Committee/Council Name: Research Council (Norman)


Charge & Purpose: The Research Council is charged with the promotion and development of research and creative activity throughout the University community.

1.  The Council will serve as advisor to the President, Provost, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, as well as the Faculty Senate in matters regarding research.

2.  The primary function of the Council is to evaluate internal proposals requesting university funds for the support of research and creative activities and to make recommendations concerning the awarding of research professorships.

3.  The Research Council should undertake other activities it considers appropriate to foster and promote the research and creative functions of the faculty and students of the University of Oklahoma.


Committee Membership: The Research Council (Norman) shall consist of 15 members apportioned in the following manner:


13 Faculty Members

Faculty Senate appoints 9
President appoints 4

3 years (1/3 to retire
each year)

VP for Research and Dean of the Graduate College

Ex-officio, non-voting


Associate Dean for Research, Graduate College
Director, Office of Research Services and/or Center for Research Program Development and Enrichment

Ex-officio, non-voting



Staff Services: Provided by the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College.


Individuals recommended for Council membership should be tenured and currently active in either research, scholarship, or creative activities.  Any unit that has its own tenure line is eligible to nominate someone whose discipline matches the call for a disciplinary area listed as having vacancies.  If a member of the Council is nominated for a research professorship considered by the Research Council, the member must either have his/her name withdrawn from nomination or resign from the Council for the remainder of his/her term.  The above representation will be reviewed by the Council every 3 years.


Appointments to the Council should provide a balanced representation across the University by including two members in each of the following six areas:

a. Engineering (2 members):  including all units within the College of Engineering.

b. Physical Sciences (2 members): including Chemistry, Geology and Geophysics, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy, and Meteorology.

c. Social Sciences and Education (2 members): including Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Geography, Health & Exercise Science, Human Relations, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, and College of Education.

d. Biological Sciences (2 members): including Biological Station, Biological Survey, Botany & Microbiology, and Zoology.

e. Humanities (2 members): including Classics, English, History, History of Science, Modern Languages, and Philosophy.

f. Other (2 members): including College of Business, College of Journalism, Library & Information Studies, College of Architecture, and University Libraries.

g. Fine Arts (1 member):  including all units within the College of Fine Arts.


History of Committee: (Approved by the President of the University upon recommendation of the Faculty Senate and the University of Oklahoma Student Association December, 1972 and revised May 10,1974, June 28,1978 and July 2,1982. Restructured Spring 1991).