CONCERNING THE proposed revisions in the Compliance Policy and Standards of
Conduct (The policy approved by the regents 1/9/02 is
- Compliance Program)
Summary of Progress on
University’s Compliance Policy, by Dr. Michael McInerney
An ad hoc committee composed of faculty from various
departments on the Norman Campus and representatives from the Health Science
Center and the Tulsa campus reviewed the Compliance Program tentatively
approved by the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents (1/9/02) and the
proposed Compliance Structure Narrative (various drafts) that outline the
organizational changes to be made to administer the university’s compliance
policy. We had a number of discussions with Cori Loomis, Director of
Compliance, and on occasions with Joe Harroz, University Legal Counsel.
The faculty are committed to the highest standards
of ethics and conduct, and will work to be in compliance with all applicable
laws and regulations. During our deliberations, several questions and concerns
were raised.
1. The committee had questions about training and assistance that
will be provided to the faculty in matters related to compliance and that the
Office of Compliance will share the responsibilities of compliance with the
The Office of Compliance’s major purpose
is to provide assistance to the faculty. The Office of Compliance will provide support to
faculty to ensure that compliance mandates are met.
The policy and the standards of conduct
now have this wording included and a statement that any corrective action would
be done in accordance with the faculty handbook.
a. The Office of Compliance
will hold training sessions such as the recent session with individuals from
the Office of Human Rights Protection (OHRP).
b. The staff on the
three campuses has been reorganized to ensure that the faculty have access to
expertise in fields in which they may not be well versed.
1. A
veterinarian from HSC will visit the Norman campus to provide expertise on
training and policies related to animal research.
2. George
MacCurmon has been appointed as the University’s Radiation Safety Officer. He
will provide the Norman Campus faculty expertise and assistance in radiation safety
issues and in the implementation of research involving radioactive materials.
3. Steve O’Geary has been
hired as Director of Human Research Protection on the Norman Campus. Plans are
to hire additional staff that have expertise in human research to the
Institutional Review Board (IRB) and constitute additional IRB boards to
expedite review of proposals and to provide needed expertise and assistance to
faculty on the Norman Campus. In the interim, support will be given to faculty
(special pay, release time, summer support) to meet current demand for IRB
4. Federal regulators have
approved a tiered review system for IRB proposals. Forms to submit proposals to
the IRB, template letters, instructions and other information regarding human
research are currently available on the web site
The source of funds to implement the new compliance policy is not specified.
There was concern that the added costs for
compliance will be borne by practice-related income of faculty physicians at
the HSC and Tulsa campus, by departmental M& O, or directly by the faculty.
This will not be the case.
Given the differences in the types of research between the Norman and HSC
campuses, it is imperative that the compliance structure for human research on
the two campuses be separate.
Each campus does have its own
Institutional Review Boards.
There was concern about the need for a hotline phone number to report
First, it
is important to have some avenue for employees who feel threatened to have a
mechanism to report compliance problems. Secondly, federal regulators state
that to have an approved compliance program, the University must have a
mechanism that allows anonymous reporting of problems.
Training will emphasize reporting
compliance problems through normal channels and that anonymous reporting be
used only as a measure of last resort. In most instances, it is easy to
determine if anonymous complaints are justified since there are a number of
documents and procedures that can be easily.
The message was reworded to make sure that it was
for reporting of compliance matters.
The exit interview form has been deleted from the
There are protections
in the system to prevent abuse.
The compliance officer does not have authority
to institute punitive measures. This would be done by legal services or another
administrative unit (colleges, etc.). This is to maintain the role of the
Office of Compliance as a unit to provide assistance to the faculty.
When a complaint is obtained, the Director of
Compliance has to notify the chair of the department of the faculty member
involved and a university representative. This usually will be the chair of the
IRB board or equivalent faculty oversight committee. This would ensure that
there is faculty representation during the process.
The Director of Compliance reports to the
Advisory Committee for Compliance concerning the number and outcome of these
reports. This committee will have oversight control to ensure that such reports
are handled in a fair and ethical manner.
The Director of Compliance agreed to make
quarterly reports to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee regarding the
number of hotline calls received, the general nature of the calls, and the
resolution (w/o giving names or details) as well as the reports on the number
of compliance questions received and addressed and the training conducted. This
would provide faculty input and oversight on how hotline reports are handled.
5. A number of issues unique to medical billing
came up in our discussions. Cori and Joe are working with the Health Science
and Tulsa faculty on these issues..
members: Michael J. McInerney, Botany and Microbiology; Laurette Taylor, Health
and Sport Science; Mary John O’Hair, Educational Leadership and Policy; Regina
Sullivan, Zoology; Loraine Dunn, Institutional Leadership and Curriculum; Boris
Apanasov, Mathematics; Patricia Daugherty, Marketing; Frank Lawler, Family
Practice, HSC-Oklahoma City; Gerry Clancy, Dean of Medicine, Tulsa; Susan
Marcus Mendoza, Human Relations.
I. Adoption
of Compliance and Quality Improvement Program.
1.01 Purpose of the Program.
The University of Oklahoma
(the “University”) is committed to the highest standards of ethics, honesty,
and integrity and to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
The purpose goals of this Compliance and Quality Improvement
Program (the “Program”) is are to: call the attention of
persons associated with the University to some of the laws and regulations
applicable to academic institutions. The Program is intended to (a) promote
legal and ethical behavior in the academic context and (b) prevent and detect
violations of law. The Program is intended to provide for more effective and
efficient compliance efforts and oversight.
(a) protect research subjects, patients and
employees through more effective and efficient compliance efforts and
oversight; and (b) assist faculty and staff with the myriad of complicated laws
and regulations to which they are subject in a way that facilitates the
University’s critical missions. Training and education will be the key
mechanisms for achieving these goals.
Action by Board of Regents.
This Program was originally
adopted on the 30th day of January 2002 by resolution of the
University’s Board of Regents (the “Board”). It was revised on December 3,
Pre-existing Standards and Procedures.
In addition to this
document, the University has established and maintains various practices,
policies and procedures which that are incorporated into the
Program. This Program does not supercede or diminish any other policy or
program of the University that, in whole or in part, also addresses compliance
issues, unless such other policies or programs are inconsistent with this
Compliance with Other Laws.
University employees are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulation, whether or not specifically addressed in the Program. The standards of conduct set forth in this Program cannot cover every legal situation. It is the responsibility of each University employee to act honestly and with integrity in all dealings and to seek appropriate guidance when necessary.
Modification of the Program.
This Program, and any attachments hereto, will be periodically updated or otherwise modified by the Board as necessary. In addition to this document, the University will periodically distribute memoranda or other policies, which supplement the Program.
General Application.
This Program applies to all University colleges, departments and employees that: (i) submit claims for reimbursement of medical services; (ii) perform human and/or animal research; and/or (iii) handle or work with or around hazardous and/or radioactive materials.
II. Duties
of University Leadership.
Board of Regents.
