: About Biotech - careers, bioethics, genomics, applications of biotech, scientific principles, and biographies are covered here
Biophysics Textbook Online - biophysics topics, including membranes, photosynthesis, many topics
Biological Weapons Control and Bioterrorism Resources from ASM - American Society for Microbiology reports on biological weapons threats
BBC Litmus Test: A Science Quiz Challenge - online quiz contest by the BBC
Scirus - Search Engine for Scientific Information Only - a science web search portal, allowing advanced searches for articles, scientist's home pages, abstracts, patents, conferences
Fear of Physics - everything you should know before taking college physics; online quizzes, tutorials
SciTechResources.Gov - government resources for scientists, engineers, botanists and other scientists
Calculators On-Line Center - calculators of all description
Global Earth History - plate tectonics and paleogeography if the Phanerozoic Earth
Biology Careers Page - links site for career development and future employment
World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings - life origins, evolution, creation - Consumer medicine by former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Koop
National Weather Warnings - National Weather Service warnings for tornado, hurricane, flash flood, marine advisories and thunder & winter storms
National Weather Service Home Page - NOAA reference site for weather forecasts, warnings, radar, satellite images, climatic data and county-by-county predictions
Explore with Maps - world, national, city and local maps, including topographic maps
ClimateTrend.Com - thermal trends and temperature changes from 1900
Global Warming - climatic change with an online quiz
NOAA Climate Prediction Center - encyclopedic site on long-term weather and climate change
Copyright and Fair Use - law, court cases and history of copyright law
The Problem of Species Extinction - site emphasizing biodiversity, encroachment of man and irreversible nature of species death
Origin Expository - origins of life from creationism and mythology to current scientific thought
Earth Observatory - NASA satellite imagery; atmospheric, oceanic,and land cover data.
BioMed Central - journal publication site
MagPortal.Com - access to numerous online magazine articles
Sunrise/Sunset Calculator - astronomic calculation of daily solar position
Oingo Meaning-Based Search - Meaning-based search engine with a well developed science directory.
Micscape - Teaching resources for microscopy. - Online Audubon Field Guides
The Scout Report - new links for science & engineering
PubMed Central - electronic journal site for all of the sciences
naturalSCIENCE Magazine - science news, links to major science sites
100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science - great recommended scientific book list [last link of the 1990s!]
OWOW- Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds - The USEPA Office of Water website.
NC State AgNic Entomology: A Guide to Online Insect Systematic Resources - Academically maintained guide to insect resources on the internet
Botany 1050: Introduction to Botany - full-featured intro site with online photographs, genetic code, "code cracker," measurement converter, EvolveIT simulation, geologic time chart
The Basic Principles of Genetics - Tutorials in Mendelian genetics, heredity, and Linnaean classification for the biological anthropologist.
News article: Evolution Questioned in Oklahoma - compromise labels evolution as a controversial scientific explanation
Microbe World - images, introduction to microbes, amazing facts & tales of microorganisms
E-Journals.Org - links providing access to the electronic sites of the world's journals
Unisys: Daily University Science News - news e-zine on press reports
The Scientist: The News Journal for the Life Scientist - online e-zine covering news, jobs, commentary, web sites
Molecular Expressions: Virtual Microscope - simulations and tutorial on microscope use
Plant Systematics and Evolution - Links - WWW resources on herbaria (by state), bioinformatics, image sites, courses on the web and more
Official Website of the Nobel Foundation - the prizes, a database of past winners and a museum are provided
Simple, Common, and Interesting Molecules - water, chlorophyll, ß-carotene, protein, DNA structures shown and more
Nature Science Update - current events and science news stories
National Biological Information Infrastructure - Gateway to biological data maintained by government agencies and cooperating partners.
Federal Science and Technology Websites - Directory of science and technology websites published by the federal government.
Earth History Resources - Illustrated geological time.
Apollo 11: 30th Anniversary - history of man's landing on the moon
Palynology at the University of Arizona - site includes pollen, spores, algae, dinoflagellates, microforaminifera, chitinozoans, acritarchs and amoeba
SETI@home: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home - data analyzing screensaver
Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism: Revised and Expanded - scientific rebuttal to claims of creationists
Media Resource Service - science stories in the news
ENSIWEB - Evolution and Nature of Science - evolution and origin of life lesson plans
The Skeptic's Dictionary - terms of pseudoscience
National Severe Storms Laboratory - tornado, thunder storms, weather
Towson University Biology: Online Courses - Online Biology courses at Towson University
IPL Science Fair Project Resources Guide - a nice how-to-do site with useful links
Nee-How - Customized bio-search engine and links accessing more than 700,000 pre-selected pages.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - History and work of the oldest U.S.national laboratory.
BioMedLink - rated medical and biological links from HMS Beagle
New Scientist: Planet Science - online web magazine
WWW-VL: Electronic Journals - links to the scientific journals on the Internet
HMS Beagle - webzine for biological and medical research with databases, websites
Color Landform Atlas of the United States - good tools for biogeography, satellite, county maps, links
SciCentral - metalink site - a directory of website directories
EnviroLink - Environmental Link site
World Resources Institute - encyclopedic site with facts on ecology, conservation and the environment
Picture It: Great graphics for busy biology teachers - some of the best graphic sites for plants, molecules, ecology, genetics and biology
MAD Scientist Network - 400 scientists answer questions on anything about science
BioAgMed INFOMINE - Truly encyclopedic site, searchable by keywords or index directories
Access Excellence What's News - Science news and features for students and educators
WWW-Virtual Library: Microscopy
Periodic Table of the Elements - major physical constants and isotopes
EurekAlert! - Science Sources Online - Authoritative WWW site for societies, educational, museum and government sites
Workshop Biology: Promoting Science Literacy for Non-Science Majors - assessment site, software and curriculum
- Education and Curriculum Development:
Weblogg-ed: RSS Quick Start Guide for Educators - how to use "Really Simple Syndication" as a technical tool for distibuting exercises, discussions and keeping interest of technically inclined students
Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS) - K-12 resources including worksheets, experiments for the classroom, courses & kits, a Q&A section and newsletter
Plant Seeds of Learning: Classroom Lessons Bring Plants to Life! - classroom exercises & lession plans, resources for teachers
Lichens, Tardigrades, and SO2 - Lichens as indicators of pollution, especially sulfur dioxide
Teaching & Learning Resources - excellent site for developing study skills, lecture, reading and study notes
Access Excellence: About Biotech - careers, bioethics, genomics, applications of biotech, scientific principles, and biographies are covered here
BBC Litmus Test: A Science Quiz Challenge - online quiz contest by the BBC
Sites for Teachers - educational link exchange site
Resources for Scientists Teaching Science - stimulating critical thinking in education, evaluating resources and student responses
Project 2061: Scientific Literacy for a Changing World - curriculum project to improve science education
Botany: dealing with the unknown - Web Notes for an Introduction to Plant Biology.
ARS Image Gallery - image library of plants, crops, fruits, vegetables, research, insects
Virtual Foliage Home Page - thousands of images on many topics at University of Wisconsin
Botanical Society of America Online Image Collection - instructional images of anatomy, biogeography, ecology, palynology, and other topics
ENSIWEB - Evolution and Nature of Science - evolution and origin of life lesson plans
Computer-Assisted Laboratory Instruction Program - Development of biology teaching modules for computer-assisted learning.
Great Plant Escape - grade school site with teacher's guide
School Resources from Microscopy-UK - Slides for Mammal and Plant Biology
Biological Foundations - Botany course materials for biology majors.
Biology Lessons for Prospective and Practicing Teachers - Online lessons for teaching concepts of biology to students K-8.
Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences (CELS) - national coalition of professional societies
Bioscene - Journal of College Biology Teaching - online publication and archive of the Association of Midwest College Biology Teachers (AMCBT)
BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium - curriculum resource development, software and ideas about science teaching
Handbook on Teaching Undergraduate Science Courses: A Survival Training Manual - TOC only, free manual available for cost of shipping & handling by Gordon Uno
- General Botany:
Plant Evolution: Adaptation or Historical Accident? - essay on plant evolution and biomechanics in angiosperms and computer models on increasing complexity in plants
Res Botanica - botanical Latin, Bryophyte Flora of North America, bryological information, chestnuts, selected essays, floristics, history, and miscellaneous topics
UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research - University of British Columbia information, news feeds
Mycolog: Fungi -The Fifth Kingdom - online companion to a mycological encyclopedia
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - UN sanctioned study of >1500 authors indicate worsening ecological conditions
WWF - Biomes and Biogeographical Realms - perhaps the best and most complete of the world biome sites with great precision for local ecoregions and lots of detail, lots of images
Flowers in Ultraviolet: Arranged by Plant Family - nearly 100 UV images of different species are shown
XVII International Botanical Congress - abstracts, symposium and nomenclature sessions
Insectivorous Plants in the Wilderness - richly illustrated guide to carnivorous plants, with detailed information on their biology
Botanical Society of America's Statement on Evolution - nicely written essay on plants and evolution by the BSA
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map - prediction of plant tolerances in the US based on temperature and moisture trends
PLANTS DATABASE: National Database - metadata include checklists, distributional data, characteristics, images, references, crop information, links and more
1upINFO: Botany Encyclopedia, General Articles - text-oriented online encyclopedia, providing glossary capabilities
University of South Carolina Herbarium - includes SC plant atlas, pines of SC, poison ivy, what is an herbarium and "Ask Plantman" about your specimens
Actionbioscience: Biodiversity - essays on diversity, biopiracy, endangered species, microorganisms
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain - everything you wanted to know about bananas, their propagation, germplasm and eventually genome
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) - treaty to regulate rare plants
Glick's Picks - a plant of the week site
Floriade 2002 - garden industry trade show of the Netherlands
Cal's Plant of the Week - plants are featured weekly, with information on how to grow them
Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans (Rhus radicans) - characteristics of poison ivy, contact dermititis, urushiol and control measures
BOTANY Online - The Internet Hypertextbook - incredible online botany textbook
Wayne's Word: A Newsletter of Natural History Trivia - curious collection of interesting fun facts, obscure trivia, and great images
Allergy Glossary -Images and information on plants with allergenic pollens.
Plant Conservation Alliance - A consortium of government, scientist, and citizen groups concerned with plant habitat protection and restoration.
Azolla in the Biology Lab: A Good Source of Prokaryotic Cyanobacteria - life cycle and economic botany of Salvineales
Land Use History of North America (LUHNA) - pilot projects on past and present patterns of vegetation
ScienceDaily: Plants & Animals News Summaries - science news stories on plants
NatureServe - encyclopedic data on species status, maps, references and other reports
Links2Go: Botany - major sites in all areas of plant biology
BL14A BIODIVERSITY I: The Plant Kingdom - Introduction to plant biodiversity with an evolutionary perspective.
CSU Guide to Poisonous Plants - illustrated site includes a dictionary and glossary of botanical terms
BoDD - the Botanical Dermatology Database - chemical nature of poisons, plant dermatitis and allergy
Yahoo!'s Botany Listings - links to botanical topics, species, taxa, families, habits and organizations
Major Biomes of the World - vegetational patterns, soils, climate
AgriSurf! The Farmers Search Engine - web link site for farming
Plant Biology Images - Plant biology image gallery, labelled for home study.
The USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program - Protocols and methods used in mapping vegetation communities in U.S. National Parks.
World Species List - Animals Plants Microbes - checklists and diversity sites worldwide
Biology of Plants - Raven, Evert and Eichhorn - textbook companion site
AGRALIN Desktop Library - Electronic desk reference for general biology and numerous plant sciences.
USDA PPQ Scientific Services - Federal lists of noxious weeds, plant viruses, and endangered species.
Anthophyta - Flowering Plants - online tutorial and overview of angiosperms
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna - international polar reserach initiative
Why Study Plants? - introductory site
Botany in the News! - articles from national news media
American Journal of Botany Online - electronic journal
The United States National Arboretum - Site of the U.S. National Arboretum
Seed Germination Database
Botany for the Next Millennium - The future of botany and botanists.
The John Muir Exhibit - Sierra Club site commemorating Muir
Botanical Society of America - largest U.S. general plant biology organization. Annual meeting info, botany in the next millennium, links
TreeWeb: The Natural History of Trees - life histories, status, range, sites & soils, ecology, interactions, forum & references
Internet Directory for Botany - Combined resource - Comprehensive index to botany information on the internet (for faster service [in US]: mirror site)
Internet Directory for Botany - Alphabetical - index to botany information on the internet (for faster service [in US]: mirror site)
Internet Directory for Botany - Subject Index - authoritative botany WWW site (for faster service [in US]: mirror site)
WWW-Virtual Library: Botany
Internet Guidepost for Plant Production - Extensive botany and agriculture WWW site (complements Regina and Helsinki sites)
Agricultural Network Information Center - online references for plant information
Directory of Plant-Related Links from around the World - a major Spanish-English bilingual site with nice taxon-related links
BioAgMed INFOMINE - Truly encyclopedic site, searchable by keywords or index directories
Amazing Environmental Organization Web Directory - Directory & database to environmental biology resources
Encylopedia of Plants - well-illustrated encyclopedia
Endangered Species Home Page - Database, newsletter and the laws
ASU Photosynthesis Center - Explanations and exercises
Balogh Scientific Books: WWW sites in Botany and Gardening - Selective links
Galaxy's Biological Sciences Gopher Sites
Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book - Authoritative plant pathology link site
- Educational links sites:
MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching - peer-reviewed and rated web sites are listed and assessed
Access Excellence Activity Exchange - classroom exercises and multimedia mystery site
Handbook on Teaching Undergraduate Science Courses: A Survival Training Manual - TOC only, free manual available for cost of shipping & handling by Gordon Uno
Beyond Bio 101: The Transformation of Undergraduate Biology Education - Survey and planning document
How to Get a Teaching Job at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution - First person guide
World Lecture Hall - Links to syllabi/teaching materials on the Web
Careers in Botany - Information on Botany as a Career
EDU2: BOTANY - A botany education list of sites
CSUBIOWEB - Biology education WWW site
- Horticulture, Plant Care:
Botanique.Com: Portal to Gardens, Arboreta and Nature Sites - gardens, arboreta and nature sites in the US and Canada
Kurtz-Fernhout Software: Garden with Insight - free PC software that simulates garden conditions for many parameters
The Art of Bonsai - brief but well-written primer on bonsai, including suitable plants and useful information on establishing and maintaining a bonsai
North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) - association that aids and encourages fruit exploration
Home Orchard Society - dedicated to hobby fruit growers, with newsletter, propagation tips and an active forum
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map - prediction of plant tolerances in the US based on temperature and moisture trends
Tissue Culture in the Home Kitchen - everything you need to know to clone and culture plant tissue using simple equipment and limited supplies
Benny's Hardy Cactus Page - cultivation, cold hardiness, propagation, Opuntia hybrids, succulents
Grow Native! - plant growth information, info sheets on nature
Hort.Net - many high quality images, plant news, information and links
Landscape Plants: Images, Identification, and Information - 800 mostly woody landscape plants, illustrated and described with flowering and hardiness zone information
Plant Propagation - introduction to plant breeding from seed, grafting, cuttings etc.
US National Arboretum - this site has useful advice on plant growth, diseases, help sheets, etc.
Victoria Adventure - about Victoria, waterlilies, lotus, and water gardening
PlantFacts (OSU) - metadata including Agricultural Extension datasheets and university departmental information
California Rare Fruit Growers - emphasis on semitropical fruits and uncommon fruits and vegetables
International Pollination Systems - information about pollinators, commercial pollination, bee types, suppliers
Botany, Master Gardener Training - basic botany class on the web through Oregon State University Extension Service
Fruits of Warm Climates - ethnobotanical classic with over 120 species
Spring-flowering Bulbs: An Introduction - what, where, when and how to grow common bulb plants
How to grow perfect African violets - everything you wanted to know about growing Saintpaulia spp.
