As of 9/02


(September 2002-May 2003)






Legal Counsel

Review of compliance policy.

Ad hoc committee chaired by Mike McInerney


Tulsa President

Tulsa strategic plan.

Executive Committee


Faculty Senate

Faculty definition--non-tenured or tenure track.  Representation for renewable term, interdisciplinary, graduate faculty staff or non-OU employees.

Non-tenure track faculty not represented either on the faculty senate or the staff senate.

Sub-committee chaired by Ed Cline

Sub-committee recommendations under review by Executive Committee

VP Admin. Affairs

Review of retirement options.

Ad hoc committee



Revise Faculty Handbook concerning internal administrative hires. 

There is currently no process for targeted internal hires for senior administrative positions.

Faculty Compensation Committee


Faculty Senate

Salaries:  Compression/inversion of mid-career faculty, salaries below national average.

Faculty Compensation Committee



Student retention and advising.

Task force as sub-committee of exec. comm. to study faculty issues.

Report to be presented to Faculty Senate fall 2002

Faculty Senate

Legislative relations. 

Initiatives to get closer and more personal relationships with legislators.

Ad hoc committee chaired by Al Schwarzkopf


Faculty Senate

Research issues: quicker authority to hire outside contractors, fund junior faculty fellowships with private funds, reinstate senior faculty fellowships (replaced with Presidential Professorships?), raise limit on equipment that needs regents approval, graduate fellowships, research on human subjects. 

Sub-committee of Research Council chaired by E. Laurette Taylor

Reviewed issue with Lee Williams

Info. Technology

IT policies:  e-mail, campus network, acceptable use of information systems, user ID and password.

Information Technology Council

Under review by Legal Counsel

Faculty Senate

White paper on on-line class notes.

Information Technology Council


Faculty Senate

Cost of local phone service for faculty

Phone charges, especially international long distance, are much higher than commercial rates. 

Information Technology Council

IT negotiating a new contract

Faculty Senate

Social Security numbers on grade sheets.

Concern about identity theft.

Information Technology Council

Social Security numbers to be suppressed from grade sheets.  New I.D. numbers to be assigned.

Faculty Senate

Revive Campus Planning Council.

The council has had little business and no input to long range planning for campus facilities.

Executive Committee


Faculty Senate

OU Child Care facility.

Very high quality child care is scarce.  This is a retention issue for both faculty and students

Under review by Faculty Welfare Committee


Faculty Senate

Substantive issues concerning discrimination/harassment grievance policy.

Rick Tepker and Legal Counsel to propose language

Proposed language under review by Executive Committee

Faculty Senate

Establish an honor code that students will conduct themselves in an ethical manner concerning homework, exams, attendance, etc.

Executive Committee

Student Congress to propose language

Acad. Prog. Council

Policy on approving on-line courses.

Subcommittee of Academic Programs Council



Form task force to revise policy on classroom behavior (including cell phone usage).

There is currently no guideline in the Faculty Handbook that specifies faculty rights or process for controlling disruptive behavior such as cell phone use in class.  Suggest that faculty include a statement in the syllabus.

Executive Committee


Faculty Senate

Better perks needed:  free tuition and fees for family, free or reduced fees to campus facilities (Huston Huffman, golf), larger discounts to events, free parking.

Executive Committee