The Board has the responsibility for (a) implementing; and (b) overseeing the Program and related compliance activities. Functions of the Board will include, but not be limited to the following:
for the University to implement the Program.
of the structure for management oversight and reporting of compliance
of periodic reports concerning the Program and compliance activities.
of any special reports on any compliance activity.
University Officers and Other Management Personnel.
The Director of Compliance
must have the support of all University officers, Department chairs and other
management personnel to effectively implement and manage the Program. Employees
in leadership positions must pay special attention to the laws and regulations
applicable to his/her college or department and should bring areas of concern
to the attention of the Director of Compliance.
III. Office
of Compliance.
General Purpose.
The University’s Office of Compliance, under the direction of the Director of Compliance, is responsible for overseeing, monitoring, and assisting the University in its efforts to (i) raise awareness regarding legal and ethical issues; (ii) improve compliance training and quality improvement and review functions; and (iii) ensure adherence to the highest standards of conduct.
Specific Purpose.
In addition to the general purpose stated above, the Office of Compliance will coordinate the University’s efforts to:
a. Inform applicable University employees about
the Standards of Conduct and Improvement;
b. Implement and conduct training programs where needed, and/or monitor existing training programs;
c. Perform and/or arrange periodic compliance/quality improvement reviews;
d. Conduct investigations of compliance complaints in coordination with the applicable University department and/or officer;
e. Maintain a reporting and question hotline for compliance matters;
f. Serve as a resource to the University on matters of compliance;
g. Assist with the correction of compliance concerns; and
h. Draft and implement, in coordination with the applicable department, any necessary policies and procedures.
The Office of Compliance will report to the University’s General Counsel. However, the Director of Compliance may present compliance issues or concerns directly to the President of the University or the Board in the event the General Counsel does not respond to such issues or concerns in a timely manner.
IV. Director of Compliance
4.01 Appointment.
The Director of
Compliance will administer the Program will be overseen by a Director of
Compliance. The specific duties of the Director of Compliance are set forth
in Section 4.03.
4.02 Selection Criteria
The Director of
Compliance will administer oversee and monitor the University’s
compliance activities. The day-to-day decisions related to the Program will be
made by the Director of Compliance. The Director of Compliance will coordinate
the Program and identify and build on existing University policies and
procedures. The Director of Compliance should be an individual who has the
following characteristics:
a. High integrity and a thorough understanding of the operations of the University.
b. Effective analytical skills required to direct regulatory monitoring.
c. Effective public speaking skills and the ability to articulate complex regulatory information in understandable terms.
d. Effective interpersonal skills required to
work with University officers and employees as well as third party vendors
and government representatives.
e. Effective organizational and planning skills as well as the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
f. Effective writing skills.
g. Thorough understanding of the laws and regulations which apply to the areas covered by this Program, and the ability to identify the legal issues and refer them to the Office of Legal Counsel.
4.03 Responsibilities of the Director of Compliance.
It is the
responsibility of The Director of Compliance is responsible for to
ensuring that the Program is implemented and monitored. Coordination and
communication are key functions of the Director of Compliance. It is not the
duty of the Director of Compliance to perform all compliance related tasks.
Rather, the role of the Director of Compliance is to coordinate compliance
activities. The Director of Compliance will have authority to review documents
and records relevant to compliance activity. The duties of the Director of
Compliance will include, but not be limited to, the following activities:
a. Oversee implementation of the Program in all areas designated by the Board and President pursuant to the time line established in consultation with the General Counsel.
b. Work with University officers, Department chairs and employees to prevent, detect and respond appropriately to compliance issues.
c. Identify University functions and routine business practices and activities requiring compliance training and monitoring.
d. Establish procedures to make available the appropriate portions of this Program and any amendments thereto to all affected University employees.
e. Establish a reporting system with University employees who have compliance responsibilities.
f. Serve as a resource for the University on matters of Compliance.
g. Perform routine, periodic compliance reviews, or arrange for such reviews, of high-risk areas.
h. Monitor (in conjunction with the Office of Legal Counsel) developments and changes in statutes, court rulings, rules and regulations that affect compliance requirements, bring them to the attention of the appropriate officers and employees, and assist with remedial activities when appropriate.
i. Make recommendations, as needed, to University departments regarding their compliance efforts.
j. Implement systems to ensure that all University employees are adequately informed of their responsibilities under the Program.
k. Establish a 24-hour a day hotline through which University employees can make anonymous and confidential reports and inquiries about areas covered by this Program.
l. Maintain records related to the Program.
m. Review and periodically propose revisions to the Program to meet changes in the University’s needs and in the business and regulatory environment.
n. Submit periodic reports to the General Counsel and Advisory Committee regarding compliance activities.
o. Conduct investigations in coordination with the applicable department or University officer as needed and act on compliance related matters. The Director of Compliance will notify the appropriate University officer, in addition to the General Counsel, prior to initiating any investigation.
p. Monitor and respond to any questions, concerns and reports of possible violations reported through any means.
q. Hire or retain, with the approval of the General Counsel and President and in a manner that is consistent with University policies, any employees or independent contractors necessary to implement the Program and perform the compliance review and training functions.
V. Advisory Committee
Establishment of Committee
The members of the Advisory Committee will be: (i) the Senior Vice President and Provost – Norman Campus; (ii) the Senior Vice President and Provost – Health Sciences Center; (iii) the Vice President for Health Affairs and Associate Provost – Health Sciences Center; (iv) the Vice President for Research – Norman Campus; (v) the Vice President for Research – Health Sciences Center; (vi) the Associate Vice President for Clinical Research; (vii) the Vice Presidents for Administrative Affairs; and (viii) any other University employees designated from time to time by the General Counsel.
Purpose of Committee
The Advisory Committee will meet on a periodic basis to (i) provide advice and assistance to the Director of Compliance; (ii) discuss matters of policy applicable to the areas covered by the Program; and (iii) receive reports from the Director of Compliance regarding the activities of the Office of Compliance and developments regarding compliance issues.
VI. Standards of Conduct.
The Standards of Conduct
(“Standards”) are a non-exclusive compilation of guidelines regarding ethical
and legal standards that all University employees are expected to follow when
performing services for or on behalf of the University that are related to the
areas covered by this Program. The Standards will be made available to all
University employees in the Office of Compliance and on the University’s
website under the section dedicated to the Office of Compliance.
Hiring and Retention
The University will
not hire or retain as an employee, independent contractor or agent, a health
care professional it knows to have been convicted of a criminal offices related
to health care or who is debarred by the General Services Administration or is
excluded, or otherwise ineligible for participation in Federal Health Care
Programs. All health care professionals seeking employment and/or
credentials will be required to must provide information
concerning: (a) criminal convictions; (b) exclusions from any Federal Health
Care Program; and (c) sanctions by any Federal Health Care Program. Health
care professionals must notify the University of any changes in this
information. Each College providing health care services will do a
criminal background check prior to a decision to offer employment or
credentials to a health care professional. When credentialing physicians, the
College of Medicine, Oklahoma City and Tulsa, will consult with the National
Practitioner Data Bank as well.