HortPlex Plant Database - search plants by scientic or common name
Home Propagation of House Plants - establishing cuttings from roots & shoots, and air layering
Plant Encyclopedia - find plants online by name or characteristics
Insect Pollination Of Cultivated Crop Plants - beekeeping, pollination, fertility, seed production - Horticultural site produced by the Dutch flower industry.
PlantCare.Com - growing plants and tips on how to care for them
International Aroid Society - information about aroids, the aroid community, breeding and pollinating members of the Araceae
The Magic of Growing Native Australian Plants - tips and techniques for starting plants from seed, cuttings, grafts
National Park Service Integrated Pest Management Manual - IPM solutions to disease and herbivory
Enchanted Gardens - digital images and panoramatic views of gardens & greenhouses
Cactiinfo.Com - data on growth, form and phenology of succulents
Plant Tissue Culture Information Exchange - information about micropropagation, chimeras, protoplasts, somatic embryogenesis
A World of South African Succulents - collection of xerophytic desert plants
Jardin botanique de Montreal - plant information, virtual tours and exhibitions
Plant Ideas, Your Total Plant Information Source - gardening information, links and discussion groups/message boards
The Bonsai Site - the art, history and practice of growing dwarf trees
Sunken Gardens around the World - garden site
YouGrowGirl - fun and satirical horticultural site
Horticopia - some plant information and images
Rochester Gardening - over 2,200 plant web links
The History of Gardening: A Timeline from Ancient Times to the Twentieth Century - Noteworthy events in the history of gardening.
NeoFlora Database - Cultivated plant database.
Rooting Database - Rooting methods for 501 frequently grown plants.
Riparian Enhancement on Sloughs - Stream stabilization with plantings and other best management practices.
Plant of the Week - images and tips
International Bulb Society - information and pictures of world plants with bulbs
Biological Control of Pests and Weeds - integrated pest management avoiding pesticides and insecticides
GardenGuides: A Growing Resource for Gardeners - guides to growing annuals, perennials, with lots of links
OSU Interactive Plant List - image database of plant habits; impressive garden planning site
Garden Forever for Gardeners of All Ages and Abilities - tips, articles and links
The Botanical Pages - Assorted articles on plants in Australian horticulture.
Live Fences - The use of plant species as living fences in tropical agriculture.
SULIS: Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series - Principles of sustainable landscape design for the public.
Gardening Launch Pad - encyclopedic guide for websites on growing plants
UC's Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center - information about crops, growing plants and controlling pests
Suite 101 Home and Garden - discussion groups, articles and rated web links
Texas Master Gardener - useful information about growing plants
Wildflower Nirvana - excellent photographs
The Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association - A peat moss resource site by the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association
Taxonomy of Landscape Plants - nomenclature & identification site with database of ornamental plants; useful taxonomic links
Technology of Horticulture - grafting and propagation of plants, w/ lab exercises
The Right Tree Handbook - Methods for the correct placement of trees with regards to buildings and electrical power lines.
Cornell Plantations - Living Plant Collections at Cornell University
Brasilian Orchids - photographs, breeding, floral anatomy
Cal's Plant of the Week - photographs, plant propagation
Hort Digest - Online magazine of tropical horticulture.
Seed Germination Database
Mediterranean Climate Gardening Around the World - xeriscape, listserv
Botanique -Nursery producer of bog plants providing care sheets online.
National Council for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens - Phlomis, Pterocactus photographs, gardening information
McCrory Gardens - photography, gardening
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research and Australian National Herbarium - information about Australian endemics, includes growing them
Agricultural Network Information Center - online references for plant information
Ohio State University Extension VegNet - information on vegetable crops, including tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins
National Gardening Association - 3000 question FAQ, kid's site, buyer's guide, recipes, other links
Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum - plant care, gardens, deserts and legume site with photographic images
Pacific Northwest Native Wildlife Gardening - links to wildflower societies, listserv, seed sources, nurseries
OSU Info -- Yard & Garden - county extension data, with specific information on growing plants
Encylopedia of Plants - well-illustrated encyclopedia
Introduction to Tomatoes - Illustrated FAQ mainly about tomato development and structure (Lycopersicum esculentum)
Wildflowers of Alabama - Photos, nice write-ups on selected genera
Gardeners of the Golden Horseshoe - Garden site, talk/exchange group, botanical listservs
FAQs about Tree and Shrub Care
- Medicinal Plants, Herbal information, Ethnobotany:
Guide to Poisonous and Toxic Plants - list including house, garden, ornamental and wild plants of the continental US
Famine Foods Database - edible non-crop plants that have been consumed in times of famine
Native American Ethnobotany - over 44,000 data items on traditional plant usage
Botanic Gardens Trust (Sydney, Australia) - information about the Royal Botanic Gardens and educational material about botanical information, food of aborigines, plants and diseases and more
NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art - use of native materials and ethnobotany
Atlas of medicinal plants by Daniel Haake - metadata on 120 medicinal plants of varying importance
Vegetarian Society - nutritional information, dietary information on a number of vegetable crops
IISR Spice Gallery - information 50 spices, their history, characteristics, cultivation, culinary and ethnobotanical uses
Sacred Earth - Ethnobotany - introduction with resources to indigenous knowledge systems organized by continent
Profiles and Photographs of Medicinal Plants - biochemical description of ethnobotanical observations
Littleflower's Medicinal Plants of North America - historical use of plants listed by common name
Plants of the Machiguenga - An Ethnobotanical Study of Eastern Peru - life and experiences of an ethnobotanist
CDC's Fruits and Vegetables of the Month - varieties used for food, preparation suggestions, recipes, nutritional information
Sloan-Kettering's About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products - objective assessment of plant medicines, benefits, risks, interactions, adverse effects
Medicinal Spices Exhibit - UCLA Biomedical Library - all about spices, with 30 pages describing individual spices
Is This Poison Ivy? - images and clues to identifying poison ivy, with links to treating rashes, eliminating plants
Plants and Civilization - online essays - myriad essays on economic plants and taxa
Ethnobotanical Leaflets - periodical of economically important plants
Commitment to Origins: On Good Grounds - supporting sustainable coffee production while maintaining biodiversity
HerbMed - scientific basis of medicinal plants
USDA/ARS Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory - plants poisonous or toxic to man and/or animals
Poisonous Plant Database - poisonous and toxic vascular plants
Vegetable Technology - vegetative crops of some common and some Malaysian plants - tropical rain forest fruits of Malaysia
Cucurbitaceae and the Cucurbit Network - everything you wanted to know about pickles, cucumbers, pumpkins, squashes, goards, zuccini pages
Farmers' Rights Information Service - Medicinal and agricultural plants of tribal communites in India.
Food Resource - Information on the production and uses of plant products in food.
History of Opium - history of the growth and collection of opium poppy
The Ethnobotanical Experience - medicinal uses of rain forest and other plants
Biopolymers: Natural Rubber - history, chemistry, ethnobotany and environmental concerns
Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System - databases to common poisonous plants found in the home and outdoors in Canada
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology’s (AAAAI) Aeroallergen Network - information about allergies to pollen and spores
Ethnobotany - Teaching aids for an AP Biology unit in Ethnobotany.
Centre for International Ethnomedicinal Education and Research (CIEER) - listserv and gateway to resources
Gymnosperm Database - taxonomy, ethnobotany, images, age and large specimens for numerous species
WebMD- Medical Library - Information on herbs and plant substances used in medicine.
Arid Lands Information Center -Information on the scientific and human aspects of desert life.
Soaring Bear's HerbTracker: Finding & Identifying Plants - links to photographic resources, state and country wildflower lists
Poisonous Plants of North Carolina -Poisonous plants of North Carolina, also encountered elsewhere.
The Phytochemical World - An introduction to plant secondary metabolism and phytochemicals.
Plant Map of Costa Rica - illustrated tropical botany site emphasizing phytogeography
Bio-Tech - New page location for Bio-Tech Online Resouces.
Culpeper- The Complete Herbal - Online text of Culpeper's Herbal.
