The Carl Albert Graduate Fellowship program is a prestigious doctoral fellowship program that leads to a Ph.D. degree in Political Science in the field of American government and includes institutions, processes and public policy. In addition, Fellows pursue two additional fields of study selected from among comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public administration or public policy.
Graduate Student Fellowships
Carl Albert Graduate Fellowship Program

Ambassador James R. Jones Graduate Fellowship Program

The Ambassador James R. Jones Graduate Fellowship was established to assist with the archival digitization efforts of the Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center’s Congressional and Political Collections. Students will be .50 GRAs in the Carl Albert Center while they complete their graduate degree in their home departments. The graduate fellow will learn valuable research and archival management skills, and have hands-on opportunities to work with various archival materials including manuscript, photographs, and moving image/sound content.
Undergraduate Student Fellowships
Civic Engagement Fellowship

Selected undergraduate students earn a stipend for pursuing civic education and voter mobilization activities on the OU campus and/or in the community.
Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Selected undergraduate students earn a stipend for collaborating with a professor on social science research related to Congress and representative democracy.
Undergraduate Courses
Community Scholars - Fall Semester

An undergraduate program featuring internships in the local community together with a weekly class meeting. Students may earn up to 6 credit hours.
Capitol Scholars - Spring Semester

An undergraduate program featuring internships in or around the Oklahoma House or Senate together with a weekly class meeting. Students may earn up to 6 credit hours.