Coding and Billing Standards and Procedures.
6.03.1 Billing in General.
Honesty and accuracy in
billing and in the making of claims for payment by a Federal Health Care
Program, or payment by any third party payer, is vital. Each health care
professional employed by the University is expected to monitor compliance with
applicable billing rules. No University employee shall submit, authorize or
sign a false claim for reimbursement in violation of applicable laws and
regulations. Claims for the provision of services and/or supplies should only
be submitted by the University department or college that generated the charges
unless an alternative billing arrangement has been approved by the Director
of Compliance and the Vice President for Health Affairs and Associate Provost –
Health Sciences Center.
6.03.2 Billing
and Coding Specifics.
University employed health care professionals will refrain from any of the following practices and work to identify and correct instances in which mistakes have occurred in the following areas:
A. Billing for items or services not rendered or not provided as claimed;
B. Submitting claims for equipment, medical supplies and services that are not reasonable and necessary;
C. Double billing resulting in duplicate payment;
D. Billing for non-covered services as if covered;
E. Knowingly misusing provider identification numbers, resulting in improper billing;
F. Unbundling (billing for each component of the service instead of billing or using an all-inclusive code);
G. Failure to properly use coding modifiers;
H. Falsely indicating that a particular health care professional attended a procedure or that services were otherwise rendered in a manner they were not;
I. Clustering (billing all patients using a few middle levels of service codes, under the assumption that it will average out to the appropriate level of reimbursement);
J. Failing to refund credit balances; and
K. Upcoding the level of service provided.
6.03.3. Billing to Receive a Denial.
A University
department or college may bill Medicare in order to receive a denial for
services, but only if the denial is needed for reimbursement from a secondary
payer. The Medicare claim submission should indicate that the claim is being
submitted for the purpose of receiving a denial in order to bill a secondary
insurance carrier.
6.03.4. Waiver of Copayments and Deductibles.
University employed
health care professionals will not waive copayments or deductibles except to
the extent consistent with applicable laws, regulations and guidance issued by
the Office of Inspector General. Permissible waivers include, but are not
necessarily limited to, waiver based on indigency and contractual write-offs
and discounts.
6.03.3 Write-Offs.
University employed
health care professionals are not permitted to write –off charges for their
services, unless the write-off is consistent with applicable State and Federal
laws and regulations and any guidance issued by the DHHS Office of Inspector
General. Examples of impermissible write-offs include, but are not limited to,
(1) the routine waiver of co-payments and deductibles (or “insurance only”
arrangements) and (2) the provision of professional courtesies to referral
sources. Permissible waivers include, but are not limited to, waiver based on
indigency and contractual write-offs and discounts. Waivers of payment are
permitted in order preserve State and/or University assets.
6.03.5. Billing and Coding Queries.
Billing and coding
staff shall be able to communicate with and receive communications from
University employed healthcare professionals at all times. Billing and coding
staff will not submit claims for reimbursement until all coding questions have
been satisfactorily answered and appropriated documentation has been submitted
by the appropriate health care professional.
6.03.6. Use of Consultants.
From time to time, the
University may retain consultants to provide reimbursement and/or coding
assistance. Such consultants may not be paid on a percentage based upon the
increase in reimbursement to the University or one of its departments or
colleges (i.e., a contingent fee contract).
6.03.4. Documentation.
Claims for payment will be coded and billed based on the documentation contained in the patient’s medical record. University employed health care professionals will appropriately document the services and supplies provided to, or the diagnosis and treatment of, each patient and will complete medical records in a timely manner. Medical record documentation must be complete and legible.
6.04 Anti-Kickback Statute and
Self-Referral Proscriptions.
6.04.1 Anti-Kickback Statute.
No University
employee, department or college may pay or accept a payment or the
referral of a patient to induce the referral of a patient in
violation of the federal or state anti-kickback statutes. No one acting on
behalf of the University, or one of its departments or colleges, may offer
gifts of more than nominal value, loans, rebates, services, or payment of any
kind to a referral source or to a patient without consulting the director of
compliance. Gifts of nominal value (not to exceed $300 in a
calendar year) may be provided to a referral source if made without intent to
induce a referral.
6.04.2. Self-Referral Proscription.
No University employee
may have an ownership or compensation relationship that violates the
Physician Self-Referral Statute, more commonly known as “Stark II” prohibits
a physician’s referral of a patient for a designated health service to an
entity with which the physician has a financial relationship unless an
exception is met. Compensation and ownership relationships with physicians,
including physician employment and independent contractor arrangements, must
satisfy an exception to Stark II. Analysis of whether an exception is met
depends upon a number of specific facts. University employees should not make a
unilateral judgment on the availability of an exception. The responsibility for
evaluating the availability of an exception lies with the University’s Office
of Legal Counsel.
6.04.3. Physician Recruitment.
The recruitment and
retention of physicians require special care to comply with applicable laws and
regulations. Each recruitment package or commitment must be in writing and
consistent with applicable laws and regulations. New or unique recruitment
arrangements must be reviewed by the Director of Compliance in consultation
with the University’s Office of Legal Counsel.
6.05 Gifts and Gratuities.
6.05.1. Gifts from Patients.
University employed
health care professionals are prohibited from soliciting tips, personal
gratuities or gifts from patients and from accepting monetary tips or
gratuities. Health care professional may accept non-monetary gratuities and
gifts of nominal value from patients. If a patient or another individual
wishes to present a monetary gift, he/she should be referred to the University
Development Office. When an employee receives a gift that violates this policy,
the gift should be returned to the donor and reported to the Director of
6.05.2. Gifts Influencing Decision-Making.
University employed
health care professionals shall not accept gifts, favors, services,
entertainment or other things of value to the extent that decision-making or
actions affecting such employee may be influenced. Gifts may be received by
University employed health care professionals Employees may accept gifts
when they are of such limited value that they could not reasonably be
perceived as an attempt to affect the judgment of the recipient. For
example, token promotional gratuities from suppliers, such as advertising
novelties and food are not prohibited under this policy. The offer or giving of
money, services or other things of value with the expectation of influencing
the judgment or decision making process of any purchaser, supplier, customer,
government official or other individual by University employee, department or
college is prohibited.
6.05.3. Gifts to Referral Sources.
Gifts of nominal value
may be provided to a referral source if made without intent to induce a
referral. If a gift is to be made to a referral source which will result in
that individual receiving gifts valuing over $300.00 in a calendar year, that
gift must be approved in advance by the Director of Compliance. Cash gifts to
referral sources are prohibited. Non-cash gifts are permissible only if made
without regard to the volume of business received from the referral source.
6.06 Unlawful Advertising.
Neither the
University, one of its departments or colleges of an employed health care
professional will use the names, abbreviations, symbols, or emblems of the
Social Security Administration, Center for Medicare Services (formerly the
Health Care Financing Administration), Department of Health and Human Services,
Medicare, Medicaid, or any combination or variation of such words,
abbreviations, symbols or emblems in a manner that conveys the false impression
that the advertised item or service is endorsed by such government agencies.