Köhler's Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 - drawings of 287 European economically important plants
Medical Botany - A Mini-Course - tutorial on economic plants
Joe Armstrong's Course Sites - economic botany photo essays on cassava, coir, paper, rubber
The English Physitian - 1652 - herbal remedies for ancient physicians
Plants Toxic to Animals - databases to common poisonous plants found outdoors
North American Lichen Project - ethnobotanical interfaces and basic biology are covered here
The Sweet Lure of Chocolate - growth of cacao, harvest, processing and health effects
Algae Home Page, Smithsonian Institution - collections, classification & economic uses
Fitoterapia y Natura - Index of Spanish common names of medicinally used plants.
Wealth of the Rainforest: Pharmacy to the World - database, links, images and articles on the Amazonian rainforest
WWW Ethnobotanical Resource Directory - education opportunities, links, research, database, conferences
Ethnobotany Conservation Team - articles, careers, mission and some photos
Cyberbotanica: Plants and Cancer Treatments - medicinal plants, chemicals and a challenging online quiz
Economically Important Plants / Food Allergy and Intolerance - List of species by family
Cornell University's Poisonous Plant Page - Plants, active phytochemicals, animal affects and links
Botanical.Com - Herbal Guide, old works, poison page
The "Canoe Plants" of Ancient Hawai`i
Ethnobotanical Databases - USDA-ARS resources on ecology, ethnobotany, Native American food and medicine plants, plant chemistry
Use of Herbs (HerbWeb) - Herb database information
Henriette's Herbal Homepage - Links to newsgroup archives, a database and photos
SW School of Botanical Medicine
Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge
- Cell and Molecular Biology
AmiGO! Your friend in the Gene Ontology - a metadatabase on genes and functional genomics
Kyrk: Cell Biology Animations - animations cell biology topics, including movies on cell anatomy, organelles, membranes, diffusion, glycolysis, photosynthesis, nucleic acids, mitosis and more
Carnegie Plant Cell Imaging - Quicktime movies, protocols and articles on molecular imaging with fluorescent probe constructs, transformation and confocal microscopy, featuring mitosis, organelles, microtubules and more
Stacks on Tracks: Plant Endomembrane Research Group - discussions, reprints, movies and images of Golgi bodies, vesicles and membrane systems
Advanced Molecular Genetics-Biology 566 - graduate course tutorials with image-rich explanations
Cell Biology Education - quarterly online publication, providing features, articles, essays and announcements for life science educators
Molecular Biology Tutorials - DNA, RNA and protein structure from the Waksman Institute
Organelle Genomes, Proteomes and Gene Expression - organelle structure, function, genes, genome, evolution, cytoplasmic inheritance of mitochondria and plastids
Plant Cell Biology on CD - confocal and electron microscope images of plant cell organelles and tissues
Maize Mapping Project - high throughput data on Zea mays genetics, chromosomes, genetic information, ESTs, BACs, InDels, and more
Gene Ontology Consortium - a consistent vocabulary for all organisms, genes, proteins and protein roles
GOBASE: The Organelle Genome Database - mitochondrion and plastid (chloroplast) DNA sequences, genes, proteins of animals, plants, protists (& soon related bacterial)
Cell Cycle and the Plant Cell - computer animations and portrayals of DNA synthesis, checkpoints and mitosis
PhRMA Bioinformatics: Plant Databases - links to plant genomic databases of NCBI/NIH (GenBank), USDA, NSF, CNRS, L'Institut Pasteur, UK HGMP Resource Centre, PlantGDB, and NSF Net Center for Plant Genomics
Gramene: A Comparative Mapping Resource for Grains - formerly in RiceGenes, this contains DNA sequences, genome data, proteins, function, mapping of rice and other grasses
Bioinformatics.Org - open exchange of computer data, databases, software and supporting resources
Arabidopsis Knockout Facility - databases, protocols and procedures for using the knockout facility
PlantsP: Functional Genomics of Plant Phosphorylation - databases, sequence analysis, BLASTs, signal transduction expert site
Biological Biochemical Image Database (BBID) - illustrations of macromolecular structures, gene families, biological pathways
Plant Genomes Central - genome databases for the plant nucleus, mitochondria and plastids
Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) - research database with DNA analysis tools, info on seed stocks, mutations, knockouts, microarrays
Bio-Web: Resources for Molecular and Cell Biologists - comtemporary scienfific news and resources
ChromDB: The Plant Chromatin Database - chromatin organization, BLAST sequences and research references
DNA for Dinner? - exploring social complexities of genetically-engineered plants and GMOs
BIODIC Image Gallery - gallery of over 1000 scanning and transmission electron microscopic images of plants, chloroplasts, mitochondria, Golgi etc.
Multiscopic Cell - an introduction to the structure of the cell - models for the origin of the nucleus of the cell
Landmarks In the History of Genetics - timeline of genetic discoveries, discoverers, and implications of new findings
Highlights of Biochemistry: Molecular structures made visible - important biological molecules including DNA, proteins and molecules involved with gene expression
Photosynthesis Light Reactions Timeline - early events of light reception, electron transport, NADPH reduction and ATP creation
Guardian Unlimited | Special report: Ethics of Genetics - human cloning, genetic engineering, STEM cell research and molecular biology
DNA Learning Center - summer workshops for middle and high school students and teachers, genetics, eugenics and DNA resources
DNA from the Beginning - tutorial, quizzes and animated concepts of genetics
GrainGenes: A Database for Small Grains and Sugarcane - molecular and phenotypic data on wheat, barley, oats, rye, and sugarcane
PlantsP: Functional Genomics of Plant Phosphorylation - markers for kinases, phosphatases, gene and protein regulation
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) - detailed information about techniques for retaining biodiversity and FAQs on growing economic plant crops
Web Atlas of Cellular Structures Using Light and Confocal Microscopy - organelle & subcellular images, including cytoskeleton (actin & microtubules), nucleus, mitosis
Cellupedia - model introductory site on cell biology, with news, glossary, messageboards
pDRAW32 DNA analysis software - DNA plasmid manipulation and cloning program
Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment - community of researchers, protocols, suppliers, and publications
ARS Genome Database Resource - DNA sequence data, ESTs, genomic information on crop and model plants
Protocols for Recombinant DNA Isolation, Cloning and Sequencing - a collection of DNA extraction and preparation methods
Transgenic Crops: An Introduction and Resources Guide - overview of history, techniques, regulation, risks, concerns and news about transgenic GMO crops
Glossary of Biotech Terms - Encyclopedic information about biotechnology, molecular biology and cell biology terms
Ag Bio-Tech InfoNet - reference/information site for plant biotechnology, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)
The Fundamental Unit of Life - Tutorial on the cell, its structure, components, and biochemistry.
Biotech Basics - plant biotechnology primer
Molecular Biology - online course and tutorial
Mycology Labs at the University of Tennessee - botanical nomenclature tutorial, glosssary of -onyms, Pleurotus systematics, molecular techniques protocols for field work of fungi, and links
MaizeDB: the Maize Genome Database - corn informatics/genomics database, featuring ESTs, primers, genes
WWW-VL Biotechnology - link sites, including bioengineering companies and projects
RNABase: The RNA Structure Database - tRNAs, rRNAs, mRNAs and an RNA primer
Arabidopsis.Com - Lehle Seeds - everything Arabidopsis: research community, patents, latest bulletins, seeds
How the Terminator Terminates - control of genes for plant sterility
DNA From the Beginning - tutorial and reference material on molecular biology
Plant Molecular Biology - tutorials/essays on plant transformation, vocabulary, transgenic plants, DNA, genetics and more
Plant Genome Databases - A Tutorial - introduction to the plant genome projects
Molecular Information Theory and the Theory of Molecular Machines - laws limiting genetic combinations
AgBioForum - agricultural biotechnology electronic magazine
Infomine's Plant Genetics Resources Database (enter the term 'plant genetics') - links to gene banks of many plant groups
The Biology Project - interactive online tutorials for Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Mendelian Genetics, Immunology, Chemicals and Human Health, Developmental and Molecular Biology
The Microbial Underground - Medical, Microbiological and Molecular Biological material on the internet.
