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Andjela Jovanovic


Andjela Jovanovic, SoA Undergraduate

Andjela Jovanovic doesn’t do anything small. She’ll graduate in May of 2023 with three degrees: Aviation Management Non-Flying Concentration, International Business/Information Management Systems, and International Security Studies. While balancing three degrees, along with competing on the OU Rowing team, working, and being part of various student organizations sounds like a lot, it’s normal for Jovanovic. 

“I’m someone who needs to have their schedule full in order to be at peace,” said Jovanovic. “I’m trying to use my time here as much as possible. It’s definitely difficult but possible.”  

Her hard work, drive and ambition have led her to be named A&GS Outstanding Senior; she is the first student from the School of Aviation Studies to receive the award. “It feels amazing to know that the efforts and time and everything that I put in, someone is seeing that, it is paying off,” said Jovanovic. “I am definitely honored to get this award.” 

Jovanovic’s passion for Aviation started early in life. Growing up in Serbia, she had the opportunity to attend an aviation academy, a high school specifically geared toward aviation professions, for three years. She attended United World College in China for her final two years of high school. “The academics are based on the IB (International Baccalaureate) Program, and there is an emphasis on community work, developing yourself, multicultural understanding, being immersed in a different culture, learning a language, and living with people different than yourself.” 

United World College led her to OU. OU was the only school partnered with United World College that had an aviation program, and she knew she wanted to continue pursuing a career in the field. 

Someone who has had a strong impact on Jovanovic’s time in the School of Aviation Studies is April Millaway-Axton. “She is someone who pushes for the Aviation Management Non-Flying students, to guide us on how to network, how to write resumes and cover letters, how to approach future employers, how to behave in the industry,” said Jovanovic. “For me, she’s very dear to my heart and she definitely made this journey more impactful than it is already.” 

And while it’s easy for her to single out Millaway-Axton as an important part of her education, it’s harder for her to single out a favorite memory from her time at OU. “I don’t even know how to choose a memory,” she said. Something that does stand out was a friend’s family bringing her into the fold for Thanksgiving during her freshman year. “It was a wonderful experience to come to Oklahoma and be introduced to such a family-friendly lifestyle straight away.” 

The tears and pain of competing in Rowing are also worth noting, along with working with the Sooner Flight Academy, and many of her classes. “But so many other things,” said Jovanovic. “I can’t really put up just one.” 

Jovanovic is leaving her short-term career goals open. In the summer of 2022, she interned with Southwest Airlines, and she hopes to stay in commercial aviation starting out. “But I like to say I’m not keeping any doors closed,” said Jovanovic. She’s interested in aviation safety and aviation security at the international level, and looking forward, she’s interested in working for regulatory bodies related to global safety and security. Regardless of where she goes, it’s clear Jovanovic will soar. 

By Kathryn Gebauer

Article Published: Monday, November 21, 2022

A headshot of Andjela Jovanovic.