6.07 Confidentiality of Patient
All University employees
have an obligation to protect the conduct themselves in accordance
with the principle of maintaining the confidentiality of individually
identifiable health information in accordance with the HIPAA Privacy
Regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations and to adhere to the
University’s policies and procedures implementing such laws and regulations.
6.08 Environmental Health and
Safety/Radiation Safety
6.08.1. Workplace Health and Safety.
The University is
committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for the entire University
community and to complying with all applicable Federal and State laws and
regulations pertaining to occupational, environmental, and radiation health and
safety wants all employees to work in a safe environment. All
University employees must perform their jobs in compliance with all applicable laws
and institutional policies and State and Federal laws and regulations
relating to the protection of workers’ safety. In addition, all
employees must ensure that they have received all required safety training and
have been authorized to perform a job before undertaking it. Employees
must become familiar with the worker safety laws and regulations which apply to
their jobs. Employees should seek advice regarding workplace safety and
compliance issues from their supervisors or the Environmental Health and Safety
Office or the Radiation Safety Office. Each employee is responsible for
advising the employee’s supervisor or the Environmental Health and Safety
Office or the Radiation Safety Office of any serious situation
presenting a danger of exposure or injury so that timely corrective
action may be taken.
6.08.2 Use of Radioactive and Biological
No use of radioactive
materials or radiation producing devices is permitted without the permission of
one of the University’s Radiation Safety Committees (“RSC”). No use of
microorganisms, recombinant DNA or biological toxins is permitted without first
obtaining the approval of one of the University’s Institutional Biosafety
Committees (“IBC”), if such approval is required by University policies.
Employees must comply with all applicable RSC and IBC policies, procedures,
decisions, conditions and requirements.
6.08.3 Protection
of the Work Environment.
All University employees
must manage and dispose of hazardous chemical, radioactive, and other wastes in
a way that maximizes protection of human health and the work environment and is
in accordance with all applicable local, State and Federal laws
and institutional policies regulations. All employees must be
trained to perform their duties and conduct their activities in an
environmentally responsible manner in accordance with applicable University
Standards Relating to Research.
6.09.1 Protection of Human and Animal Subjects.
University is committed to dealing ethically with the human and animal subjects
participating in research projects conducted by faculty, staff and students and
research involving University property. Employees involved in human subject or
animal research must comply with all federal and state statutes and regulations
for research and must adhere to all University policies and procedures
regarding research.
6.09.1 Protection of
Human Subjects. In order to protect
human subjects, each investigator must:
a. Design and implement ethical research
consistent with the three ethical principles delineated in The Belmont Report. The three principles are: justice,
beneficence and respect for persons.
b. Comply with all applicable Federal
regulations impacting the protection of human subjects (e.g., 45 C.F.R. § 46
and 21 C.F.R. § 50 and 56).
c. Ensure that all research involving
human subjects is submitted to and approved by one of the University’s
institutional review boards (“IRB”) prior to subject recruitment and data
collection, as required by the policies and procedures of the IRB of the
respective campus.
d. Comply with all applicable IRB
policies, procedures, decisions, conditions and requirements.
e. Implement research as approved by the
IRB and obtain prior IRB approval for
any changes to the research protocol prior to implementation.
f. Obtain informed consent and assent in
accord with Federal regulations and as approved by the IRB.
g. Document informed consent and assent in
accord with Federal regulations and as approved by the IRB.
h. Report progress of approved research to
the IRB, as often and in the manner prescribed by the IRB.
i. Report to the IRB any injuries,
adverse events/effects, or other unanticipated problems involving risks to
subjects or others.
j. Retain signed consent documents and
IRB research records for at least three years past completion of the research
6.09.2 Protection of Animal Subjects. In order to protect animal subjects, each
investigator must:
a. Comply with all applicable Federal laws
and regulations impacting the protection of animal subjects (e.g., the Animal
Welfare Act and the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals).
b. Ensure that all research involving
animal subjects is submitted to and approved by one of the University’s
institutional animal care and use committees (“IACUC”).
c. Comply with all applicable IACUC
policies, procedures, decisions, conditions and requirements.
d. Implement research as approved by the
IACUC and obtain prior IACUC approval for any changes to the research protocol.
e. Choose a species for study that is well
suited for investigation of the issues posed.
f. Use the smallest number of animals
necessary and sufficient to accomplish the research goals.
g. If procedures used in research or
teaching involve exposure to painful, stressful or noxious stimuli, consider
whether the knowledge that may be gained is justified.
h. Use only reputable suppliers for the
procurement of animals.
i. Ensure
that caging conditions and husbandry practices meet applicable standards.
j. Dispose of animals in accordance with
applicable laws and standards.
6.09.3 Scientific Misconduct.
The University will not
tolerate scientific misconduct which that includes, but is not
limited to: (i) plagiarism; (ii) falsification; (iii) fabrication; and (iv)
other unethical scientific practices. Scientific misconduct is further defined
in and governed by other University policies.
6.09.4. Research Financial Issues.
Research costs and budgets must be prepared and submitted accurately and in accordance with (i) generally accepted accounting principles; (ii) OMB Circular A-21; and/or (iii) the terms set forth in an industry-sponsored or government grant or contract, whichever is applicable, in addition to applicable statutes and regulations. Financial conflicts of interest will be reported in accordance with University policy.
Administration of the Program.
7.01 Adherence to the Program.
It is intended that all University employees subject to this Program carry out their duties for the University in a manner that is consistent with this Program. Conduct that does not comply with the Program (i) is not authorized by the University; and (ii) may subject the employee to corrective action pursuant to Section 7.03. Such corrective actions also may apply to an employee’s supervisor or department chair, as applicable, who (i) directs or approves the employee’s improper actions; (ii) is aware of the improper actions, but does not appropriately correct such actions; or (iii) otherwise fails to exercise appropriate supervision.
7.02 Questions About the Program.
If any question arises as to (i) the existence of, interpretation of or application of any law or regulation which applies to an area or matter that is covered by this Program; or (ii) whether any action complies with the Program, a University employee should present that question to such employee’s immediate supervisor. If the question cannot be addressed in that manner because the supervisor is absent, does not know the answer or does not respond in a timely manner, or is suspected of being involved in or condoning the activity, the question should be addressed to the Director of Compliance. Legal issues should be referred to the Office of Legal Counsel. The University encourages employees not to guess, but to ask for clarification from the Director of Compliance if there is confusion or a question with regard to the Program, the law, or a policy or procedure.