Protein Data Bank - 3-D structure of macromolecules
Protein Kinase Resource - enzymes critical downstream to signal transduction pathways
Protein Synthesis - tutorial, mRNA, ribosome, translation
INRA Scientific Database Servers - links, databases, DNA, mychorrhizae, insects
Principles of Protein Structure - online tutorial on preparation of polypeptides and proteins
Cell Biology Topics - Online text with self-quizzes
Cytochemistry Web Page - resource for cell biology
Dictionary of Science and Biotechnology - glossary for biochemistry, botany, cell biology and genetics
Cyberbotanica: Plants and Cancer Treatments - medicinal plants, chemicals and a challenging online quiz
Cold Spring Harbor Arabidopsis Molecular Genetics Course Manual - Exercises in plant gene expression and genetics
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Virtual Laboratory - a model virtual lab site on antibody research
Genomics - information about molecular biology, DNA, genetics and policy
Web Molecular Biology Exercises - online tutorial / quiz for learning DNA dogma
Plant Genome Database Collaboration - links to Arabidopsis, wheat, corn, soybeans and forest trees
Primer on Molecular Genetics - Tutorial on molecular biology methods
Cells Alive!! - Multimedia cell animations
The Antibodies Resource Page - Techniques, molecules and information
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Dictionary of Cell Biology Terms
Cell Biology Laboratory Manual - Remarkably complete multi-level lab tutorial/manual
Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual
Arabidopsis Project WWW Manual
- Agricultural Resources
Crop Nutrient Tool - nutrients used and needed to grow selected crops
National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) - has the goal of capturing plant diversity with potential uses in disease resistance, biochemistry, resistance to environmental stress
Mark Rieger's Fruit Crops - taxonomy, origin, history of cultivation, folklore, medicinal properties, production statistics, harvest methods and much more
Careers in Agriculture - 40 scientific careers in animal and plant biology
Seed Savers Exchange - non-profit organization devoted to retaining genetic diversity through maintaining & distributing heirloom seeds
History: Where Food Crops Originated - crops of the New and Old World
Australian New Crops Web Site - developing native crops for export
ICUC - Fruits for the Future - developing tropical fruit trees for food, fodder, fuel, timber and medicine
Crop Index - information datasheets on 100s of crop plants
APSnet Feature: Crop Biosecurity/Countering Agricultural Bioterrorism - recommendations and positions of the American Phytopathological Society
Internet Glossary of Soil Science Terms - hundreds of terms defined, downloadable dictionary and numerical descriptions of soil characteristics
How A Soybean Plant Develops - everything you wanted to know about growing soybeans
Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States - distribution maps, forest type maps, climate change for several different scenarios
Perspectives Online - Quarterly publication by the North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
National Park Service Integrated Pest Management Manual - IPM solutions to disease and herbivory
FAO Document Repository - free, authorative, online publications of the FAO (start with the term 'agricultural' if you are lost)
Rot Web Home Composting Information site - a how-to guide
Corn Grower's Guidebook - everything about maize
AgBioForum - agricultural biotechnology electronic magazine
Agricultural Network Information Center - online references for plant information
Southern Regional Research Center - USDA Research Center for Southern Agricultural Crops
Ohio State University Extension VegNet - information on vegetable crops, including tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins
Craig's Juicy Native Grass Gossip & Research - information on native grasses
New Forests Project - Organization for sustainable agroforestry
Gardeners of the Golden Horseshoe - Garden site, talk/exchange group, botanical listservs
Plant Hormones
Virtual Garden
Internet Guidepost for Plant Production - Extensive agriculture WWW site
OCES Guide to Agricultural Web Sites - Government, publication, university, weather, media sties and more.
- State / Regional Resources:
Miami Tree Puzzle - images of habit, flowers and fruits of native, introduced, and invasive plants of Miami provide illustrations of tropical diversity, with dichotomous key
Interesting Botanical Places of Newfoundland and Labrador - growing collection of images reflecting some of the ecological niches in this maritime province of Canada
Digital Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador Vascular Plants - over 1300 vascular plant species from the Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador
Digital Flora of Texas - links to herbarium specimen data, vascular plant images, bibliographic references, and checklists
Northern Arizona Flora - website for wild flowers of Northern Arizona including Grand Canyon
Galapagos Natural History - natural history, flora and island geography of the Galapagos Islands
PJSE: Palmeras y Jardines en el suroeste de Europa - Palms and Gardens of Southwestern Europe with information about palms, Mediterranean climates, maps of European hardiness zones and climatological information, stories and more
Botanic Gardens Trust (Sydney, Australia) - information about the Royal Botanic Gardens and educational material about botanical information, food of aborigines, plants and diseases and more
Flora of Northern Ireland - is mapped with species distributions to 10 km; protected and priority species are listed
Know Your Grasses (Texas-based) - Texas grassland vegetation
Association Endemia - Faune et Flore de Nouvelle Calédonie - New Caledonia endemic species site, with illustrations (in French)
Vascular Flora of Madison County, Texas - model flora of a diverse county forming a baseline for studying future changes
Jardin d'Oiseaux Tropicaux - French national collections of yuccas and cactuses
Kirstenbosch: Plant of the Week - featured plants currently flowering at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, South Africa
NOVA: Garden of Eden - a visit to the distant and isolated Seychelles island atoll in the Indian Ocean for discussions of biogeography, speciation, extinction, atolls, continental drift, Pangea and the oceans' health
Southeastern U.S. Plants - characteristic Southeast US plants by flowering date, common name, scientific name, family and thumbnail image
Native and Introduced Plants of Southern California - a checklist of species accompanying walking trails in many geographic regions of southern California
Biodiversity Explorer: Featuring the Diversity of Life We Encounter in Southern Africa - plant and animal diversity of southern Africa by higher groups, families, genera and species
An Introduction to the Styx - Tasmania's Valley of the Giants - location of the tallest angiosperm (hardwood) trees
Australian Plant Images - images of native Australian plants - a huge collection
Burke's Backyard - companion site for a garden "make-over" television program in Australia and New Zealand
Great Plains Nature Center - flora and fauna of the Great Plains, including educational resources
NCDC Freeze/Frost Maps - freeze/frost probability maps for the US
Vegetation and Flora of Pitcairn Islands - a World Heritage site containing research and images on this biodiversity hotspot
Montana Plant Life - 400 species of wild Montana plants
My Wildflowers - searchable database of wildflower photos from western Pennsylvania
Biflora - database on the flora of the island of Hainan, China, a biodiversity hotspot
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - A Special Report by Arctic Circle - well-balanced academic site on resources, opportunities and perspectives concerning oil exploration of the ANWR
The Natural History Museum's Wildlife Garden - British habitats include Oak woodland, Lowland heath, Chalk downland, Hedgerow, Pond and Reedbed
Plant diversity in Paraguay - database of Paraguayan plant specimens
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - three collections at Universiteit Leiden, Utrecht University and Wageningen University (WAG)
University of South Carolina Herbarium - includes SC plant atlas, pines of SC, poison ivy, what is an herbarium and "Ask Plantman" about your specimens - images, information, vegetation of southern African native plants
Trees of Kern County, California - checklist, plant information and images
Missouri Flora Website - plant images and descriptions
Wisconsin Vascular Plants and Lichens - resources include search by family, genus, common name, county, a key to the conifers and "What's Blooming"
New Zealand Trust for Conservation Volunteers - an organization that mobilizes hundreds of volunteers to restoration efforts
Fungi of California - numerous species, photos and links
DC Herbarium / Flora of the Washington-Baltimore Area - plants of the Washington/Baltimore area
Wildflowers of the Backbone Trail - digital images of southern California wildflowers
Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar - geo-referenced specimen data and images of Malagasy plants
W.P. Fraser Herbarium, University of Saskatchewan, Canada - dichotomous key, herbarium information, rare plants and specimens
Rare, Endangered and Vulnerable Plants of the Republic of Georgia - species list with habitats, geographic distribution and occasional photos
Catalog of the Woody Plants of Oklahoma - woody plants, trees, shrubs and vines of Oklahoma
California Wildlife and Habitat Data Analysis Branch - threatened and endangered plants, guidelines for assessment, exhaustive California natural community and habitat database
Wildflowers of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area - thumbnails and phenology lists
Blooming Plants of Southern California - digital images of over 400 species
Ozarks Regional Herbarium - images of flowering plants, ferns & fern allies, atlas, herbarium news
Delaware Wildflowers - images, species listed by name and color with comprehensive state wildflower links
Southwest Colorado Wildflowers - trees, plants, ferns of the Four Corners region with plant names, definitions, glossary, field collections, lots of data
Nevada Rare Plant Atlas - phytogeography and ecology of sensitive and watch-listed plants
Hendrix Online Photos - Desert and Rocky Mountain wildflowers, to Mountain View experimental gardens - lots of images
The Mints of Texas - mints of the UT-Austin herbarium system, with text and scanned images of plant specimens
Wisconsin Plant of the Week - native and introduced species found in the state
Central Pacific Island Environments - Keys to aquatic species in the Hawaiian Islands.
