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Student Involvement

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Green Week - green table cloth with drinks and items on the table for the outreach event.

ENGAGE with the College

Between our three units, we have more than 20 organizations for our students to get involved in. From a casual, social atmosphere to opportunities for professional networking and practical experience, there's something here for every student.


Use the button below to view OU's student engagement portal.

ENGAGE Student Organization List

College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences


LAMINAR strives to provide resources and connections to students, faculty, and staff here within the College of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as their allies.

Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences

To promote academic and professional advancement by empowering minorities in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences.

MANRRS is a national society that promotes excellence in leadership, scholarship, and service. MANRRS, heretofore known as the Society, promotes and fosters minority involvement in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. 

Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability

Association of Geography Graduate Students

The Association of Geography Graduate Students (AGGS) is a student-operated social organization that brings different concentrations of Geography and Environmental Sustainability graduate students together.

AGGS acts as a resource and space for networking, discussion, news, comments, social events, and concerns for graduate students in DGES.

Geographic Information Science Club

The Geographic Information Science Club is a student-led club for students interested in and/or studying Geographic Information Science and other related disciplines.

The GIS Club is dedicated to helping students learn the skills and knowledge that the industry is currently seeking.

Environmental Science Student Association

The Environmental Science Student Association (ESSA) aims to provide opportunities for future environmental engineers and scientists to build meaningful field experience, and assist the local community through volunteer work.

ESSA is open to all majors and anyone who is interested in environmental science and protecting the Earth. Our goal is to increase environmental awareness on the Norman Campus and to educate anyone interested in sustainable lifestyles. 

Green Week

Green Week is OU's largest sustainability organization, promoting accessible and inclusive conservation and preservation efforts to protect our planet. Through events, community outreach, and sponsorships, Green Week advocates for a healthier and more conscious campus environment.

If you are interested in environmentalism and committed to a greener future, you have a place in Green Week!

Southern Plains Sustainability Club

The Southern Plains Sustainability (GES) Club goals are to raise awareness of the concepts relating to DGES with the intent to create an inclusive community that is focused on promoting friendship, cooperation, and networking among students. The GES Club hosts monthly meetings featuring guest speakers, field trips, study nights, and more!

The Southern Plains Sustainability Club is open to anyone on campus that is interested in Geography, Geographic Information Science, and Environmental Sustainability! 


StyroHome tirelessly strives to impact the community and environment by recycling styrofoam. StyroHome provides a waste management system of disturbing boxes across campus for people to throw away grade 6 polystyrene foam and recycle it. 

The goal is to create an abundant circulatory system on Norman's Campus to recycle and repurpose styrofoam for it to be used again.

School of Aviation

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) provides an extensive array of resources available for student pilots and those thinking about becoming a student pilot. From a directory of local flight schools to flight training magazines, answers to common questions, and more, the AOPA "Learn to Fly" website is a great place to get started.

As the AOPA staff put it..."We think that flying yourself is just about the most fascinating, inspiring, and satisfying thing you can do. We invite you to join us in the fun."

Air Line Pilots Association, International

The Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) is the world’s largest airline pilot union. ALPA represents and advocates for more than 74,000 pilots at 42 airlines in the United States and Canada. 

Through unbiased, fact-based evaluation of airline industry issues, ALPA works to ensure that the airline industry remains safe and secure. ALPA represents pilots’ views to U.S. and Canadian legislators and regulators, and ALPA pilot groups have negotiated hundreds of contracts with their airlines.

Alpha Eta Rho (AHP) - Beta Chi Chapter

The Alpha Eta Rho - Beta Chi chapter at OU is a professional collegiate aviation fraternity founded in 1929, dedicated to fostering, and mentoring students that have a common interest in the field of aviation.

AHP is a coed fraternity that emphasizes mentorship, professional development, and leadership potential among students within the aviation industry. Alpha Eta Rho welcomes and encourages a diverse background of individuals to participate in their organization!

Ken Carson Leadership Program

The Ken Carson Leadership Program (KCLP) is the premiere leadership program of the School of Aviation.

In this program, students actively grow their aviation and leadership skills, industry knowledge, and connections to better prepare them for their future careers.

National Gay Pilots Association

The National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA) is the largest organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer aviation professionals and enthusiasts from around the world. Since 1990 our mission has been simple: to Build, Support, and Unite the LGBTQ aviation community worldwide.

Through education, social events, and outreach NGPA advance its primary goals: Promote aviation safety. Provide an affirming social and professional network for the LGBTQ aviation community. Foster equal treatment of the LGBTQ aviation community through advocacy and outreach. Encourage members of the LGBTQ community to begin careers in aviation.

NIFA Flying Sooners

The National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) exists today as a forum for collegiate aviators to expand their studies and further their careers by participating in competitive and non-competitive events, networking with industry and contemporaries, and applying themselves to go above and beyond their ordinary curriculum. 

Sooner Air Traffic Control Association

The Sooner Air Traffic Control Association (SATCA) provides a gathering place where students, faculty, and administration can meet and discuss the field of Air Traffic Control.

Providing students the opportunity to develop their knowledge in their careers through seminars, airport and FAA facility tours, guest speakers, and other activities. SATCA focuses on narrowing the gap between pilot and controller communication errors to establish mutual understanding between both entities and promote the importance of the field of Air Traffic Control to the greater aviation community.

Sooner Chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives

Provide educational opportunities for students to attend aviation events and network with executives within the industry.

The Sooner Chapter of AAAE offers field trips, guest speakers, and volunteer opportunities for students to develop what aviation executives need. 

Women in Aviation, International

Women in Aviation - Sooner Chapter is a student organization dedicated to inspiring women to explore the history, excitement, and career opportunities of the aviation industry.

Women in Aviation is open to all OU students, regardless of gender or major.

School of Meteorology

SoM Student Affairs Committee

The School of Meteorology Student Affairs Committee (SoM SAC) is the student body liaison to ensure formal, continual communication between faculty and students regarding issues of direct importance to both undergraduate and graduate meteorology students. Members of the SoM Student Affairs Committee are the representative of student opinions at faculty meetings, allowing student input on appropriate issues discussed.

The SAC represents and actively promotes the mission of the School of Meteorology within the community, state, and nation.

SoM Outreach Group

The School of Meteorology Outreach Group are the chosen student representatives that promote and educate the ideals and mission of the School of Meteorology. Members of the Outreach group can expect to facilitate prospective students to SoM and actively communicate on behalf of the current students in SoM. 

Members of this group are associated with the NWC's Weatherfriends. 

Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society & National Weather Association

OU SCAN is an independent student-run organization at the University of Oklahoma. The purpose of this organization is to provide educational, professional, social, and service opportunities for University of Oklahoma students interested in meteorology. OU SCAN hosts one general meeting and one social event every month. At these meetings, students will hear from a speaker from the meteorological community, as well as go over details for upcoming events, whether they be social or service events.

Oklahoma Weather Lab

The Oklahoma Weather Lab is OU's student forecasting organization. In the OWL, students get hands-on weather forecasting experience at the nightly forecast shifts 6-8p M-F. The OWL hosts monthly general meetings with speakers from the National Weather Service, Storm Prediction Center, Research Scientists, as well as Broadcast Meteorologists. 

All OU students are welcome at all of our events, regardless of major or membership status!