7.03 Corrective Action.
The Program includes the possibility of corrective action for University employees who have failed to comply with (i) the Program; (ii) other University policies and procedures; and (iii) applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Corrective action also may be appropriate where an employee should have, but failed, to detect a violation. Any violation of applicable Federal or State laws or regulations or deviation from the appropriate standards of conduct as set forth in this Program will subject an employee to corrective action, which may include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
1. Mandatory training;
2. Counseling session;
3. Corrective action;
4. Required leave;
5. Reduction in salary;
6. Demotion;
7. Suspension;
8. Abrogation of tenure;
9. Suspension of billing privileges, if a health care provider; and/or
10. Termination of employment or contractual relationship.
For more information
regarding corrective action, see Section 3.2 of the Faculty Policies and
Information contained in the Faculty Handbook.
7.04 Exit Interviews.
The University shall
attempt to conduct an exit interview for all employees performing services for
the University that are covered by this Program who terminate employment for
any reason using the exit interview form attached hereto as Exhibit B. The
employee’s supervisor should notify Human Resources when an employee notifies
him/her of the employee’s termination. Upon receipt of such notice, Human
Resources should send the employee the Exit Interview Questionnaire attached
hereto as Exhibit B which should also be returned to Human Resources. Exit
interview forms which raise compliance issues should be copied and routed to
the Director of Compliance.
7.05 Self-Reporting.
To be effective, the Program depends to some extent upon self-reporting and acceptance of responsibility by University employees who may have made mistakes out of lack of knowledge or inattention. To the extent a University employee self-reports a potential wrongdoing, both the self-reporting and the acceptance of responsibility will be taken into account by the University as a mitigating factor in determining the form of action taken. University employees can use the Hotline described in Section 10.02.4 of this Program to self-report or they may contact the Director of Compliance directly.
VIII. Training and Education.
8.01 Generally
Education and training is
a critical part of the Program and is the primary mechanism for preventing
and correcting compliance issues. Education and training will involve not
only new employees, but all existing employees as needed. The University will
require participation by all employees in appropriate training programs.
University officers, department chairs and other management personnel will be
involved in the educational process by assisting in (i) identifying
areas that require training; and (ii) a Training Program relating to the
areas covered by this Program will be developed and incorporated into this
Program by reference the training process. The Director of
Compliance will be actively involved in the design and implementation of
training and educational programs.
8.02 Mandatory Training.
An employee’s failure to attend a mandatory training session will subject that employee to corrective action as discussed in Section 7.03 above. The supervisor or management employee responsible for conducting the training will maintain attendance records and will forward copies of such records to the Director of Compliance.
8.03 Dissemination of Information.
Upon the adoption of
this Program by the Board, The University will distribute to employees: (i)
a letter from the University’s President discussing the University support of
the Program; and (ii) the Standards of Conduct summarizing the Program. From
that point forward, Human Resources will help coordinate the
distribution of the Standards of Conduct to new and existing employees. and
the affected Departments will provide a copy of the President’s letter and the
Standard’s of Conduct to persons at the same time an offer of employment is
made and such individuals will be required to Employees will be
required, as a condition of employment, to acknowledge receipt of the Standards
of Conduct by executing a Certification and Agreement of Compliance
as attached hereto as Exhibit C B as a condition of employment.
On at least an annual basis, employees will be reminded of their obligations
under this Program and their duty to report suspected violations of the Program
and applicable statutes and regulations through a written or electronic
communication from the Office of Compliance.
IX. Monitoring and Compliance Review.
9.01 Generally.
Regular monitoring and review of compliance activities is a feature of the Program. There will be regular reporting to University management, the President and the General Counsel.
9.02 Monitoring Techniques.
The University will utilize regular and periodic compliance reviews. The compliance reviews will focus on those areas within the University which have substantive exposure and which otherwise put the University at risk. If it is determined that any error or deviation is caused by improper procedures, misunderstanding of the rules, including fraud or other systematic problems, the Director of Compliance, in consultation with the General Counsel should take immediate steps to correct the problem. To the extent that monitoring and auditing discloses that variations or deviations were not detected in a timely manner due to deficiencies in the Program, the Program will be modified.
Monitoring techniques can take a variety of forms, including, but not limited to: (i) onsite visits; (ii) document reviews; (iii) personal interviews. The Director of Compliance will have access to (i) any pertinent records and (ii) relevant personnel. Cooperation with the Director of Compliance is mandatory.
9.03 Advice from the Government and its
To the extent the University requests advice, or receives advice, from the government or its agents, the University will document and retain a record of such request and response or unsolicited advice received. Each employee receiving such advice will be responsible for providing a copy of the advice, if written, or a memorandum describing the advice, if oral, to the Director of Compliance. Every effort should be made to obtain such advice in written form. The Director of Compliance will maintain a log of advice received.
X. Response and Prevention.
10.01 Reports of Wrongdoing.
All University employees have a duty under this Program to report possible wrongdoing or suspected violations of applicable federal and state laws and regulations. The University has an open door policy available to all employees acting in good faith to encourage communication, dialogue and the reporting of incidents of potential wrongdoing or suspected violations. A “suspected violation” occurs when an employee has reasonable cause to believe that a violation of a law regulation applicable to an area covered by this Program, or a violation of this Program, has occurred or will occur. The University will not retaliate or discriminate against any employee who makes a good faith report of a suspected violation regarding the observed conduct or actions by another person by reason of such a report being made. While the University will strive to maintain the confidentiality of an employee’s identity, it may become necessary for such employee’s identity to become known or revealed during the investigation process. It will be a violation of this Program to make a report of a suspected violation which is knowingly false.
The reporting methods set forth below apply to reports of suspected violations of law which apply to areas and matters covered by this Program or to suspected violations of this Program. Other issues should be reported through the University’s normal reporting structure.
10.02 Methods of Reporting.
10.02.1 Immediate Supervisor.
The first option for reporting suspected violations of law is to make the report to the employee’s immediate supervisor who can in turn, work with the Director of Compliance to investigate and rectify any problems. If reporting to the supervisor is inappropriate because the supervisor is absent, does no know the answer or does not respond in a timely manner, or because the supervisor is suspected of condoning the activity, reports can be made pursuant to one of the other options set forth below.
10.02.2 Director of Compliance.
The University desires to establish an open line of communication between all employees and the Director of Compliance to provide for the successful implementation and operation of the Program. The Director of Compliance can be reached by telephone at (405) 271-2511 or during ordinary office hours in Room 175D of the Bird Library. A message may also be sent to the Director of Compliance via regular or electronic mail.
10.02.3 Hotline.
If an employee wishes to remain anonymous while reporting potential wrongdoing, an employee may call the Helpline, which will be available 24 hours a day, at (405) 271-2223 or toll free at (866) 836-3150. The call will not be traced and the person need not give his/her name.