Florida Forestry Information - Information on forest trees and forest ecosystems of Florida.
The Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Utah - Mapped collection locations of Utah plants.
Hawaii's Most Invasive Horticultural Plants - introduction to characteristics of invasive plants, their adaptations and their threat
Texas Wetland Information Network (WetNet) - information about conservation, ecology and managements of beaches, dunes and coasts
Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin - classification of bogs, marshes, swamps, floodplain forests, with plant list and descriptions
Michigan Wildflowers 2000 - excellent digital image site for Michigan wildflowers
Invasive Plant Council of New York State - information about exotic plants (aka noxious weeds) invading NY
Welcome to Floralis - endemics of Mauritius and Mondrain Nature Reserve
Welcome to Floralis - endemics of Mauritius and Mondrain Nature Reserve
Wetlands of the Central and Southern California Coast and Coastal Watersheds - encyclopedic information on the wetland biomes of California
California Exotic Pest Plant Council - invasive weedy plants
Central Washington Native Plants - regional ecology, natural history, plant identification, images and ethnobotany in a virtual tour
Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States - encyclopedic site with images, plant information
Plants of the San Gabriel Mountains - model natural history site for California plant communities, wildflower identification
Rare Plants of Ontario - rare, threatened and endangered plants of Canada
Photography of Southern New Jersey - images and virtual tour of New Jersey Pine Barrens, shores and the Delaware River & Bay
Vascular Plants of Henry W. Coe State Park - comprehensive annotated guide to wildlands near San Jose
British Wildflowers Online - search engine driven site for identification of wildflowers
Guide for Common Native Plants of the Cal Poly Pomona Campus (BIO 115 Field Guide) - well-linked and illustrated model for a local campus guide
Wildlands of Cal Poly Pomona - virtual tour of campus
Charlie's Mid-Atlantic Plant Identification Guide - plant IDs, quizzes, taxomony links
Woody Plants of Oklahoma: Descriptions and Range Maps - plant descriptions, images, habitat and range maps for numerous species
UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project - IPM databases and knowledge banks for common crops, pests and weeds
What Tree Is It? - online key to Ohio trees
University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN) - model bryophyte, fungi and vascular plant herbarium site, with maps and database
Missouri Wildflower Guide - Midwest US floral guide
Plants of Georgia - General survey of the plants of Georgia
Florida Environments - Plant communities of Southern Florida.
CalFlora - California resource about plant occurrence and distribution, with photo images
El Desierto Florido - South American Atacama desert floral images
Edible Sierra Nevada Plants - Plants for emergency wilderness survival.
Henry W. Coe State Park - Checklists of northern California wildflowers, birds, and butterflies.
Agaricales of the Hawaiian Islands - Documentation of mushroom species in the Hawaiian Archipelago.
Canyons, Cultures, and Environmental Change Impact of man, animals, and time on the Colorado Plateau.
Native Wildflowers of the North Dakota Grasslands - Biologist Harold A. Kantrud's articles on wildflowers of North Dakota grasslands and prairie.
Plants in the Hawaiian Environment- Botany 130 - Junior college course in Hawaiian Botany.
Weeds of the Northern Blackland Prairie -High resolution photos of weeds of north central Texas.
California Wildflowers - Color-coded field guide to California wildflowers.
Georgia Endangered Plant Stewardship Network -Introduction to pitcherplants, pitcherplant bogs, and other endangered plants of Georgia.
Reed College - Bio 332 - Vascular Plant Diversity - images, interactive online quiz, species databases, Trees of Reed College
Delaware Wildflowers - with list of state wildflower links
Zen's WNC Nature Notebook - excellent Appalachian wildflower site with plant & fungi descriptions & flowering times
State Lists of Endangered Species Under Fish and Wildlife Service Jurisdiction - U.S. and Virgin Islands endangered plants and animals listed by state.
Mercury Cycling in the Everglades ENR Areas - USGS studies on mercury pollution in aquatic ecosystems.
John Kunkel Small Photo Collection -Photographs of botanist John Kunkel Small's early twentieth century Florida expeditions.
Centex Naturalist - Web guide to the natural history of Central Texas.
University of Connecticut Plant Database - Woody ornamentals database featuring plants grown in the northeastern United States.
Mangrove Replenishment Initiative - reforestation in Florida
Rocky Mountain Rare Plants - Alpine Seeds - seed catalogs, germination information
Everglades Field Trip - Summary of the hydrology, biology, geology, and restoration of the Florida Everglades.
Tom Clothier's Garden Walk and Talk - Introduction to botany in the garden and advice for the Illinois gardener.
Kansas Wildflowers - Wildflower and native grasses of Kansas.
Great Lakes Environment - photo essays, information about monitoring the environment
Atlas of Tennessee Vascular Plants - Tennessee plant species distribution maps by county.
A Manual of California Vegetation - vegetation types, ecotypes, communities
Pennsylvania Flora Project - illustrated plant database
Texas Wildflowers - Pictorial guide to Texas wildflowers.
Florida Plants Online - everything about Florida! good Young Naturalist's page
Atlas of the Flora of New England - an online flora
Missouri Plant Page - from State Heritage group
Color Landform Atlas of the United States - good tools for biogeography, satellite, county maps, links
Plants in the Hawaiian Environment - Botany 130 - Hawaiian flora and man's impact on it
Forestry in the Appalachian Hardwoods of Kentucky - links on forest fires, silviculture, and an online Forest Management Workshop Manual
Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants - maps of plant distributions
Florida Wildflower Showcase - Nice photo site with hundreds of pictures, including some pollinators
Wildflowers of Alabama - Photos, nice write-ups on selected genera
Oklahoma Wildflowers - 150 images and growing
California Wildflowers Collection - Nice photos
Biota of North America Program (BONAP) - Checklist to the North American vascular plant flora
- Library resources (Dictionaries, Journals, Thesauri, Style Manuals, Tools):
- General resources:
Google Scholar - database of articles, preprint repositories and university and scholarly sites
Scientific Names: How to Say Them - pronunciation guide for scientific Latin
FreeDictionary.Com - including many botanical terms. Synomyms, antonyms and related words are given and linked
Digital Book Index - Botany - links to online resources, books and documents
Nature's Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences - introductory and advanced articles written and peer reviewed by authorities
ISI's Web of Knowledge - nearly essential tool for literature searching, journal evaluation
Hunt Institute Botanical Databases - botanical databases including standardized abbreviations of plants, plants cited by Linnaeus, Linnaean Dissertations and portraits of botanists
Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project - morphological terminology in association with the FNA project
Biodiversity Economics Library - collation of primary literature, conferences and web sites
NAL Agricultural Thesaurus - dictionary, botanical word resources
BMC Plant Biology - one of 50 free online journals by BioMed Central
Alfred Russel Wallace Page - life story and works of one of the founders of evolutionary theory and modern biogeography
SciTechResources.Gov - government resources for scientists, engineers, botanists and other scientists
Glossary of Biotech Terms - Encyclopedic information about biotechnology, molecular biology and cell biology terms
Glossary of Roots of Botanical Names - dictionary of botanical word roots
Index to American Botanical Literature - literature searches from 1999
Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology - excellent definitions for palynological terms
Web of On-line Dictionaries - language, vocabulary and international translation site
Botanical Glossaries - glossary links for lichens, fungi, pteridophytes, bryophytes and gymnosperms
Hypermedia Glossary Of Genetic Terms - genetic terms from Mendel to molecular biology are defined
Sites of Botany and Plant Biology-Related Electronic Journals - e-journals
Science.komm - Links to Journals, publishers, and resources for life sciences.