10.03 Responding to Reports.
When a report of a suspected violation is received on a matter that does not concern compliance issues, that report will be referred to the appropriate University department. Whenever the Director of Compliance receives a report of a suspected violation, from any source, which allegation may reasonably constitute a criminal or civil offense, the Director of Compliance will promptly conduct a preliminary review of such allegation. Advice from the Office of Legal Counsel may be sought to determine the seriousness of the allegation. The preliminary review should be completed within a reasonable time of the receipt of the report. If the Director of Compliance reasonably determines that it is necessary to conduct an internal investigation of the alleged misconduct, the Director of Compliance will conduct such an internal investigation in coordination with the applicable Department or University officer. The Director of Compliance will notify the appropriate University officer, in addition to the General Counsel, prior to initiating any investigation. The internal investigation should be completed within a reasonable time of the initial report. When circumstances so require, the Director of Compliance will proceed more quickly than the time standards set forth herein or authorize additional time to complete the investigations. All internal investigations and their results will be reported to the General Counsel.
Employees under investigation may be removed from their current work activity and put on administrative leave pending completion of an investigation or preliminary review upon action of the Director of Compliance or the General Counsel, to the extent permitted by applicable University policies and procedures.
The Director of Compliance should take appropriate steps to secure or prevent the destruction of documents and other evidence relevant to the investigation. Advice from the Office of Legal Counsel regarding any such investigation may be obtained if necessary. Once an investigation is completed, if corrective action is warranted, it should be immediate and imposed in accordance with the University’s Employee and Faculty Handbooks.
Investigative and Audit Response Guidelines
As government and public scrutiny increases regarding the areas addressed by the University’s Compliance and Quality Improvement Program, the possibility of a government investigator or auditor contacting a University employee at his/her home or place of work increases. The University encourages each employee contacted by a government investigator or auditor to cooperate fully and appropriately. If you receive such a visit or are contacted, you should follow the following steps:
1. Ask the investigator or auditor for identification and check it.
2. Tell the investigator or auditor it is the University’s policy that you make two calls first.
1. Call your supervisor. You may ask the investigator or auditor to talk to your supervisor.
2. Call the Director of Compliance at (405) 271-2511 or the Office of General Counsel at (405) 325-4124. You may ask the investigator or auditor to talk with the Director of Compliance or the General Counsel.
3. You do not have to talk to the investigator or auditor if you do not want. The University is not instructing you not to talk to the investigator or auditor; however, you are not under any obligation to talk to them. Until it is determined who or what is the subject of the investigation or audit, as a matter of sound advice, it is usually not in an employee’s best interest to talk with an investigator or auditor without an attorney present. Simply tell the investigator or auditor that you want the interview to be terminated until an attorney is present.
4. You are not authorized to give University documents (including documents you may be prepared at work) to the government. Any request for documents should be reported to the Office of Legal Counsel.
5. Search Warrants: If a government investigator presents a search warrant, you must allow the search to occur. However, you should follow the steps outlined above. In order to protect the University’s interests, it is crucial that your supervisor and the Office of Legal Counsel are notified immediately. Further, before any search occurs, ask the investigator to make a copy of the search warrant. Make a log of all documents taken and attempt to obtain the investigator’s permission to copy the documents prior to their removal.
6. Subpoenas: If an investigator presents a subpoena for documents, you do not have to provide the documents immediately. Give the subpoena to your supervisor who will coordinate with the Office of Legal Counsel regarding the appropriate response to the subpoena.
and Department:
of Employment:
1. During the course of your employment, did
you become aware of, or did you observe, any conduct or activity that could be
considered questionable, unethical, or illegal regarding matters covered by the
Compliance and Quality Improvement Program?
Yes No
“yes” please describe.
2. If you answered “yes” to Question 1, did you
notify your supervisor, the compliance officer, or any other individual about
your concerns and observations?
“yes”, please explain, and be as specific as possible when you reference persons,
dates, locations, and outcomes.
I certify that I have received and have read a copy of the University of Oklahoma’s Standards of Conduct and that I fully understand the requirements set forth in that document. I certify that I will act in full accordance with all policies of the University including the University’s Compliance and Quality Improvement Program (“Program”). Such policies include the University’s commitment to adhere to all applicable statutes and regulations. I understand that I will be subject to disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination, for violating such policies, the Standards of Conduct or the Program for failing to report violations as required by the Program.
Standards of Conduct
University of Oklahoma
Attention: All
University employees are required to read this policy and return the completed
Certification and Agreement of Compliance form located on the last page of this
booklet. Failure to complete this requirement in a timely manner may result in
disciplinary action. (August December 2002)
From the President
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As you know, the University of Oklahoma has enjoyed unprecedented
growth in our clinical and research endeavors in recent years. The
University continued its chain of record-breaking years in research and funding
for externally sponsored programs in Fiscal Year 2002, closing out the year at
almost $183 million, $23 million above last year’s record high. In Fiscal Year 2001, scientists at the
Health Sciences Center secured $41.6 million in federal funding, an increase of
$8.5 million from Fiscal Year 2000. Researchers on the Norman campus secured
$65 million in total research awards in Fiscal Year 2001, which was an amazing
41.8 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2000. OU Physicians' net collections
hit a record high of nearly over
$80 million in Fiscal Year 20012, which is almost double what
collections were only seven eight years ago.
As we all know, we are working in an increasingly complex legal
environment and our continued growth increases the number of federal and state
requirements with which we must comply. To promote the highest legal and
ethical standards within the University to ensure that we meet or exceed the
federal and state requirements, we have begun to implement a comprehensive,
integrated Compliance and Quality Improvement Program that was adopted by the
Board of Regents on January 30, 2002. The adoption of the program is a
proactive step by the University to respond to the complex legal environment in
the areas of (a) clinical billing and coding; (b) all types of research; and
(c) environmental and radiation safety. The program is intended to promote
legal and ethical behavior through education and training and prevent and
detect weaknesses in our compliance systems.
The program sets forth Standards of Conduct,
which are a non-exclusive compilation of guidelines regarding ethical and legal
standards that all University employees are expected to follow when performing
services for or on behalf of the University that are related to the areas
covered by the program. A complete copy of the program is posted on the Office
of Compliance’s webpage at
In our continuing effort to enhance our compliance effort, we have
taken many steps, including the retention of a full-time compliance officer,
Cori H. Loomis, who can be contacted at (405) 271-2511. Loomis is overseeing
the implementation of the program and will be available to answer
compliance-related questions, provide education, and respond to compliance
The success of the program
depends on the cooperation of all University employees. All of us must take the
initiative to review the standards, to develop an understanding of the
obligations applicable to his or her job duties, and to actively participate in
the compliance training programs that are offered. We must all do our part by
reporting any suspected violations of the law or the program pursuant to the
reporting mechanisms set forth in the program, which includes a 24-hour
hotline. Anonymous messages regarding compliance issues can be left on the
hotline by calling (405) 271-2223 or toll free 1- 866-836-3150.
Ethical conduct and compliance are the responsibility of all of us.
It is important that we all participate. I appreciate your help as we continue
our remarkable success.
L. Boren
The University is committed to the highest standards of
ethics and to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. To promote
legal and ethical behavior and to prevent and detect violations of law, the
Board of Regents approved the adoption of the Compliance and Quality Improvement
Program. The goals of the Program
are to: (1)
protect research subjects, patients and employees; and (2) assist faculty and staff with the myriad of
complicated laws and regulations to which they are subject in a way that
facilitates the University’s critical missions. Training and education will be the key mechanisms for achieving
these goals.
The program includes Standards
of Conduct, set forth below, which are a non-exclusive compilation of
guidelines regarding ethical and legal standards that all University employees
are expected to follow when performing services for or on behalf of the
University that are related to the areas covered by the program. A complete
copy of the program is posted on the University’s Web site at:
In addition to the Standards, this booklet
includes general information about the program in order to educate employees
about their responsibilities.
4. 2. Standards Relating to Research
Protection of Human and Animal
Subjects. The University is committed to dealing ethically with
the human and animal subjects participating in research projects conducted by
faculty, staff and students and research involving University property.
Employees involved in human subject or animal research must comply with all federal
and state statutes and regulations for research and must adhere to all
University policies and procedures regarding research.
Protection of Human Subjects. In order to protect human subjects, each
investigator must:
a. Design and implement ethical research consistent with the
three ethical principles delineated in The Belmont Report. The three principles are: justice,
beneficence and respect for persons.
b. Comply
with all applicable Federal regulations impacting the protection of human
subjects (e.g., 45 C.F.R. § 46 and 21 C.F.R. § 50 and 56).
c. Ensure that all
research involving human subjects is submitted to and approved by one of the
University’s institutional review boards (“IRB”).
d. Comply with all applicable IRB policies, procedures, decisions,
conditions and requirements.
e. Implement
research as approved by the IRB and obtain prior IRB approval for any changes
to the research protocol.
f. Obtain informed consent and assent in accord with Federal
regulations and as approved by the IRB.
g. Document informed consent and assent in accord with Federal
regulations and as approved by the IRB.
h. Report progress of approved research to the IRB, as often
and in the manner prescribed by the IRB.
i. Report to the IRB any injuries, adverse events, or other
unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others.
j. Retain signed consent documents and IRB research records
for at least three years past completion of the research activity.
Protection of Animal
Subjects. In order to protect animal
subjects, each investigator must:
a. Comply
with all applicable Federal laws and regulations impacting the protection of
animal subjects (e.g., the Animal Welfare Act and the Public Health Service
Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals).
b. Ensure that all research involving animal subjects is
submitted to and approved by one of the University’s institutional animal care
and use committees (“IACUC”).
c. Comply with all applicable IACUC policies, procedures,
decisions, conditions and requirements.
d. Implement
research as approved by the IACUC and obtain prior IACUC approval for any
changes to the research protocol.
e. Choose
a species for study that is well suited for investigation of the issues posed.
f. Use
the smallest number of animals necessary and sufficient to accomplish the
research goals.
g. If
procedures used in research or teaching involve exposure to painful, stressful
or noxious stimuli, consider whether the knowledge that may be gained is
h. Use
only reputable suppliers for the procurement of animals.
i. Ensure
that caging conditions and husbandry practices meet applicable standards.
j. Dispose
of animals in accordance with applicable laws and standards.
Scientific Misconduct. The University will not
tolerate scientific misconduct which that includes, but is not
limited to: (i) plagiarism; (ii) falsification; (iii) fabrication; and (iv)
other unethical scientific practices. Scientific misconduct is further defined
in and governed by other University policies.
Research Financial Issues. Research costs and
budgets must be prepared and submitted accurately and in accordance with (i)
generally accepted accounting principles, (ii) OMB Circular A-21 and/or
(iii) the terms set forth in an industry-sponsored or government grant or contract,
whichever is applicable, in addition to applicable statutes and regulations.
Financial conflicts of interest will be reported in accordance with University
Standards Relating to Health Care Activities
Hiring and Retention. The University will not
hire or retain as an employee, independent contractor or agent convicted of a
criminal offense related to health care, or who is debarred by the General
Services Administration or is excluded, or otherwise ineligible for
participation in Federal Health Care Programs. All health care
professionals seeking employment and/or credentials will be required to must
provide information concerning: (a) criminal convictions; (b) exclusions
from any Federal Health Care Program; and (c) sanctions by any Federal Health
Care Program. Health care
professionals must notify the University of any changes in this
information. Each college
providing health care services will do a criminal background check in
accordance with University procedures and applicable laws, an OIG Cumulative
Sanctions check and a reference check prior to offering employment or
credentials. When credentialing physicians, the College of Medicine, Oklahoma
City and Tulsa, will consult the National Practitioner Data Bank as well.
Billing in General. Honesty and accuracy is vital
in billing and in the submission of claims. No University employee shall
submit, authorize or sign a false claim for reimbursement in violation of
applicable laws and regulations. Claims for the provision of services and/or
supplies should only be submitted by the University department or college that
generated the charges unless an alternative billing arrangement has been
approved by the director of compliance and the vice president for health
affairs and associate provost - Health Sciences Center.
Billing and Coding - Specifics.
University-employed health care professionals will refrain from any of the
following practices and work to identify and correct instances in which
mistakes have occurred in the following areas:
Billing to Receive Denial. A
University department or college may bill Medicare in order to receive a denial
for services, but only if the denial is needed for reimbursement from a
secondary payer. The Medicare claim submission should indicate that the claim
is being submitted for the purpose of receiving a denial in order to bill a
secondary insurance carrier.
Waiver of Copayments and
Deductibles. Employees will not waive co-payments or deductibles except to the
extent consistent with applicable laws, regulations and guidance issued by the
Office of Inspector General. Permissible waivers can include indigency and
contractual write-offs and discounts.
Write-Offs. University employed health care
professionals are not permitted to write-off charges for their services, unless
the write-off is consistent with applicable State and Federal laws and
regulations and any guidance issued by the DHHS Office of Inspector
General. Examples of impermissible
write-offs include, but are not limited to: (1) the routine waiver of
co-payments and deductibles (or “insurance only” arrangements) and (2) the provision
of professional courtesies to referral sources. Permissible waivers include, but are not necessarily limited to,
waiver based on indigency and contractual write-offs and discounts. Waivers of payment are permitted in order to
preserve State and/or University assets.
Billing and Coding Queries.
Billing and coding staff will not submit claims for reimbursement until all
coding questions have been satisfactorily answered and appropriate
documentation has been submitted by the appropriate health care professional
Use of Consultants. The University
may retain consultants to provide reimbursement and/or coding assistance. Such
consultants may not be paid on a percentage of the increase in reimbursement to
the University or one of its departments or colleges (i.e., a contingent fee
Documentation. Claims for payment will must
be coded and billed based on the documentation contained in the patient’s
medical record. University-employed health care professionals will
appropriately document the services and supplies provided to, or the diagnosis
and treatment of, each patient and will complete medical records in a timely
manner. Medical record documentation must be complete and legible.