WWW-VL: Electronic Journals - links to the scientific journals on the Internet
MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources - How to cite Internet resources
MEDLINE - Premier database for medicine
CARL Uncover - Index to scholarly journal articles
OCLC FirstSearch Service
- Literature, History, Historically important documents
Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches - provides information on several hundred noted biogeographers
Flora Online Archives - a very early electronic botanical publication (1987-1993)
Sir Hans Sloane Jamaican Botanical Collection - images of Sir Hans Sloane's collections in Jamaica
Great Botanical Books: A Booksellers' Perspective - great herbals and botanical texts of history, as evaluated by Tony Swann at the Natural History Museum
Iconotheca Botanica: Plant images collection of the Herbarium of Moscow University - colored illustrations from literature of the 1800s by Dietrich, P. Watson and Thomé
Endeavour Botanical Illustrations at the Natural History Museum - most of the botanical drawings and engravings are available in searchable form
Discovering Lewis and Clark - plant collections and history associated with the bicentennial of the expedition
Lewis and Clark Expedition Bicentennial - journey logs, plant discoveries, maps and images of the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1804-1806
Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies: 1951 to 1975 - enhanced bibliography with links for plant and animal biogeography
1upINFO: Botany Encyclopedia, General Articles - text-oriented online encyclopedia, providing glossary capabilities
Botany: The History of a Science - major botanical achievements of classical, dark ages, renaissance to the recent
NOVA: Secret of Photo 51: The Story of Rosalind Franklin & DNA - history and images of the discovery of DNA structure
Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA: A Documentary History - the history of the discovery of the double helix
Darwin Day - educational outreach, learning links, arts & leisure based on Darwin, birthday events
Celebrating 50 Years of DNA - history and social events surrounding the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the double helix
George Washington Carver - life and accomplishments of an important agricultural researcher
Birmingham Botanic Gardens and Glasshouses, UK - a garden in the United Kingdom dating from 1832
Virtual Oxford Science Walk - a history of scientific accomplishment at Oxford University
Agropolis Museum: Food & Agricultures of the World - historical perspective of food, nutrition and agriculture
Bibliography of References Related to Seed Dormancy and/or Germination in Higher Plants - authoritative collection of references from 1890 to the present
Botanical Explorations in the United States and Canada - links and resources on the history of botanical sciences, gardening and horticulture
The Patten Collection of Herbals and Early Gardening Books - Doris and Marc Patten Collection at ASU
Botany: The History of a Science - major botanical achievements of classical, medieval, renaissance and modern eras
AMNH Congo Expedition Index - images, field notebooks, biographies, field notebooks, collection information and much more from the 1909-1914 Lang-Chapin expedition
Linnaean Correspondence - letters, biographical glossary, bibliography
WorldAtlas.Com - links to geographical, policatial and map data
An Analytic Bibliography of On-line Neo-Latin Texts - collection of links to historical texts, Medieval to 1800s
Project Gutenberg - collection of classical books in science and literature
Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies: To 1950 - enhanced bibliography with links for plant and animal biogeography
Rare Books from the MBG Library - free collection of beautifully illustrated and botanically significant books
Herbals & Early Gardening Books - 148 online old books with ancient botany advice
A Nomenclatural Morass: The Naming of Lewis' "Fir No. 5" - a case study on plant nomenclature
Barbara McClintock Papers - notes, correspondence, unpublished manuscripts, lecture notes, etc.
History of Evolutionary Thought (at UCMP) - biographies of key scientists
IPL Online Texts Collection - historical books on evolution, microscopy, botany
Barbara McClintock - 1983 Nobel Laureate - press release, autobiography, obituary for a great maize geneticist who discovered transposable genetic elements
Planet Ark - Reuters environmental news service and environmental news search engine
Declaring Independence: A Guide to Creating Community-controlled Science Journals - reducing the costs of responsible scientific publication
Joseph Dalton Hooker - life and botanical works of J.D. Hooker
National Library for the Environment (NLE) - Congressional reports, position papers, major environmental portal
Carl Albert Purpus, Plant Collector in Western America - writings & letters, translated into English, plant lists, images & detailed bibliography
Methods in Plant Histology - microtechnique resource for preparing plant tissues emphasizing paraffin technique
JSTOR - historical botany and scientific journals
Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA) - imporant monographs and publications in the history of agriculture research
The Wright Books - book seller of old texts, floras, monographs
Botanical Art from the Gordon Craig Gallery in London UK - virtual gallery and future location of Curtis' Botanical Magazine
Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink - book seller of old texts, floras, monographs
The Travels of William Bartram - revolutionary war era naturalist, artist, writer, botanist
André Michaux: Explorer, Collector, Botanist - biography and plants of an early French explorer
The Scientific Revolution- Readings, Resources, Links - A complete resource on the Scientific Revolution - Access to 6,000 medical journals, articles, and databases.
The Linnean Herbarium at the Swedish Museum of Natural History - herbarium sheets of many type specimens from Linnaeus
Flora Danica Online - collection of over 3000 ancient plant images
- Pictures and descriptions of herbals and natural history works of the Renaissance.
Plant Trivia Timeline - a detailed history of plants, from the very beginning
Papers of Sir Joseph Banks - Banks' expeditions in text and scanned graphics
Mythical Plants of the Middle Ages - lengendary plants
The English Physitian - 1652 - herbal remedies for ancient physicians
Leonhard Fuchs' Botanical, 1545 - a scanned medieval herbal
Electronic Journal URLs - Links to leading scientific journals
MendelWeb - Mendel Verbatim!
Origin of the Species
Voyage of the Beagle
- Botanical resources:
Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center - information about endangered plants, heritage concerns
UC Davis Natural Reserve System - Jepson Prairie Reserve - information and annotated list of plants in the native bunchgrass prairie
Picture Profile of the Northern Namib - photo essays of the Namibian desert with lots of images of Welwischia mirabilis
Photographic Tour: Nature in British Columbia - recognizable flora and fauna of British Columbia
Jepson Online Interchange - metadatabase of California plants with taxonomic information, distribution maps, forming a continuing revision of the Jepson Flora
National Geographic Maps - make custom surface relief maps, other cartography resources
Botany in the Curriculum: Integrating Research and Teaching - August 2-7, 2002 - annual conference of BSA, ASPT, AFS, CBA/ABC, PSA
The United States Botanic Garden - national botanical garden of the US
Biology Online - online introductory biology tutorials, links and dictionary
DNA for Dinner? - exploring social complexities of genetically-engineered plants and GMOs
Botany in the Subantarctic - subarctic island studies, abstracts & research projects by University of Queensland
Threatened Plants of the World - rare, endangered, vulnerable, and extinct plants
Botany Online: The Hypertextbook - Botany Hypertextbook project from the University of Hamburg.
Botany 2000: Annual Meeting of BSA & Related Plant Societies - online course and tutorial
The Torrey Botanical Society Online - Website of the Torrey Botanical Society, New York.
Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) - species specific plant research information & glossary
Wildflowers - forums, calendar, dealers, FAQ and glossary
North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station - germplasm analysis and characterization, pest assessment
AGRICOLA - scientific literature database
American Journal of Botany Online - electronic journals
Cartographic Links for Botanists - plant distribution maps & tools from different states, regions, countries
On-Line Glossary of Technical terms in Plant Pathology - Glossary of terms in plant pathology
Dictionary of Science and Biotechnology - glossary for biochemistry, botany, cell biology and genetics
Vegetative Characteristics Used in Taxonomy Keys - exercises and glossary of morphology terms for angiosperms
Reproductive Characteristics Used in Taxonomy Keys - exercises and glossary of morphology terms for angiosperms
WQA Glossary of Terms - Botanical terminology
UCMP Glossary of Botany Terms
Dictionary of Botanical Epithets - Etymology of species epithets
Glossary of Plant Morphology Terms - all plants from cyanobacteria to algae and angiosperms
Dictionary of Cell Biology Terms
Journal URLs - Links to leading scientific journals
American Fern Society (AFS) - Fern information and links
- Dendrology:
Miami Tree Puzzle - images of habit, flowers and fruits of native, introduced, and invasive plants of Miami provide illustrations of tropical diversity, with dichotomous key
Plant Amnesty - encourages an end to the senseless torture and mutilation of trees and shrubs by bad pruning practices by literature, information and nasty letters
TreeLinks - site about urban forestry, growing trees, keeping trees healthy, flash cards, as well as the newsletter, WoodNotes Quarterly
Natural Resource Skills - Introduction to Tree Identification - images and terminological descriptions
Tree Care Information Brochures - selected brochures on arboriculture
What Tree Is That? (Arbor Day Fnd) - interactive online dichotomous key for Eastern, Central and Western US tree identification
Dendrological Plant Image Gallery - devoted to the study of trees and presented in German, English and Spanish
California Register of Big Trees - a state site listing the largest and oldest trees, links to other state/national sites
Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute - SelecTree database of nearly 1,500 trees with images, online publications, listserv and newsletter
Technical Tree Biology Dictionary - a reasonably elementary web glossary of tree-related terminology
An Introduction to the Styx - Tasmania's Valley of the Giants - location of the tallest angiosperm (hardwood) trees
Fact Sheets for 680 Trees - describes plant characteristics, maps, uses, pests and diseases
Trees of Alabama and the Southeast - beginning site for identification of woody plants, featuring excellent glossary of terminology, quizzes
Big Trees - Biggest, Tallest, Oldest Trees; Big Tree Project - East-West transect of coastal California to the Great Basin - a narrated photo essay of elevation effects on plant populations
Ancient Forests International - forest type information, promoting sustainability & conservation in California, Chile and Equador
Twig Key - dichotomous key to the twigs of woody plants (trees and shrubs)
Leaf Key - dichotomous key of the leaves of woody plants (trees and shrubs)
Ginkgo biloba - home page for a living fossil, th maidenhair tree
Forestry Images - forest plants, insects, silviculture, invasive organisms, natural scenes
Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States - distribution maps, forest type maps, climate change for several different scenarios
Dendrochronology and Wood Biology in Hamburg - pages on xylem production and tree dating
Boreal Forest - course on wetland ecology of northern woods
DRYAD - a database of trees - search trees by genus or characteristics
Giant Sequoia - the largest living gymnosperm trees are featured with information on their ecology, distribution, life cycle and more
Forests of British Columbia - tree images, habitat, economic uses, identification information given
Gymnosperm Database - Descriptions of 1,000 taxa.
Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research, Inc. - Dendrological resources and upcoming events.
Forestry Guide @ About.Com - tree/forest activities, spotlights, websites and more
A Forester on the Suwannee - Introduction to the Suwannee River and forest plants of north east Florida. - Information on types and cultivation of woody plants.
Forests of the Central Appalachians Project - Vegetation descriptions of Central Appalachian forests.
Silvics of North America -Biology of 200 coniferous and hardwood trees of North America.
A Field Guide to the Mangroves of Queensland - Mangrove forest species and associated species in Queensland, Australia.
Mangrove Forest Photo Essay - virtual tour of Avicennia, Rhizophora and Xylocarpus in Thailand
Ohio Street Tree Evaluation Project - 30 year survival study of tree plantings
Plants of Francis Beidler Forest in Four Holes Swamp - Articles on the Francis Beidler Forest- tallest cypress/tupelo forest in the world.
State of the World's Forests - forest resources by country with distribution maps
Los Areboles en Espana - guide to trees cultivated in Spain
Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetic Resources - resource for finding seed & growing trees
Microscopy: The Tree Collection - microscopic wood sections and information
Trees and Shrubs of Iowa State University - encyclopedic guide to midwest trees
A Decade of Forest Health in Canada - Studies of air pollution and forest decline in Canada.
TreeWeb: The Natural History of Trees - life histories, status, range, sites & soils, ecology, interactions, forum & references
Forestry in the Appalachian Hardwoods of Kentucky - links on forest fires, silviculture, and an online Forest Management Workshop Manual
Saving the American Chestnut - history, photos, chronology of research efforts, bibliography, links
Virtual Forest - CD-ROM model site for virtual reality of forest ecology and tree identification
International Canopy Network (ICAN) - home of the Canopy listserv, resources on the forest canopy - no connect 10/3/98 onwards
Tree Rings and Tree Ring Research - All about tree rings with lots of links, photos and fun quiz
Dendrology Page (FNR 225) - Identify twigs and shrubs, dictionary
Guide to Native British Trees - 33 native trees featured
FAQs about Tree and Shrub Care
Ancient Bristlecone Pine
Trees of the Pacific Northwest
- Phytopathology:
APSnet: Plants Get Sick Too! - history of plant pathology including major diseases, pests and the means of combatting them
Crop Index - information datasheets on 100s of crop plants
Descriptions of Plant Viruses (DPV) - characteristics and biology of over 390 plant viruses (some with fully sequenced genomes)
Forest Pests of North America - insects, diseases and tree pests
Vegetable MD Online - plant diseases of crop plants; fact sheets online
Plant Viruses Online - virus database with information on host susceptibility and relationships, with electronmicrograph images, DNA sequences, other info
Pestweb: Insects and Other Organisms - Image and link catalog of insect, animal, and fungal pests.
Cereal Disease Laboratory - USDA research, reports, images, and databases on cereal rust diseases.
Plant and Insect Parasitic Nematode Home Page - Nematology lab materials.
Plant Diseases Announcements - emerging phytopathology-related diseases worldwide
NC State AgNic Entomology: A Guide to Online Insect Systematic Resources - Academically maintained Guide to insect resources on the internet
Ask Our Experts at the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory - email question and answer site
UC's Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center - information about crops, growing plants and controlling pests
West Virginia University Tree Bark Web Site - diseases of trees, especially cankers
On-Line Glossary of Technical terms in Plant Pathology - Glossary of terms in plant pathology
PLANT PATHOLOGY on the World Wide Web - mini-course on plant pathology & plant diseases with case studies
Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book - Authoritative plant pathology link site
APSnet - Plant Pathology Online - Plant pathology society and careers
Common Names for Plant Diseases - Database of plant crop hosts and their diseases
Saving the American Chestnut - history, photos, chronology of research efforts, bibliography, links
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Garden - Native Australian fungus threatens their non-native species
Texas Plant Disease Handbook - Phytopathology resource
Plant Disease Information Notes - Phytopathology resource
- Plant philosophy:
Botanical Index to the Journal of Henry David Thoreau - Botanical Index to the Journal of Thoreau
Do Plants Feel Pain? - Essay from Usenet
- Phytoremediation and Plant Toxins:
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Wildlife Habitat - USEPA case studies of functioning treatment wetlands.
Greenbuilder Articles - guide to environmental construction
National Wetlands Research Center Education - Lesson plans and teaching guides for wetlands ecology.
Mercury Cycling in the Everglades ENR Areas - USGS studies on mercury pollution in aquatic ecosystems.
Phytoremediation: Biological remediation of environmental problems using plants - research site listing conferences, sponsors, books, links
Pfiesteria piscicida Page - environmental danger from a toxic dinoflagellate
Abstracts From The 1997 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research - 1997 Abstracts in Bioremediation Technology
Phytoremediation Home Page - Phytoremediation of explosives and other contaminants in groundwater
Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research - Papers and abstracts concerning bioremediation of hazardous waste.
- Technology and safety information:
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) - chemical reference site
Biology Safety Information - Safe procedures for the biological laboratory.
WWW Dictionary of Scientific Instrumentation - The tools of science research
Graphic Techniques for Biological Presentation - How to do artwork for presentations
MicroWorld Resources and News - Microscopy link site and more
Microscopy UK - Microscopy link site and more
Introduction to Microscopy and Photomicrography
Material Safety Data Sheet Searches
This service is organized by Scott Russell through the Department of Botany and Microbiology of the University of Oklahoma. If you have any comments for the improvement this page or nominations for links, please contact me by email (
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