Anti-Kickback Statute. No University employee,
department or college may pay, or accept a payment, or the referral of a
patient to induce the referral of a patient in
violation of the federal or state anti-kickback statutes. No one acting on
behalf of the University, or one of its departments or colleges, may offer
gifts of more than nominal value, loans, rebates, services, or payment of any
kind to a referral source or to a patient without consulting the director of
compliance. Gifts of nominal
value (not to exceed $300 in a calendar year) may be provided to a referral
source if made without intent to induce a referral.
Self-Referral Proscription. No University
employee may have an ownership or compensation relationship that violates Tthe
Physician Self-Referral Statute, more commonly known as Stark II., prohibits
a physician’s referral of a patient to an entity with which the physician has a
financial relationship unless an exception is met. Compensation and
ownership relationships with physicians, including physician employment and
independent contractor arrangements, must satisfy an exception to Stark II. The
responsibility for evaluating the availability of an exception lies with the
University’s Office of Legal Counsel.
Physician Recruitment. The
recruitment and retention of physicians require special care to comply with
applicable laws and regulations. Each recruitment package or commitment must be
in writing and consistent with applicable laws and regulations. New or unique
recruitment arrangements must be reviewed by the director of compliance in
consultation with the University’s Office of Legal Counsel.
Gifts from Patients. Employees are prohibited
from soliciting tips, personal gratuities or gifts from patients and from
accepting monetary tips or gratuities. Employees may accept non-monetary
gratuities and gifts of nominal value from patients. If a patient or another
individual wishes to present a monetary gift, he or she should be referred to
the University Development Office. When an employee receives a gift that
violates this policy, the gift should be returned to the donor and reported to
the director of compliance.
Gifts Influencing Decision-Making. Employees
shall not accept gifts, favors, services, entertainment or other things of
value to the extent that decision-making or actions affecting such employee may
be influenced. Gifts may be received by employees Employees may accept gifts when they
are of such limited value that they could not reasonably be perceived as an
attempt to affect the judgment of the recipient. For example, token
promotional gratuities from suppliers, such as advertising novelties and food
are not prohibited under this policy. The offer or giving of money, services or
other things of value with the expectation of influencing the judgment or
decision making process of any purchaser, supplier, customer, government
official or other individual by an employee, department or college is
Gifts to Referral Sources.
Gifts of nominal value may be provided to a referral source if made without
intent to induce a referral. If a gift is to be made to a referral source which
will result in that individual receiving gifts valuing over $300 in a calendar
year, that gift must be approved in advance by the director of compliance. Cash
gifts to referral sources are prohibited. Non-cash gifts are permissible only
if made without regard to the volume of business received from the referral
Unlawful Advertising. The
names, abbreviations, symbols, or emblems of the Social Security
Administration, Center for Medicare Services (formerly the Health Care
Financing Administration), Department of Health and Human Services, Medicare,
Medicaid or any combination or variation of such words, abbreviations, symbols
or emblems in a manner that conveys the false impression that the advertised
item or service is endorsed by such government agencies.
Confidentiality of Patient Information. All
employees have an obligation to protect the conduct themselves in
accordance with the principle of maintaining the confidentiality of
individually identifiable health information in accordance with the HIPAA
Privacy Regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations and to adhere
to the University’s policies and procedures implementing such laws and
3. Standards Relating to
Environmental Health and Radiation Safety
Workplace Health and Safety. The University is
committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for the entire University
community and to complying with all applicable Federal and State laws and
regulations pertaining to occupational, environmental, and radiation health and
safety. wants all employees to work in a safe environment. All
employees must perform their jobs in compliance with all applicable laws and
institutional policies and state and federal laws and regulations. In
addition, all employees must ensure that they have received all required safety
training and have been authorized to perform a job before undertaking it. Employees
must become familiar with the worker safety laws and regulations which apply to
their jobs. Employees should seek advice regarding workplace safety and
compliance issues from their supervisors or the Environmental Health and Safety
Office or the Radiation Safety Office. Each employee is responsible for
advising his or her supervisor, the Environmental Health and Safety Office,
or the Radiation Safety Office of any situation that presents a danger of exposure
or injury so that timely corrective action may be taken.
Use of Radioactive and Biological Materials. No use of
radioactive materials or radiation producing devices is permitted without the
permission of one of the University’s Radiation Safety Committees (“RSC”). No use of microorganisms, recombinant DNA or
biological toxins is permitted without first obtaining the approval of one of
the University’s Institutional Biosafety Committees (“IBC”), if such approval
is required by University policies. Employees must comply with all applicable
RSC and IBC policies, procedures, decisions, conditions and requirements.
Protection of the Work Environment. All
University employees must manage and dispose of hazardous chemical,
radioactive, and other wastes in a way that maximizes protection of human
health and the work environment and is in accordance with all applicable local,
state and federal laws and institutional policies regulations.
All employees must be trained to perform their duties and conduct their
activities in an environmentally responsible manner in accordance with
applicable University policies.
5. Reports of Wrongdoing
All University employees have a duty to report
possible wrongdoing or suspected violations of applicable Federal and State
laws and regulations. The University will not retaliate or discriminate against
any employee who makes a good faith report of a suspected violation regarding
the observed conduct or actions by another person. It will be a violation of
this program to make a report of a suspected violation that is knowingly false.
Reports of suspected violations can be made to an
employee’s immediate supervisor, directly to the University’s Director of
Compliance or by using the University’s Hotline which is available 24 hours a
day. The Hotline number is (405) 271-2223 or toll free 1-866-836-3150. The call
will not be traced and the person need not give his or her name. The Hotline only should be used for
raising issues regarding one of the areas covered by the Program.
6. Audits and Investigations
In today’s legal and regulatory environment it is
reasonable to anticipate that various government agencies will audit and
investigate from time to time. If a University employee is contacted by a
government investigator or auditor, the employee should fully and appropriately
cooperate and may seek guidance regarding the appropriate response by
consulting The Employee Investigative and
Audit Response Guidelines which are attached to the program and which are
separately available on the Web site of the Office of Compliance at
7. Conclusion
If you have any questions about the standards or the program, please
contact Cori Loomis, Director of Compliance at (405) 271-2511 or
Standards of Conduct
University of Oklahoma
and Agreement of Compliance
I certify that I have received and have read a copy of the
University of Oklahoma’s Standards of Conduct and that I fully understand the
requirements set forth in that document. I certify that I shall act in full
accordance with all policies of the University including the University’s
Compliance and Quality Improvement Program, as amended and revised from time to
time. Such policies include the University’s commitment to adhere to all
applicable statutes and regulations. I understand that I will be subject to
disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination, for violating
such policies, the Standards of Conduct or the program or for failing to report
violations as required by the program.
NOTE: You may submit this certification electronically
via the web ( or return this form through campus mail
to your local human resources department. Local campus mailing addresses are
listed below.
signature / date: |
name: |
ssn / id number: |
department / address / phone: |
Norman Campus: Office of Human Resources - Training and Development - NEL 258 - (405) 325 - 3706
Health Sciences Center Campus:
Tulsa Campus: